I will try my best to make this page as accurate as possible but any changes in assignments, due dates, or anything else reported in class will take precedence, whether they are reflected in these pages or not. Your responsibilities are as they are reported in class.

Spring, 2012      STA 665 - 001 Analysis of Categorical Data

Instructor: Dr. Mai Zhou

Office: MDS 343, Mailbox: MDS ??, Phone: 257-6912, E-mail: mai@ms.uky.edu,
Web page (this page): http://www.ms.uky.edu/~mai/sta665.html Office Hours: TBA or by appointment.

Class: TR 11:00 AM -- 12:15 PM at ( MDS 335 ).  Notice the location change. 

Final Exam: May 3, Thur. 1:00 PM -- 3:30 PM.

Textbook: A. Agresti (2002). Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd Edition. (older edition may be OK).

An article from NewYork Times: "The age of big data"



CBS 60 min: how statisticians find a fraud in cancer research
and related Details of statistical analysis.

HorseRacing Data (Excel File)  and some Notes on the analysis of the data

Optimal Investment

The following links may be useful:

Lecture notes on SIR

Splus code invreg,    R code SIR       and R package dr  in the CRAN.

Kaggle -where you can build a statistical model and win 3 million dollars    YahooResearch       

Regression Modeling Strategies (especially chapter 6)

Program related to HW2 courtesy of F Zhou

We shall cover Chapters 

Homework 55%
Final Exam/Project 45% Official Due time: May 3
Homework: there will be weekly/bi-weekly homework assignments. After each homework is assigned for at least 10 days, I will randomly select a student to present your solution to the class. So be sure to finish homework on time.