Error in the Digital computation

Usually a real number is converted to a discrete value and represent in the Computer.
The smallest increment usually is  2^(-64).
In most computations this should be close enough to a continuous real number, so that the rounding
error do not matter much.

In certain cases, however, when the error got magnified, then this will show a difference.

One example is:

1. Mathematically we have   y ( sqrt(x+1) - sqrt(x) )   is identical to   y / ( sqrt(x+1) + sqrt (x) )
    for any y and x.
2. But in R (or C or SAS or other languages) The two expression could yield different results:

Let  x= 500009999998
Let  y= 666666666666

3. Guess which expression give a value closer to the trueth ?  

We can determine which is closer to the trueth by using a calculation with  arbitrary presicion  (for example 128 bit, i.e.
with an error of  2^(-128) )

In R we can use the package    Rmpfr     after loading the package, we can define how many digits we want.