MA 113, Sections 9-12, Fall 2011

Instructor Info * Blog Info * Lecture and Recitation Times and Places * Course Information * Attendance Information

Information concerning sections 9-12 of MA 113 will be posted on this page.

All other information for MA 113 can be found on the MA 113 common web page.

In sections 9-12 we will follow the grading scheme described in the common syllabus, with no alterations.

Name: Benjamin Braun Email: benjamin.braun "at" uky "dot" edu.
Office: Room 831 in Patterson Office Tower Office Phone: 257-6810
Office hours:   MW 9AM, F 10AM, and by appointment. Homepage:

Blog: Ben's UK Math Blog

Time and Place of Lectures:

Classes meet MWF 12:00 - 12:50 PM in Chem/Phys Building Room 320.

Time and Place of Recitations:

Our class consists of four sections for recitations.

Section 009 meets TR 9:30-10:45AM in Whitehall Classroom Bldg Room 345. The teaching assistant is: Joseph Lindgren, joseph.lindgren "at" uky "dot" edu

Section 010 (MATH EXCEL) meets M 3:00-4:30PM in Whitehall Classroom Bldg Room 335 and TR 3:30-5:00PM in the Math House. The teaching assistant is: Dennis Moore, dkmoor5 "at" uky "dot" edu

Section 011 meets TR 11:00-12:15PM in Whitehall Classroom Bldg Room 247. The teaching assistant is: Joseph Lindgren, joseph.lindgren "at" uky "dot" edu

Section 012 meets TR 12:30-1:45PM in Whitehall Classroom Bldg Room 235. The teaching assistant is: Zachary Little, zachary.little "at" uky "dot" edu

Course Information: Information on MA 193:

In addition to the 4 hours of credit for MA 113, the department offers one additional hour of credit for MA 193 on a pass/fail basis. You will pass MA 193 if you have at most 2 unexcused absences during MA 113 recitations and you pass MA 113. If you fail MA 113 or have 3 or more unexcused absences you will fail MA 193. Your section number for MA 193 has to equal your section number for MA 113. That means, if you drop or change sections of MA 113, please make sure to also drop or change sections of MA 193!

Attendance and Classroom Behavior:

The teaching assistants will take attendance for recitations every time (see MA 193 information on the common web page). Keep in mind that not bringing the recitation worksheets to recitation classes results in an unexcused absence. Attendance in recitation is required for a passing grade for MA 193, and is strongly recommended for everybody. Recitations are the place where you have a chance to actively engage, work problems under guidance, seek assistance, and communicate with your peers and the instructor.

Attendance in lectures will be taken beginning September 2. Attendance will be taken randomly approximately 20 times during the semester. Your attendance score is based on the percentage of lectures you attend. You will receive full credit (40 points, see the common web page) if you have at most 2 unexcused absences.

All students are expected to follow the academic integrity standards as explained in the University Senate Rules, particularly Chapter 6, found at: this page. Turn off all cell phones, pagers, etc. prior to entering the classroom. You are not to use your cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices during class. An attitude of respect for and civility towards other students in the class and the instructor is expected at all times.