MCtools/latextools (April 11, 2009)   Open Execute Close  

>     restart;



>    ######MCtools

>    MCtools:= module()
local ver,MYMAGIC_,chkp,chkf;
export MCdefaults,addlink, addimg,addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink,archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes,
       brak,  CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2, GP3,
       hashang,  Header, htmltable, Line, Autoline,lineit,
       maketable, mctools, mcpiecewise,PCWSE, mcprint,  MM,
       PA, PARAMS, PC, PP,PT, RANDANS, roundto,roundit,
       show_answers, symbolize, tableit, tagit, vspace, hspace, zipit,filter7,       changepic,AKhint,stagit,ltagit,format,makeheader,savepic,vbutbox,tbuttons,`&=`,`&==`,assignvals,getparams,

options package;

ver := "4/11/2009":

#### RESET these variables
MYMAGIC_:="cda80d34-8ed1-4f74-952b-0c053bf263d6";   ##NOTE: Change this value to your guid before archiving.  

### ragit

ragit:= proc()
   global LATEX_:
   local ARGS,strg,a,b,storit:
   if nargs>0 and args[1]=Help then
mcprint("Use ragit for automated formating choices, in either latex or html.  Strings, expressions, and answer formats ac_, af_, ae_, ai_, an_, aw_, acew_, as_, and arq_ are used to form the questions.  Use brak() to give line breaks. By expressions we mean ordinary algebraic and functional expression together with Diff, Int, Pdiff, Lim, Mat, Det, Tab,ColVec, RowVec, Pnt, PCwise, Syseqn, Binomial, Product, Sum."); return NULL fi;
    if strg="" then ARGS:=ARGS,a:
              else strg:=[strg]: ARGS:=ARGS,strg,a; strg:="":
    for a in [args] do
      if type(a,string) then  
         if StringTools[Search]("lt_",a)=0 then
         else  storit(a);
      elif member(whattype(a),{float,symbol,algebraic,integer,fraction,numeric,function,`+`,`*`,`^`}) then
         if not member(op(0,a),{PLOT,_AC,_AB,_AN,_AS,_AX,_AF,AW_,_AI,_AL,_AR,_AT,_AE,_Ar,_ALlabels,_ABlabels,_ATcross,AKhint,_Aq}) then
           strg:=cat(strg,op([rlprint(a)])) else  storit(a) fi;
      elif type(a,`=`)  then
         if  member(lhs(a),{txtboxsize,precision,matsize,pretext,standards,hidden}) then
            storit(a) else strg:=cat(strg,rlprint(a)) fi
      elif whattype(a)=exprseq then
           for b in [a] do
           ARGS:=ARGS,b od:
       elif type(a,list) and nops(a)=1 and type(a[1],string) then
                if StringTools[Search](["_Brk_","\\Par"],op(a))<>0 then strg:=cat(strg,"\n",op(a))
                   else strg:=cat(strg,op(a))
       else  ARGS:=ARGS,a fi;

cnv := table([]);
cnv[leq] := ["\\leq ", " <= "];
cnv[lt] := [" < ", " < "];
cnv[geq] := ["\\geq ", " >= "];
cnv[gt] := [" > ", " > "];
cnv[neq] := ["\\neq ", " <> "];
cnv[xx]:=[" \\times "," xx "];
cnv[`-:`]:=[" \\div "," -: "];
cnv[cup]:=["\\cup "," uu "]:
cnv[cap]:=["\\cap "," nn "]:
cnv[sub]:=["\\subset "," sub "]:
cnv[elt]:=["\\in "," in "]:
cnv[`-=`]:=["\\equiv "," -= "]:
cnv[pm]:=["\\pm ","+-"]:
cnv[oint]:=["\\displaystyle\\oint"," oint"]:
cnv[del]:=["\\del "," del "]:
cnv[grad]:=["\\nabla ","grad"]:
cnv[infty]:=["\\infty ","infty"]:
cnv[empty]:=["\\emptyset ","0/"]:
cnv[aleph]:=["\\aleph"," aleph "]:
cnv[angle]:=["\\angle"," /_ "]:
cnv[cdots]:=["\\cdots "," cdots "]:
cnv[cdot]:=["\\cdot "," * "]:
cnv[tri]:=["\\triangle "," triangle "]:
cnv[perp]:=["\\perp "," _|_ "]:

tr:=proc ()
local  a,t,syns;
if nargs=0 or StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then mcprint(
"cat(tr(a1,a2,...) returns a  string formatted either with $ (if LATEX_=yes) or `.  The ai's can be regular expressions, strings, or the terms
Note: The division  and  equivalent symbols `-:` and `-=` must be backquoted.");
return NULL fi:  

if member(a,syns)
   then  if LATEX_ = yes
   then cnv[a][1]
   else cnv[a][2]
else rascim(a)

acew_ := proc(Lst)
  local i,j,k,defaults,opts,help,nc,c,tabopts,cellopts,co,lst,d,ret,n,lab,bc,br,ec,er,tlst,ttlst,l,List;
    if member(args[1],{Help,Help=yes,"Help"}) then mcprint(
"acew_(lst::listlist) constructs an array of strings, expressions, and answer formats ac_,an_,af_,ae_,ai_,aw_   
 Help=no acew_(Help) will retrieve this help
 Numcols=1  increase as needed
 Tableopts=\"\"  replace with an appropriate format string
 Cellopts=\"\"   replace with a format such as \"color=\\\"yellow\\\"\" for all cells or a list of");

 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Numcols,Tableopts,Cellopts]);  
 nc :=opts[1]:

if not LATEX_=yes then
if type(Lst,listlist) then

  for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do
   for j from 1 to nops(Lst[i]) do
lst:=lst,Lst[i][j] od od;
 lst := [lst]
else lst:=Lst fi:
n := nops(lst);
d := iquo(n,nc);
if irem(n,nc)<>0 then d:=d+1; lst:=[op(lst),seq([""],i=1..(n-(d-1)*nc))] fi:

if type(cellopts,listlist) then
  for i from 1 to nops(cellopts) do
   for j from 1 to nops(cellopts[i]) do
lst:=lst,cellopts[i][j] od od;
 cellopts := [cellopts]
elif type(cellopts,string) then cellopts:=[seq(cellopts,i=1..d*nc)]
elif type(cellopts,list) and nops(cellops)=n then lst:=cellopts
else error "check Cellopts"  
  bc:="lt_td ": ec:="lt_/td gt_": br:= "lt_tr gt_": er:="lt_/tr gt_":
  k:=cat("lt_table ",tabopts," gt_");

for i from 0 to d-1 do
 for j from 1 to nc do
     if j+i*nc <= n then
         if member(op(0,lst[i*nc+j]),{_AC,_AN,_AW,_AF,_AE,_AI}) then
           lab:=cat(bc," gt_"),lst[i*nc+j],ec
         else  lab:=cat(bc,cellopts[i*nc+j]," gt_"),rlprint(lst[i*nc+j]),ec
     else lab:=cat(bc," ",ec)
     k:= k,lab;
     k:= k,er;
 k:= k,"lt_/table gt_";#unlisted
 ret:=  k;



for l in List do

if op(0,l)=_AX then
else lst:=lst,l;
d := iquo(n,nc);
if irem(n,nc)<>0 then d:=d+1; lst:=[op(lst),seq([""],i=1..(n-(d-1)*nc))]  fi:

for i from 0 to d-1 do
 for j from 1 to nc do
     if j < nc then
     k := cat(k," & ") else k := cat(k,"\\\\\n",seq(" &",,"\\\\\n")
  k := cat(k,"\\end{tabular}\n");
 ret:= k,tlst:  
##end acew_


arq_ := proc(Lst)
  local af,i,j,k,p,id,defaults,opts,help,m,mtmp,nc,c,tabopts,cellopts,co,button,q,lst,labels,labels1,labels2h,labels2l,d,dirs,abox,ret,n,lab,bc,br,ec,er,tlst;
    if member(args[1],{Help,Help=yes,"Help"}) then mcprint(
"arq_(lst::listlist) constructs an array of radio buttons (default) or checkboxes  
 alternatives with the same identifier (Id below).
 The first alternative is assumed the correct one, unless modified appropriately
 with the Rightone= option.
 Button=\"radio\"  change to Button=\"checkbox\" for an array of checkbox alternatives
              Note: Use ar_ for radiobuttons and aq_ for checkboxes.
 Rightone=1   For Button=\"radio\" change to the correct alternative as needed.
              For Button=\"checkbox\" change to a list of correct alternatives
 Numcols=1   Change to the number of columns you want.
 Shuffle=no   Insert a permutation of the number of alternatives (eg, Shuffle=[3,1,2]) to shuffle the positions
              For problem maintainance purposes, in a problem generator, if is recommended that you
              generate the permutation of the alternatives using getparams
              or change no to yes to get a random permutation.
 Id = -rand(1..10000)()   If you want a particular identifier, use a positive
  integer if you want WHS to shuffle it, otherwise use a negative integer
 Labels=\"\"  Replace by Labels=1 to get [\"A) \",\"B) \", etc] or Labels=2 to get red letter labels in html.
              or Labels=[any list of strings]
 Tableopts=\"\"  replace with
an appropriate format string
 Cellopts=\"\"   replace with a format string for all cells or a list of
 pairs [n,string], where n is the cell number to be formatted with string.");

abox:=cat(latextools[ansbox](Height=.1,Width=.1,Fill="",Placement="c"),"\\ "):
labels1:=[seq(cat(convert([i+65],'bytes'),") "),i=0..25)]:
labels2h:=[seq(cat("lt_font color=\"red\" gt_lt_b gt_",convert([i+65],'bytes'),") lt_/b gt_ lt_/font gt_ "),i=0..25)]:
labels2l:=[seq(cat("\\ \\textbf{",convert([i+65],'bytes'),")}"),i=0..25)]:
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Shuffle,Id,Rightone,Numcols,Tableopts,Cellopts,Button,Labels,Directions]);
  id :=opts[2]:
  nc :=opts[4]:
  button:=convert(opts[7],string): if member(button,{"radio","R"}) then button:="R" elif
                 member(button,{"checkbox","Q"}) then button:="Q" else error "Button options are radio or checkbox" fi:
 if member(whattype(Lst),{array,Matrix})  then
     m := NULL:
     for i from 1 to nops(tlst) do for j from 1 to nc do
      if type(Lst[i,j],list) then lst:=lst,Lst[i,j]; m:=m,nc*(i-1)+j
      else lst:=lst,[Lst[i,j]];
      fi; od od;
      if button="R" and (nops([m])>1 or nops([m])=0 )
         then error "radio buttons must have exactly one correct"
      if  button="Q" then m:=[m];  
    if m<>0 then lst := NULL:
       for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do
         if type(Lst[i],list) then lst:=lst,Lst[i];
         else lst:=lst,[Lst[i]] fi:
      lst:=NULL:  m := NULL:
      for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do
        if not type(Lst[i],list) or not member(Lst[i][1],{0,1}) then
          ERROR("When Rightone=0, you must mark the correct alternatives with 1 and incorrect ones with 0.")
        if Lst[i][1]=1 then m := m,i
        lst := lst,[seq(Lst[i][j],j=2..nops(Lst[i]))];
      if button="Q" then m := [m];

  if type(cellopts,string) then cellopts:=[seq(cellopts ,i=1..nops(lst))]
  elif type(cellopts,list) then co:=NULL;j:=1;
  for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
  if j <= nops(cellopts) and cellopts[j][1]=i then co:=co,cellopts[j][2];
  j:=j+1 else co:=co,"" fi od;
  else ERROR("Check arq_(Help) for syntax of Cellopts");

if p=no then p:=[seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))]
 elif p=yes then p:=combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))])
else if not type(p,list) or nops(p)<>nops(lst) or max(op(p))<>nops(lst) then
   error "Shuffle must be a permutation of 1 thru no. of alternatives." fi fi;

if button="R" then mtmp:=-1:
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if p[i]=m then mtmp:=i;  fi od:
  if mtmp>-1 then m := mtmp else ERROR("Need a Rightone=") fi

  elif button="Q" then q := "";
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if member(p[i],{op(m)}) then q:=cat(q,";",convert(i,string))
       else   q := cat(q,";")  fi;
   m := q;

if nc>n then nc:=n: fi:

if irem(n,nc)<>0 then d:=d+1: fi;

if type(labels,string) then labels:=[seq(labels,i=1..n),seq("",j=1..n-(d-1)*nc)]
                   elif type(labels,list) then labels:=[op(labels),seq("",j=1..n-nops(labels))]
                   elif labels=1 then labels:=[seq(labels1[i],i=1..n),seq("",j=1..n-(d-1)*nc)]
                   elif labels=2 then labels:=[seq(labels2h[i],i=1..n),seq("",j=1..n-(d-1)*nc)]
                   elif labels=3 then labels:=[seq(labels2l[i],i=1..n),seq("",j=1..n-(d-1)*nc)] fi;

if not LATEX_=yes then
  bc:="lt_td gt_": ec:="lt_/td gt_": br:= "lt_tr gt_": er:="lt_/tr gt_":
  af := cat("A",button,"_[",convert(id,string),";1]\n");
  k:=cat("lt_table ",tabopts," gt_");#unlisted
for i from 0 to d-1 do
 for j from 1 to nc do
     if j+i*nc < n then lab:=bc,af,labels[i*nc+j],rlprint(op(lst[p[i*nc+j]])),ec
     elif j+i*nc=n then if button="R" then lab:=bc,_Ar([id,m]),labels[n],rlprint(op(lst[p[n]])),ec
                        else lab:=bc,_Aq([id,m]),labels[n],rlprint(op(lst[p[n]])),ec
     else lab:=cat(bc," ",ec) fi:
     k:= k,lab;
     k:= k,er;
 k:= k,"lt_/table gt_";#unlisted
 ret:=  k;
if button="R" then k:=dirs else k:=dirs fi;
for i from 0 to d-1 do
 for j from 1 to nc do  
     if j+i*nc <= n then lab:=abox,labels[i*nc+j],rlprint(op(lst[p[i*nc+j]])) else lab:="" fi:
     k:= cat(k,lab);
     if j < nc then k := cat(k," & ") else k := cat(k,"\\\\\n",seq(" &",,"\\\\\n") fi;
  k := cat(k,"\\end{tabular}\n");
 ret:= [k],_AX(m):  
##end arq_


>    ar_:=proc()
   local n:
   if LATEX_=yes then

>    aq_:=proc()
   if LATEX_=yes then


rlprint:=proc ()
local lst, ans, l;
if nargs = 0 or args[1]="Help" then
mcprint("rlprint(...,argi,...) returns a catted string of the argi's
where if argi an expression, it is converted to $-enclosed latex (by la if LATEX_=yes) or `-enclosed ascmimath
(by ra is LATEX_ is not yes).   
If  args[1]=\"$\" or args[1]=\"$$\" then the catted string is started and ended with the same
and expressions are not $-signed, otherwise expressions are $-signed. An analogous string is returned if args[1]=\"`\" "); return NULL fi;
lst := [args]; ans := "";
if LATEX_=yes then
  if lst[1] = "$" or lst[1] = "$$" then
     for l in lst while true do
       if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l)
       else ans := cat(ans,la(l))
     if lst[1] = "$" and lst[-1] <> "$" then ans := cat(ans,"$") fi;
     if lst[1] = "$$" and lst[-1] <> "$$" then ans := cat(ans,"$$") fi
  else for l in lst while true do
     if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l);
     else ans := cat(ans,la(l))
     fi od:
  if  lst[1] = "`"  then
    for l in lst while true do
      if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l)
      else ans := cat(ans,ra(l))
    if lst[1] = "`" and lst[-1] <> "`" then ans := cat(ans,"`") fi;  
  else for l in lst while true do
    if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l);  
    else ans := cat(ans,ra(l))
    fi od  

rap :=proc()
   rlprint(args); end:

as_ :=proc(l)
   local cands,ans,i,p,r,abox,defaults,opts,shuf,right1;
   if StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(l,string))<>0 then mcprint("as_(l)  returns a list from which to circle
 the correct answer (listed first or enclosed in square brackets)if LATEX_=yes, else it returns an AS format for tagit, taking the same arguments (randomize and rightanswers)  the tagit format does.
Shuffle=no, or =yes or =[3,2,1] to reverse the order of 3 alternatives
Rightone=1  Change if the correct answer is not the first answer."); return NULL fi:

if opts[3]<>"" then shuf:=opts[3]: fi:
if opts[4]<>"" then right1:=opts[4]: fi;

 if shuf=no then p:=[seq(i,i=1..nops(l))]
 elif shuf=yes then p:=combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(l))])
 elif type(shuf,list) and nops(shuf)=nops(l) and max(op(shuf))=nops(l) then p:=shuf
   error "Shuffle must be a permutation of 1 thru no. of alternatives."  fi;

     for i from 1 to nops(l) do
     if type(r,list) then r:=op(r): ans:=i fi;
     if LATEX_=yes then
     else _AS([seq(cands[p[i]],i=1..nops(l))],randomize=shuf,rightanswers=cands[ans])  

>    ac_ :=proc()
   local opts,targs,abox,i,a,ar;
   if nargs=0 or StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then mcprint("ac_(a)  returns answer box if LATEX_=yes else it returns an ac format for tagit, taking the same arguments that the tagit format.
Options: ansbox=[Height=.4,Width=1,Fill=\"\",Placement=\"c\"]  change to a list of arguments to ansbox (see ansbox(Help=yes) for options)"); return NULL fi:
  opts:=[]: targs:=NULL:
 if nargs>1 then for i from 2 to nargs do
    if type(ar,`=`) then if member(lhs(ar),{txtboxsize,precision}) then targs:=targs,ar
                         elif lhs(ar)=ansbox then opts:=rhs(ar)
                         else error "options allowed are ansbox,txtboxsize,precision"
    else error "all but the first argument must be an option."
       if LATEX_=yes then [latextools[ansbox](op(opts))],_AX(la(a))
    else _AC(a,targs) fi

  if nargs>0 and StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then
mcprint("acts like AN in html and ac in latex."): return NULL: fi;
  if LATEX_=yes then ac_(args) else  _AN(args) fi end:

aef_ :=proc()
   local opts,targs,abox,i,a,ar,var,fun,tbs;
   if nargs>0 and StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then
mcprint("aef_(f)  returns an answer box if LATEX_=yes else it returns an ae or af format for tagit (depending on the number of variables), taking as options txtboxsize (the length of the entry box for the answer in mathclass), precision (the absolute error allowed in the evaluation of the correct function and the student answer), and checkints (a list giving the intervals (one for each variable) that the function is evaluated in).
   precision= the default
   ansbox=[Height=.4,Width=1,Fill=\"\",Placement=\"c\"]  change to a list of arguments to ansbox (see ansbox(Help=yes) for options)");
 return NULL fi:
  opts:=[txtboxsize=15]: targs:=NULL:tbs:=15:
 if nargs>1 then for i from 2 to nargs do
    if type(ar,`=`) then
           if member(lhs(ar),{txtboxsize,precision}) then
              if lhs(ar)=txtboxsize then tbs:=convert(rhs(ar),string)
           elif member(lhs(ar),{chkints,funstuff}) then
             if nops(var)=0 then var:={x}
             if type(ar,string) then
             elif type(ar,list) then
                if nops(var)>1 then fun :=cat(fun,convert(nops(var),string),";",
                if irem(nops(ar),2)=1 then  
                else fun:=cat(fun,";",convert(6^min(2,nops(var)),string),";")
                if nops(ar)>2*nops(var) then
                elif nops(ar)<2*nops(var) then
                else fun:=var[1];
                if irem(nops(ar),2)=1 then fun:=[fun,ar[1],ar[2],ar[3]]
                 else fun:= [fun,6,ar[1],ar[2]]  fi;
             else error "check chkints format"
           elif lhs(ar)=ansbox then opts:=rhs(ar)
           else error "options allowed are ansbox,txtboxsize,precision,funstuff"
    else error "all but the first argument must be an option."
    if LATEX_=yes then [latextools[ansbox](op(opts))],_AX(la(a))
    elif nops(indets(a,symbol))<2 then
          if var="" then   _AF(a,targs) else _AF(a,targs,funstuff=fun) fi;
    else  if var="" then _AE(a,targs) else _AE(a,targs,funstuff=fun) fi

   aef_(args) end:

   aef_(args) end:

ai_ :=proc(a)
   local opts,targs,abox,i,ar,tbs,var,ans;
   if StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(a,string))<>0 then mcprint("ai_(f)  returns answer box if LATEX_=yes else it returns an ai format for tagit, taking as options txtboxsize (the length of the entry box for the answer in mathclass), precision (the absolute error allowed in the evaluation of the correct function and the student answer), and chintervals (a list giving the intervals  that the function is evaluated in).
Options: txtboxsize=15,
         precision= default value
         chkinterval= default values
              change to a list of arguments to ansbox (see ansbox(Help=yes) for options)");
return NULL fi:
  abox:=[]: tbs:=15: targs:=NULL:
 if nops(var)=0 then var:={x} fi;
 if nops(var)>1 then
       error "the answer cannot have more than 1 variable"
 if nargs>1 then for i from 2 to nargs do
    if type(ar,`=`) then if member(lhs(ar),{txtboxsize,precision}) then
                             if lhs(ar)=txtboxsize then tbs:=rhs(ar) fi:
                             if lhs(ar)=precision then targs:=targs,ar; fi;
                         elif member(lhs(ar),{chkinterval,funstuff}) then
                         elif lhs(ar)=ansbox then abox:=rhs(ar)
                         else error "options allowed are ansbox,txtboxsize,precision,chkinterval"
    else error "all but the first argument must be an option."
    if LATEX_=yes then [latextools[ansbox](op(abox))],_AX(la(a))
    else _AI(a,targs,txtboxsize=tbs) fi

aw_ :=proc(a)
   local opts,targs,abox,i,ar,ans,tbs;
   if StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(a,string))<>0 then mcprint("aw_(w)  returns an answer box if LATEX_=yes else it returns an aw format for tagit, taking the same arguments that the tagit format.
Options: ansbox=[Height=.4,Width=1,Fill=\"\",Placement=\"c\"]  change to a list of arguments to ansbox (see ansbox(Help=yes) for options)
         txtboxsize=20"); return NULL fi:
  opts:=[]: targs:=NULL: tbs:=20:  
 if nargs>1 then for i from 2 to nargs do
    if type(ar,`=`) then if member(lhs(ar),{txtboxsize}) then tbs:=rhs(ar)
                         elif lhs(ar)=ansbox then opts:=rhs(ar)
                         else error "options allowed are ansbox and txtboxsize"
    else error "all but the first argument must be an option."
       if LATEX_=yes then
         if type(a,list) then ans := cat(StringTools[Join](map(convert,a,string),", "))
         else ans:=StringTools[SubstituteAll](a,"#",", ")
         if type(a,list) then ans := cat(StringTools[Join](map(convert,a,string),"#"))
         else ans:=a

addpic := proc()
local defaults,opts,help,h,w,writ,latx,fmt,nam,hfill,bill,center,optins,pltopts,cnvrt,pic,name;

if StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then help:=yes fi:

if help=yes then
mcprint("addpic(pic,name)  saves a plotstucture pic to name.gif in the
current directory and writes an img src into the source worksheet, unless
LATEX_=yes or Latex=yes. In that case, pic is saved to name.eps and an
includegraphics is written into the source worksheet.
addpic(name) writes an img src or includegraphics into the source worksheet,
 and checks to see if name.Format exists in the current directory.
Latex = no Change to yes for a latex file.
Format=gif Change to eps,jpg,bmp,pcx as desired.  If Latex or LATEX_ = yes,
 jpeg and jpg is automatically converted to eps by jpeg2ps by Thomas Mertz, if you have it.
 and have set Convertjpg=yes
Height=120 units are points
Width=160  units are points
Write=yes  Change to no to reuse a previously stored file
Hfill=no Change to before, after, both to put an hfill in those locations
Center=no Change to yes to center the picture
Plotoptions=\"\" Change this only if you must. This replaces the string used by plotsetup which is constructed
by addpic."); RETURN(NULL) fi;

if StringTools[Search]("Files\\Maple",currentdir())<>0 then
      error "Please use currentdir() to set the homework directory before writing with addpic." fi;

if op(0,args[1])=PLOT then pic:=args[1]:name:=convert(args[2],string); writ:=yes:
elif type(args[1],string) then name:=args[1]: writ:=no:
else error "First argument should be a plot structure or a string."  fi:

if not writ=yes and not FileTools[Exists](nam) then error cat(nam," does not exist in ",currentdir()) fi;
if writ=yes then
  if LATEX_=yes or latx=yes and fmt=gif then fmt:=eps; nam:=cat(convert(name,string),".eps"): latx:=yes fi:
  if pltopts="" then
    if member(fmt,{ps,eps}) then
else nam:=nam


if LATEX_=yes or latx = yes then
bill := "\\includegraphics[";
    if member(fmt,{jpg,jpeg}) then
       if not FileTools[Exists](cat(name,".",convert(fmt,string))) then
          error   cat(nam," does not exist in ",currentdir())
       if not FileTools[Exists](cat(name,".eps")) then  
          if system(cat("jpeg2ps -o ",name,".eps  ",name,".",convert(fmt,string)))<>0 then
           error "the jpeg or jpg format must be converted to eps.  Get jpeg2ps by Thomas Mertz and put it in your path."
    elif member(fmt,{eps,ps}) then name:=cat(name,".",convert(fmt,string))
    elif member(fmt,{bmp,pcx}) then
       optins:=cat("bb 0 0 ",w," ",h," ",optins);
    else error cat(" The format ",convert(fmt,string)," is not usuable in latex.")
 if hfill<>no then
    if hfill=before then bill := cat("\\hfill",bill,optins,"]{",nam,"}")
    elif hfill=after then bill=cat(bill,optins,"]{",nam,"}\\hfill")
    elif hfill=both then bill=cat("\\hfill",bill,optins,"}{",nam,"}\\hfill")
    else bill=cat(hfill,bill,optins,"]{",nam,"}")
 else bill:=cat(bill,optins,"]{",nam,"}")
 if center=yes then bill := cat("\\begin{center}",bill,"\\end{center}")  fi;  
else bill:=  cat("lt_img src=\"",nam,"\" alt=\"MaplePlot\" /gt_");
if center=yes then bill:=cat("lt_center gt_ ",bill," lt_/center gt_") fi;
###end addpic

  error "Please use addpic instead of putpic.   See addpic(Help) for usage." end;  

###rascim  1/31/09

rascim:= proc( )
local defaults,opts,expr,aexp,typ,li,sexp,alst,left,right,ck1,latex,surds,parens,ck2,Args,bill,sam,mat,i,j,esymb,fsymb,r,l,s;
#if nargs>1 then Args:=[seq(args[i],i=2..nargs)] else Args:=[NULL] fi:
if member(args[1],{Help=yes,Help,help}) then mcprint("rascim(expr) converts an expression into an asciimath
expresion suitable for mathclass homework. Use ra(expr sequence) to convert a sequence of expressions and strings into an asciimath expression surrounded by backquotes `.
It also can return a latex expression. Use la(expr sequence) to convert a sequence of expressions and strings into a latex expression surrounded by dollar signs $.
Note: In a ragit line, rascim is automatically called as needed.
Special functions:  Diff, Int, Pdiff, Syseqn, Mat, Det, Tab, ColVec, RowVec, Pnt, Pcwise, Binomial, Sum, Product.      
Latex=no  change to yes to get latex
Surds=yes  This does surds for powers of roots rather than fractional exponents
           change this to no if you want the usual crappy fractional powers.");
             return NULL ; fi;
opts:=  selectremove(type,[args],`=`);
 latex:=opts[1]:  if LATEX_=no then latex:=no else latex:=yes fi;  # added 2/15/09
   local l;
   for l in lst do if type(expr,l) then return true fi od;
   if member(type(op(0,expr)),lst) then return true fi;
   if member(type(op(1,expr)),lst) then return true fi;
   if member(whattype(expr),lst) then return true fi;
   false end:
     if type(expr,`^`) and  type(evalf(op(2,expr)),float) and evalb(evalf(op(2,expr))<0) then true else false fi end:
use StringTools in

#handle lists
if type(expr,set) then
   if nops(expr)=0 then aexp:="" else
   if latx=yes or LATEX_=yes then aexp:= cat("\\{",aexp,"\\}") else aexp:=cat("{",aexp,"}"); fi;
elif type(expr,list) then aexp:=cat("[[",rascim(op(expr),op(Args)),"]]")
elif type(expr,string) then aexp:= expr; return aexp;

##handle `=`
elif type(expr,`=`) then
        aexp:= cat(rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args))," = ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)))

elif type(expr,`<`) then
        aexp:=cat(rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args))," < ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)))
elif type(expr,`<=`) then
        if latex=no then
        aexp:=cat(rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args))," <= ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)))
        aexp:=cat(rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args))," \\leq ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args))) fi:

elif nops(indets(denom(expr),symbol))>0 or (evalf(denom(expr))>1 and nops(indets(numer(expr),symbol))=0)  then if latex=yes then
                             aexp:=cat("\\frac{",rascim(numer(expr),op(Args)),"}{",rascim(denom(expr),op(Args)),"}") else
                             aexp:=cat("(",rascim(numer(expr),op(Args)),")/(",rascim(denom(expr),op(Args)),")") fi;            
elif type(expr,`^`) then left:=op(1,expr): right:=op(2,expr):        
        if surds=yes and denom(right)<>1 then  
                   if numer(right)=1 then bill:=1 else bill := convert(numer(right),symbol) fi:
                   if denom(right)=2 then sam :="" else sam:=convert(denom(right),string) fi:
                   if latex=yes then aexp:=cat("\\sqrt[",sam,"]{",rascim(left^bill,op(Args)),"}")
          if  type(left,symbol) or type(left,numeric) then left := rascim(left,op(Args));
              else  if latex = yes then left := cat("{",rascim(left,op(Args)),"}") else left:= cat("(",rascim(left,op(Args)),")") fi fi;
     if latex =yes then aexp:=cat(left,"^{",rascim(right,op(Args)),"}")
      else aexp:= cat(left,"^(",rascim(right,op(Args)),")")
    fi ;

##handle *
elif type(expr,`*`) then left:=op(1,expr):  right:=convert([seq(op(i,expr),i=2..nops(expr))],`*`):
        if not ck1(left,[symbol,numeric,`^`,`*`,list,procedure,function]) then left:=cat("(",rascim(left,op(Args)),")");
           else left:=rascim(left,op(Args)) fi;
        if not ck1(right,[symbol,numeric,`^`,`*`,list,procedure,function]) then right:=cat("(",rascim(right,op(Args)),")")
        elif ck2(right) then right:=rascim(op(1,right)^(-op(2,right)),op(Args));
              if latex=no then return cat(left,"/(",right,")") else return cat("\\frac{",left,"}{",right,"}") fi
        else right:=rascim(right,op(Args)) fi;
        if latex=yes then aexp:=cat(left,"\\,",right) else aexp:= cat(left,"\\ ",right) fi

##handle `+`
  elif type(expr,`+`) then aexp:=rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)): right:=[op(expr)]:
     for i from 2 to nops(right) do
        if SubString(rascim(right[i],op(Args)),1..1)="-" then aexp:=cat(aexp," - ",rascim(-right[i],op(Args)))
                                else aexp:=cat(aexp," + ",rascim(right[i],op(Args)))
        #if sign((right[i]))=1 then aexp:=cat(aexp," + ",rascim(right[i],op(Args))) else
                                 #aexp:=cat(aexp," - ",rascim(-right[i],op(Args)))
        fi; od;       
##handle fractions
elif type(expr,algebraic) and denom(simplify(expr))<>1 then left:=numer(simplify(expr)): right:=denom(simplify(expr)):
      if latex=no then aexp:=cat("(",rascim(left,op(Args)),")/(",rascim(right,op(Args)),")")
        else aexp:=cat("\\frac{",rascim(left,op(Args)),"}{",rascim(right,op(Args)),"}") fi:

elif type(expr,indexed) then
           if latex = no then
           aexp:=cat(Chop(aexp),"}") fi:
##handle functions
elif type(expr,function) then
if op(0,expr)=Paren then aexp:=SubstituteAll(SubstituteAll(convert(op(1,expr),string),"[","("),"]",")");

elif member(op(0,expr),{Lim,Limit}) then
  if nops(expr)=3 then if op(3,expr)=right then s:="+" else s:="-" fi fi:;
  if latex=yes then
    if nops(expr)=3 then  
     aexp:= cat("\\displaystyle\\lim_{",rascim(l,op(Args)),"\\rightarrow",rascim(r,op(Args)),"^{",s,"}}\\,",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
   aexp:= cat("\\displaystyle\\lim_{",rascim(l,op(Args)),"\\rightarrow ",rascim(r,op(Args)),"}\\,",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
else  if nops(expr)=3 then
  aexp:= cat("lim_(",rascim(l,op(Args))," to ",rascim(r,op(Args)),"^(",s,"))\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
   aexp:= cat("lim_(",rascim(l,op(Args))," to ",rascim(r,op(Args)),")\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

elif latex=yes then
   if member(op(0,expr),{ColVec}) then mat:=convert(op(1,expr),list):
       #if op(0,expr)=Syseqn then aexp:="\\left\\\\{\\begin{array}{c} ": esymb:="\\end{array}\\right.":
       #elif op(0,expr)=ColVec then aexp:="\\left(\\begin{array}{c} ": esymb:="\\end{array}\\right)":
       aexp:="\\left(\\begin{array}{c} ": esymb:="\\end{array}\\right)":
       for i from 1 to nops(mat) do  
        aexp:=cat(aexp,rascim(mat[i],op(Args))," \\\\"); od;
   elif member(op(0,expr),{Syseqn}) then mat:=convert(op(1,expr),list):  sam:="rcl":
       if nops(expr)>1 then sam:=convert(op(2,expr),string): if length(sam)=1 then sam:=cat(sam,"c",sam)
          else sam:=cat(Substring(op(2,expr),1..1),"c",Substring(op(2,expr),2..2)) fi; fi;
       if LATEX_=yes then
       aexp:=cat("\\left\\{\\begin{array}{",sam,"} ") else aexp:=cat("\\left\\\\{\\begin{array}{",sam,"} ") fi:
              for i from 1 to nops(mat) do if member(op(0,mat[i]),{`=`,`<`}) then
              bill := cat("& ",convert(op(0,mat[i]),string)," &") elif op(0,mat[i])=`<=` then bill:="& \\leq &"
               else bill:=cat("& \\",convert(op(0,mat[i]),string)," &") fi;  
        aexp:=cat(aexp,rascim(op(1,mat[i]),op(Args)),bill,rascim(op(2,mat[i]),op(Args))," \\\\"); od;

     elif member(op(0,expr),{Mat,Det}) then mat:=convert(op(1,expr),listlist):
          if nops(expr)>1 then
          if length(op(2,expr))=1 then fsymb:=cat(seq(op(2,expr),i=1..nops(mat[1])))
          elif length(op(2,expr))>1 and length(op(2,expr))=nops(mat[1])  then
          fsymb:=op(2,expr) else error "you must format all the columns" fi
          else fsymb:=cat(seq("c",i=1..nops(mat[1])))fi;
       if op(0,expr)=Det then   aexp:=cat("\\left|\\begin{array}{",fsymb,"} "): esymb:="\\end{array}\\right|":
       elif op(0,expr)=Mat then aexp:=cat("\\left(\\begin{array}{",fsymb,"} "): esymb:="\\end{array}\\right)":
       for i from 1 to nops(mat) do
        aexp:=cat(aexp,seq(cat(rascim(mat[i][j],op(Args))," & "),j=1..nops(mat[i])-1),
rascim(mat[i,nops(mat[i])],op(Args))," \\\\"); od;

elif op(0,expr)=Tab then mat:=convert(op(1,expr),listlist):
     if nops(expr)>1 then
          if length(op(2,expr))=1 then fsymb:=cat(seq(op(2,expr),i=1..nops(mat[1])))
          elif length(op(2,expr))>1 and length(op(2,expr))=nops(mat[1])  then
          fsymb:=op(2,expr) else error "you must format all the columns" fi
          else fsymb:=cat(seq("l",i=1..nops(mat[1])))fi;
     aexp:=cat("\\begin{tabular}{",fsymb,"} "): esymb:="\\end{tabular}":
     for i from 1 to nops(mat) do
        aexp:=cat(aexp,seq(cat(rlprint(mat[i][j])," & "),j=1..nops(mat[i])-1),
             rlprint(mat[i,nops(mat[i])])," \\\\"); od;

elif member(op(0,expr),{RowVec,Pnt}) then
     aexp:="(": if nops(expr)>1 then mat:=convert(expr,list) else mat:=convert(op(1,expr),list) fi;
     for i from 1 to nops(mat) do
        aexp:=cat(aexp,rascim(mat[i],op(Args)),", "); od;

    elif member(op(0,expr),{piecewise,Pcwise}) then  if LATEX_=yes then sam:="\\left\\" else sam:="\\left\\\\" fi:
         aexp:=cat(sam,"{\\begin{array}{ll} ",seq( cat(rascim(op(2*(i-1),expr),op(Args))," &  \\mbox{ if }",rascim(op(2*(i-1)-1,expr),op(Args))," \\\\ "),i=2..iquo(nops(expr),2)+1)):
          if irem(nops(expr),2)=1 then aexp:=cat(aexp,cat(rascim(op(nops(expr),expr))," &  \\mbox{ otherwise. }\\end{array}\\right. "))
          else aexp:= cat(Chop(Chop(aexp))," \\end{array}\\right.") fi;

    elif op(0,expr)=Binomial then
     aexp:=cat("\\left(\\begin{array}{c} ",rascim(op(1,expr))," \\\\ ",rascim(op(2,expr))," \\end{array}\\right)"):

    elif op(0,expr)=Product then
      if nops(expr)=1 then
        aexp:=cat("\\prod ",rasc(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
      elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
        if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Product" else
          aexp:= cat("\\prod_{",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)),"}\\,",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

    elif op(0,expr)=Sum then
         if nops(expr)=1 then aexp:=cat("\\sum ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
         elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
          if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Sum" else
          aexp:= cat("\\sum_{",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)),"}",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

    elif op(0,expr)=Int then
      if nops(expr)=1 then ;
        aexp:=cat("\\int ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)));
      elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
        if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Int" else
          aexp:=cat( "\\int_{",rascim(op(1,op(2,op(2,expr)))),"}^{",rascim(op(2,op(2,op(2,expr)))),"}",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),"\\,d ",rascim(op(1,op(2,expr))))
          aexp:= cat("\\int ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),"\\, d ",rascim(op(2,expr)))
    elif op(0,expr)=Diff then  
        if ck1(op(1,expr),[`+`])
             then aexp:=cat("\\frac{d}{d ",rascim(op(2,expr)),"}\\ (",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),")")
             else aexp := cat("\\frac{d}{d ",rascim(op(2,expr)),"}\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
elif op(0,expr)=Pdiff then
      if nops(expr)=2 then
          r:=cat("\\partial ",rascim(op(2,expr)));
      elif nops(expr)>2 then
          s:=0: for j from 2 to nops(expr) do if type(op(j,expr),`^`) then s:=s+op(2,op(j,expr)) else s:=s+1 fi od:
          r:=cat(seq(cat("\\partial ",rascim(op(j,expr))),j=2..nops(expr)));
      else error "Pdiff needs a variable to differentiate"
      if ck1(op(1,expr),[`+`])
         then aexp:=cat("\\frac{",l,"}{",r,"}\\ (",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),")")
      else aexp := cat("\\frac{",l,"}{",r,"}\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

  elif  member(op(0,expr),{ln,sin,cos,tan,arccos,arcsin,arctan,exp}) then
    else aexp := cat(`latex/print`(expr))
  elif latex=no then
   if  member(op(0,expr),{ln,sin,cos,tan,arccos,arcsin,arctan,exp}) then

elif op(0,expr)=Pdiff then
      if nops(expr)=2 then
          l:=" del ";
          r:=cat(" del ",rascim(op(2,expr)));
      elif nops(expr)>2 then
          s:=0: for j from 2 to nops(expr) do if type(op(j,expr),`^`) then s:=s+op(2,op(j,expr)) else s:=s+1 fi od:
          r:=cat(seq(cat(" del ",rascim(op(j,expr))),j=2..nops(expr)));
      else error "Pdiff needs a variable to differentiate"
      if ck1(op(1,expr),[`+`])
         then aexp:=cat("\\frac{",l,"}{",r,"}\\ (",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),")")
      else aexp := cat("\\frac{",l,"}{",r,"}\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

     elif member(op(0,expr),{Syseqn,ColVec}) then if nops(expr)>1 then mat:=convert(expr,list) else mat:=convert(op(1,expr),list): fi;
       if op(0,expr)=Syseqn then aexp:="{": esymb:=":}":
       elif op(0,expr)=ColVec then aexp:="(": esymb:=")":
       for i from 1 to nops(mat) do  
        aexp:=cat(aexp,"(",rascim(mat[i],op(Args)),"),"); od;

     elif member(op(0,expr),{Mat,Det,Tab}) then mat:=convert(op(1,expr),listlist):     
       if op(0,expr)=Det then   aexp:="|": esymb:="|":
       elif op(0,expr)=Mat then aexp:="(": esymb:=")":
       elif op(0,expr)=Tab then aexp:="{:":  esymb:=":}":
       for i from 1 to nops(mat) do
        aexp:=cat(aexp,"(",seq(cat(rascim(mat[i][j],op(Args))," , "),j=1..nops(mat[i])-1),rascim(mat[i,nops(mat[i])],op(Args)),"),"); od;


elif member(op(0,expr),{RowVec,Pnt}) then
     aexp:="(": if nops(expr)>1 then mat:=convert(expr,list) else mat:=convert(op(1,expr),list) fi;
     for i from 1 to nops(mat) do
        aexp:=cat(aexp,rascim(mat[i],op(Args)),","); od;

    elif member(op(0,expr),{piecewise,Pcwise}) then
         aexp:=cat(" {",seq( cat("(",rascim(op(2*(i-1),expr),op(Args)),",",text("  if "),
          if irem(nops(expr),2)=1 then aexp:=cat(aexp,cat("(",rascim(op(nops(expr),expr)),",",text(" otherwise."),"):}"))
          else aexp:= cat(Chop(aexp)," :}") fi;

    elif op(0,expr)=Binomial then aexp:=cat("((",rascim(op(1,expr)),"),(",rascim(op(2,expr)),"))"):

    elif op(0,expr)=Product then
      if nops(expr)=1 then
        aexp:=cat(" Pi ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
      elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
        if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Product" else
          aexp:=cat(" Pi_(",convert(op(1,op(2,op(2,expr))),string),")^(",convert(op(2,op(2,op(2,expr))),
          aexp:= cat(" Pi ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))

    elif op(0,expr)=Sum then
      if nops(expr)=1 then
        aexp:=cat(" sum ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)));
      elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
        if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Sum" else
          aexp:=cat(" sum_(",convert(op(1,op(2,expr)),string)," = ",convert(op(1,op(2,op(2,expr))),string),")^(",convert(op(2,op(2,op(2,expr))),
          aexp:= cat(" sum ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
    elif op(0,expr)=Int then
      if nops(expr)=1 then aexp:=cat(" int ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
      elif type(op(2,expr),`=`) then
        if not type(op(2,op(2,expr)),`..`)
          then error "Need range in Int" else
          aexp:=cat(" int_(",convert(op(1,op(2,op(2,expr))),string),")^(",convert(op(2,op(2,op(2,expr))),
string),")",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),"\\ d ",convert(op(1,op(2,expr)),string))
          aexp:= cat(" int ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),"\\ d ",convert(op(2,expr),string))
    elif op(0,expr)=Diff then  
        if ck1(op(1,expr),[`+`])
             then aexp:=cat("d/(d ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)),")\\ (",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)),")")
             else aexp := cat("d/(d ",rascim(op(2,expr),op(Args)),")\\ ",rascim(op(1,expr),op(Args)))
    else aexp:=convert(expr,string);
  else aexp:=cat(`latex/print`(expr))
elif type(expr,algebraic) then  aexp := cat(`latex/print`(expr))
if latex=no then
aexp:=RegSubs( "({\\\\it ([^}]*)})"="\\2",aexp );
aexp:= SubstituteAll(aexp,"\\it"," ");
aexp:= SubstituteAll(aexp,"\\!"," ");
aexp:= SubstituteAll(aexp,"\\,"," ");
aexp:=SubstituteAll(aexp,"*","\\ ");
#aexp:= SubstututeAll(aexp,"\\backslash"," ");
aexp:= SubstituteAll(aexp,"\\right"," ");
aexp:= SubstituteAll(aexp,"\\left"," ");
aexp:=SubstituteAll(aexp,"*","\\, ");#print("Hello"):

aexp:=RegSubs( "(\\\\text {{\\\\tt ([^}]*)}})"="\\ \\2\\ ",aexp );
aexp:=RegSubs( "(\\\\mbox {{\\\\tt ([^}]*)}})"="\\ \\2\\ ",aexp );
if parens=yes then
 end use;
###end rascim


  cat("\\mbox{",t,"}") :

  cat(" text{",t,"}") :

rel:= proc(a)
 local cnv,tr;
 cnv := table([]);
cnv[leq]:=["\\leq "," <= "]:cnv[lt]:=[" < "," <= "]:
cnv[geq]:=["\\geq "," >= "]:cnv[gt]:=[" > "," > "]:
cnv[neq]:=["\\neq "," <> "]:
 if LATEX_=yes then cnv[a][1] else cnv[a][2] fi end:

   if LATEX_=yes then [cat("$",convert(a,string),rel(r1),convert(b,string),rel(r2),convert(c,string),"$")]
   else rlprint("`",convert(a,string),rel(r1),convert(b,string),rel(r2),convert(c,string),"`") fi

local st,l,lst;
for l in lst do
if st="$$" then NULL else st fi;

>    ra:=proc()
local st,l,lst;
for l in lst do
if st="``" then NULL else st fi;  

 if LATEX_=yes then la(args) else ra(args) fi:

###asciimat  1/11/09
asciimat := proc()
  local i,j,n,m,mat,lst,row,front,back,standalone,defaults,opts,tmp;
    if member(args[1],{Help,"Help",Help=yes,"Help=yes"}) then
    mcprint("asciimat(list) returns an expression sequence of strings and symbols which will
    produce a matrix in asciimath in tagit when in a bracketed line.
    Standalone=yes  encloses the matrix in ` `
    Frontsymbol = \"(\" change to \"[\", \"{\", \"|\", or \"\",  as needed
    Backsymbol= \")\"  change to \"[\", \"{\", \"|\", or \"\",  as needed
      Note: \"{:\" and \":}\" are invisible symbols");
    return NULL fi;
  if opts[3]=yes then standalone:="`" else standalone :="" fi:
   if type(lst,list) then
   if type(lst[1],list) then
   for i from 2 to n do if nops(lst[i])<>m then return NULL fi:   od;      
   for i from 1 to n do
    tmp:=tmp,[lst[i]] od:
   lst:=[tmp]:  m:= 1: fi; fi;
 mat := cat(standalone,front);
  for i from 1 to n do
  row:= "(";
  for j from 1 to m do
  if j > 1 then row := row,"," fi; row:=row,lst[i][j] od;
  if i < n then row := row,")," else row:=row,")" fi:
  mat := mat,row;
  if back="" and front="{" then back:=":}" fi:
  mat end:
 #end asciimat

mcprint:= proc()
 local fmt,fmtnl,ARGS,c;
 if nops(ARGS)=0 then
 fmt := "%s";
###end mcprint

MCdefaults:= proc()
local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,help;
vals:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Magic,Error,Boxlength,Wbox,Standards,RngChk,Check]);
if help=yes then mcprint("
MCdefaults()  sets the default values of some global variables
Magic = MYMAGIC_  # change this to your mathclass guid
Boxlength = 15 # change this to whatever size numerical entry box you want
Error = `-0.05`  # the allowable relative error in giving a numerical or function answer
RngChk = [.1,1] # the range over which a function is evaluated
Check=on #toggles checking for the precision and domain check of function testing
Wbox = 15 # the default size of word box in answer formats AW and ATcross");
MAGIC_ := vals[2]:  # set this to your account number if you have hidden sections
BOXLENGTH_:= vals[4]: # the default length of an entrybox for AC
ERROR_ := vals[3]: # the default precision required for answer
RNGCHK_:=vals[7]:#the default range check
CHK_:=vals[8]:#toggle to turn off/on checking relative error and function range  
PNUM_ := NULL: # if set to integer, numbers the problems
STANDARDS_:=vals[6]:  # set to no if you don't want standards in the problem.
MCTOOLS_:=map(convert,[addlink, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink,  ARRW, av_, Axes,
       brak,  CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2, GP3,        hashang,  Header, htmltable, Line, lineit,
       maketable, mctools, mcpiecewise, mcprint, MM,
       PA, PARAMS, PC, PP, printdata, PT, RANDANS, roundto,roundit,
       show_answers, symbolize, tableit, tagit, vspace, hspace,zipit,filter7],string):  # is set to the list of mctools words at end
# LATEX_ := no:  #set to yes for latex hardcopy homework.
WBOX_:= vals[5]:  # the default length of an entry box used in AW, AF, and AE

>    eval(MCdefaults());



brak := proc()
 if not LATEX_=yes then
###end brak

vspace:= proc(n)
 local a,i,defaults,opts,help,star,height;
opts:=  selectremove(type,[args],`=`);
help := opts[1]:star:=opts[2]: height:=opts[3]:
 if help=yes then
 mcprint("vspace(n)  returns n brks if LATEX_=no, and vspace{Height*n pt} if not.
 Help=yes to return this message
 Star=yes to output vspace* instead of vspace: default is Star=no
 Height=24   set Height=\"1.3in\" to get vspace 1.3 inch"):
 if star=yes then star := "*" else star := "" fi;
 if not type(height,string) then height := cat(convert(height*n,symbol)," pt") fi;
 if not LATEX_ = yes then
###end vspace

## hspace
hspace:= proc(n)
 local a,i,defaults,opts,help,star,width;
opts:=  selectremove(type,[args],`=`);
help := opts[1]:star:=opts[2]: width:=opts[3]:
 if help=yes then
 mcprint("hspace(n)  returns n brks if LATEX_=no, and hspace{Height*n pt} if not.
 Help=yes to return this message
 Star=yes to output hspace* instead of hspace: default is Star=no
 Width=24   set Width=\"1.3in\" to get hspace 1.3 inch"):
 if star=yes then star := "*" else star := "" fi;
 if not type(width,string) then width := cat(convert(width*n,symbol)," pt") fi;
 if not LATEX_ = yes then

 local Ndefs,Nargs,In_args,j,k,Not_in_args,PLOTOPTIONS,Nopts,
 for j from 1 to Nargs do
  for k from 1 to Nopts do
   if convert(lhs(Args[j]),string) = convert(PLOTOPTIONS[k],string) then
 ARGS:=[op({op(Args)} minus {In_PLOTOPTIONS})]:
 for j from 1 to NARGS do
  for k from 1 to Ndefs do
   if convert(lhs(ARGS[j]),string) = convert(lhs(Defaults[k]),string) then
 Not_in_args:=[op({op(Defaults)} minus {In_ARGS})]:
###end vspace

 defaults:=location=[0,0], fontsize=14,clr=black:
 if nops(LOCATION)=3 then
  plots[textplot3d]([LOCATION[1],LOCATION[2],LOCATION[3],TXT],font=[HELVETICA,FONTSIZE],      color=CLR,PLOTOPTIONS)
  plots[textplot]([LOCATION[1],LOCATION[2],TXT],font=[HELVETICA,FONTSIZE],      color=CLR,PLOTOPTIONS)
###end PT

colors := proc()
 local Showthem,CLRS, SIZE, STEP, colorlist, i, ARGS, defaults:
 if Showthem=`no` then
  mcprint("aquamarine black blue navy coral cyan, brown gold green, gray, grey,
    khaki, magenta, maroon, orange, pink, plum, red, sienna, tan,turquoise, violet, wheat,
    white, yellow.");
  mcprint(" "):
  mcprint("In addition one can define colors. See help on \"plot,color\". "):
  colorlist:=[black,  blue, navy, coral, cyan, brown, gold, green, gray, grey, khaki,
    magenta, maroon, orange, pink, plum, red, sienna, tan, turquoise, violet,
    wheat, white, yellow]:
  plots[display](plottools[polygon]([[-1,-1],[1,-1],[1,1],[-1,1]],color=colorlist[j+(i-1)*6]),           PT([0,-1.3],colorlist[j+(i-1)*6],fontsize=12),axes=none),j=1..6)],i=1..4)]),
###end colors

 local Thknss,Styl,Clr,ARGS,defaults,Args,lsf,rsf,TMP,Hashlocation,
if A=b then if nops(A)=3 then B := b+[0,.01,0] else B := b+[0,.01] fi else B := b  fi:
 if nops(A) =3 and nops(B)=3 then
  TMP:=plots[polygonplot3d]([(1-lsf)*A+lsf*B,rsf*A+(1-rsf)*B],style = LINE,            linestyle=Styl,thickness=Thknss,color=Clr,PLOTOPTIONS):
 elif nops(A) =2 and nops(B)=2 then
  prp:= expand(B-A):
  prp:=(cos(Hashrotangle) + I*sin(Hashrotangle))* (lngth*(prp[2]-I*prp[1])):
  if ((Hashnum mod 2) = 0) then
   hashmarks:= seq(plots[polygonplot](
     [A+(Hashlocation-(Hashnum/2-1)*Hashspacing/2 +j*Hashspacing)*(B-A) -      
     .5*Hashlength*prp,A+(Hashlocation-(Hashnum/2-1)*Hashspacing/2+j*Hashspacing)*(B-A) +     
  elif ((Hashnum mod 2) = 1) then
   hashmarks:= seq(plots[polygonplot](
     [A+(Hashlocation+j*Hashspacing)*(B-A) -           .5*Hashlength*prp,A+(Hashlocation+j*Hashspacing)*(B-A) +           .5*Hashlength*prp],linestyle=1,thickness=1,color=black),j=-(Hashnum-1)/2..(Hashnum-1)/2):
  TMP:=plots[polygonplot]([(1-lsf)*A+lsf*B,rsf*A+(1-rsf)*B],style = LINE,        linestyle=Styl,thickness=Thknss,color=Clr,PLOTOPTIONS):
 else RETURN(`bad data`)
###end DL

 local V,H,axes,i,LLcorner,Width,Height,TMFont,Res,Defaults,Axescolor,
 V := seq(plot([[LLcorner[1]+i/Res,

>     H :=seq(plot([[LLcorner[1] ,LLcorner[2]+i/Res],
 if TMFont=`NTM` then
  plots[display]([V,H],xtickmarks =[], ytickmarks =[]):
 elif TMFont=0 then
  plots[display]([V,H],xtickmarks =[], ytickmarks =[],axes=none):
  plots[display]([axes,V,H], xtickmarks =[seq(i, i=LLcorner[1]..LLcorner[1]+Width)],
    ytickmarks = [seq(i, i=LLcorner[2]..LLcorner[2]+Height)], axesfont=[HELVETICA,TMFont]):
###end GP

 local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,V, H, i,gopts;
 defaults:=llhc  = [-5,-5],width=10,height=10,xres=1,yres=1,clrs=[black,black],
   xlabl=`x`, ylabl=`y`,TMfont=NTM,thkns=[1,1]:
 Args:=[llhc, width, height, xres,yres,clrs,xlabl,ylabl, TMfont,thkns];
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 V := plot([seq(
     [[vals[1][1] + i*vals[4], vals[1][2]], [vals[1][1] + i*vals[4], vals[1][2] +
     vals[3]]],i = 0 .. vals[2]/vals[4])],color = vals[6][1],thickness=vals[10][1]);
 H := plot([seq(
     [[vals[1][1], vals[1][2] + i*vals[5]], [vals[1][1] + vals[2], vals[1][2] +
     i*vals[5]]],i = 0 .. vals[3]/vals[5])],color = vals[6][2],thickness=vals[10][2]);
 if vals[9] = NTM then
  plots[display]([V, H],xtickmarks = [seq(vals[1][1]+i*vals[4],i=0..vals[2]/vals[4])],
     ytickmarks = [seq(vals[1][2]+i*vals[5],i=0..vals[3]/vals[4])],gopts)
 elif vals[9] = 0 then
  plots[display]([V, H], xtickmarks = [], ytickmarks = [], axes = none,gopts)
  plots[display]([V, H],labels=[vals[7],vals[8]], xtickmarks =
   [seq(vals[1][1]+i*vals[4],i=0..vals[2]/vals[4])], ytickmarks =
   axesfont = [HELVETICA, vals[9]],
###end GP2

local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,V, H, K, i,j,levs,verts,gopts;
defaults:=llhc= [0,0,0],width=10,height=10,depth= 10, xres=10/3,yres=10/3, zres = 10/3,
  clrs =[black,red,blue],xlabl=`x`, ylabl=`y`,zlabl = `z`, TMfont=NTM,thkns=[1,1,1]:
Args:=[llhc, width, height,depth, xres,yres,zres,clrs,xlabl,ylabl, zlabl,TMfont,thkns];
vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
levs := NULL:
for j from 0 to vals[4]/vals[7] do
 levs := levs, seq(
    [[vals[1][1] + i*vals[5], vals[1][2],vals[1][3]+j*vals[7]], [vals[1][1] +
    i*vals[5], vals[1][2] + vals[3],vals[1][3]+j*vals[7]]],
    i = 0 .. vals[2]/vals[5]) :

>    od:
V := plots[polygonplot3d]({levs},style=wireframe,color = vals[8][1],thickness=vals[13][1]);
levs := NULL:
for j from 0 to vals[4]/vals[7] do
 levs := levs, seq(
   [[vals[1][1], vals[1][2] + i*vals[6] ,vals[1][3]+j*vals[7]], [vals[1][1] + vals[2],    vals[1][2] + i*vals[6],vals[1][3]+j*vals[7]]],
   i = 0 .. vals[3]/vals[6]) :

>    od:
H := plots[polygonplot3d]({levs},style=wireframe,color = vals[8][2],thickness=vals[13][2]);
verts := NULL:
for i from 0 to vals[2]/vals[5] do
 for j from 0 to vals[3]/vals[6] do
  verts := verts,[[vals[1][1]+i*vals[5],vals[1][2]+j*vals[6],vals[1][3]],
  K := plots[polygonplot3d]({verts},style=wireframe,color = vals[8][3],thickness=vals[13][3])   od
if vals[12] = NTM then
 plots[display]([V,H,K],tickmarks = map(round,[vals[2]/vals[5],vals[3]/vals[6],
elif vals[12] = 0 then
 plots[display]([V, H,K],axes = none,gops)
 plots[display]([V, H,K],labels=[vals[9],vals[10],vals[11]],
  tickmarks = [vals[2]/vals[5],  vals[3]/vals[6], vals[4]/vals[7]] ,
  axesfont = [HELVETICA, vals[12]],
###end GP3

>    ###MM
MM := proc()
local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,f,step,gopts,x,i;
 f := proc(t)
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);  
 step := (vals[2][2]-vals[2][1])/(vals[3]-1):
 gopts :=insequence=true,scaling=constrained,op(ARGS[2]);  
###end MM

 local Args,f,defaults,ARGS,Clr,sf,PLOTOPTIONS:
 defaults:= clr=blue,scalefactor=1:
###end PP

 local Dhgap,Length,Doublearrowtxt,Fontsize,Txtclr,TXT,TMP,Arrowtype,
 Length:=sqrt((Head-Tail)[1]^2 +(Head-Tail)[2]^2):
 if (Arrowtype = `SH`) then
 elif  (Arrowtype = `DH`) then
###end ARRW

CARR := proc()
 local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,gopts,f,k,i,j,n,di,len,radi,x,y,z,
 f := proc(t)
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 n := nops(vals[1]);
 di := nops(vals[1][1]);
 if di = 3 then
  len := 0:
  for i from 2 to n do
   len := len+ evalf(sqrt(sum((vals[1][i][j]-vals[1][i-1][j])^2,j=1..di)))
  x :=  unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..n-1)],
  y :=  unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..n-1)],
  z :=  unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..n-1)],
  radi := unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..k-2),k-.01,k,n-1],[seq(vals[3]*len,i=0..k-1),
  len := 0:
  for i from 2 to n do
   len := len+ evalf(sqrt(sum((vals[1][i][j]-vals[1][i-1][j])^2,j=1..di)))
  x :=  unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..n-1)],
  y :=  unapply(spline([seq(i,i=0..n-1)],
  band := NULL:
  z0 := x(0)+I*y(0):z1 := x(1./vals[7])+I*y(1./vals[7]);
  dir := evalf(evalc((z1-z0)/abs(z1-z0)));
  A := evalc(z0+I*vals[3]*dir): B := evalc(z0-I*vals[3]*dir):
  A := [Re(A),Im(A)]: B:= [Re(B),Im(B)]:
  for i from 2 to vals[7]*(k) do
   z0 := z1: z1 := x(i/vals[7])+I*y(i/vals[7]);
   dir := evalf(evalc((z1-z0)/abs(z1-z0)));
   C := evalc(z0+I*vals[3]*dir):
   d := evalc(z0-I*vals[3]*dir):
   C := [Re(C),Im(C)]:  
   d := [Re(d),Im(d)]:
   band := band,[A,B,d,C];
   A := C:
   B := d;
  for i from  k*vals[7]+1 to (n-1)*vals[7] do
   z0 := z1:
   z1 := x(1.*i/vals[7])+I*y(1.*i/vals[7]);
   dir := evalf(evalc((z1-z0)/abs(z1-z0)));
   C := evalc(z0+I*vals[5]*(n-1-i/vals[7])/(n-1-k)*dir):
   d := evalc(z0-I*vals[5]*(n-1-i/vals[7])/(n-1-k)*dir):
   C := [Re(C),Im(C)]:  
   d := [Re(d),Im(d)]:
   band := band,[A,B,d,C];
   A := C:
   B := d;
###end CARR

 local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,len,tang,nor,plts,e1,e2;
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 len:= evalf(sqrt((vals[2][2]-vals[1][2])^2+(vals[2][1]-vals[1][1])^2));
 tang := (vals[2]-vals[1])/len:
 nor := [-tang[2],tang[1]]:
 e1 := evalf(vals[2] + vals[6]*(cos(Pi-vals[5]/180*Pi)*tang+sin(Pi-vals[5]/180*Pi)*nor));
 e2 := evalf(vals[2] + vals[6]*(cos(Pi+vals[5]/180*Pi)*tang+sin(Pi+vals[5]/180*Pi)*nor)):
 if vals[8]="V" then
  plts := DL(vals[1],vals[2],op(ARGS[2])),DL(vals[2],e1,
  plts := plottools[polygon]([vals[2],e1,e2],op(ARGS[2]))
 if vals[4]<>`` then
  if type(vals[7],list) then
   plts:= plts,PT(vals[2]+vals[7],vals[4],op(ARGS[2]))
   plts:= plts,PT((1+vals[7])*vals[2],vals[4],op(ARGS[2]))
###end DV

 local Args,Thknss,Styl,Clr,Scalefactor,ARGS,defaults,PLOTOPTIONS:
 defaults:=radius=.1, thknss=2, styl=1, clr=black,scalefactor=1:
 Styl :=subs(ARGS,styl):
###end PC

 local top, j, temp, n, ans, ARGS, defaults, Args, Places,
 defaults := places = 3,leadzero=yes;
 Args := seq([args][j],j = 2 .. nargs);
 ARGS := PARAMS([defaults],[Args])[1];
 Places := subs(ARGS,places);
 Leadzero:= subs(ARGS,leadzero);
 temp := evalf(10^Places*x); top := convert(abs(round(temp)),symbol);
 n := length(top);
 if Leadzero=yes then lz := `0.` else lz:=`.` fi;
 if n = Places then ans:=cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. Places-n),top);
 elif n < Places then ans := cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. Places-n),top);
 else ans := cat(substring(top,1 .. length(top)-Places),`.`,substring(top,-Places .. -1))
 end if;
 if parse(ans) = .0 then ans := cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. Places)) end if;
 #if evalf(x) < 0 then ans := cat(convert(StringTools[Char](6),symbol),ans) end if;
 if evalf(x) < 0 then ans := cat(`-`,ans) end if;
 #if LATEX_=yes then
#else ans fi;
end proc:
###end roundto

##begin roundit
roundit:=proc (x)
local top, j, temp, n, ans,  defaults, opts, places, help,leadzero, commas,lz,writenum,ipart,dpart,strng;
defaults := Places = 2, Leadzero = yes,Commas=yes,Help=no,String=yes;
if help="yes" then mcprint(
"roundit(x)  prints a number with commas and places set to 2.
Help=no prints this screen
Places=2  set to the desired number of digits after the decimal
Leadzero=yes  set to no if no leading zero is printed before the decimal point for numbers lt 1
              set to nodecimal if the number is an integer and you don't want a decimal point.               
Commmas=yes  set to no if you don't want the integer part printed with commas.
String=yes   set to no if you want the number printed as a symbol.");
return(NULL) fi:
temp := evalf(10^places*x);
top := convert(abs(round(temp)),symbol);
n := length(top);
 writenum:=proc(n) local joe,bill,i,splitnum:
    splitnum:=proc(n) local tmp,joe,fillto;
   fillto:=proc(n,d) local len,tmp;
  if n=0 then RETURN(cat(seq(`0`,i=1..d))):fi:
  if length(n) >=d then RETURN(n)
  else tmp:=seq(`0`,i=1..(d-length(n)));fi:
    if n<1000 then RETURN(n): fi:
    while tmp>1000 do:
  if n<1000 then RETURN(n):fi:
  for i from 2 to nops(joe) do:
if leadzero = yes then lz := `0.` else lz := `.` end if;
if n = places then ans := cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. places-n),top)
  elif n < places then ans := cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. places-n),top)
elif commas=yes then
ipart :=writenum(parse(substring(top,1..length(top)-places)));
dpart:= substring(top,-places..-1);
ans := cat(ipart,`.`,dpart)
  else ans := cat(substring(top,1 .. length(top)-places),`.`,substring(top,-places .. -1))
end if;
if parse(ans) = 0. then ans := cat(lz,seq(`0`,j = 1 .. places))
 end if;
if frac(x)=0. and leadzero=nodecimal then ans:=substring(ans,1..-2-places) fi;
if evalf(x) < 0 then ans := cat(`-`,ans)
end if;
if strng=yes then ans := convert(ans,string) fi:
end proc:
##end roundit
 local defaults,Args,bas,leg,basang,legang,joe,arcs,Radius,Numhashes,
 if legang<basang then
 if basang<0 then
 if Otherway<>`NO` then
 if Fliphead<>`NO` then
 if (Withhead=`NO`) then
  arcs:=seq(  plot([B[1]+(Radius+j*Hashspacing)*cos(t),B[2]+
    t = legang..basang],thickness=1,color=black,PLOTOPTIONS),j=0..Numhashes-1);
 elif  (Withhead<>`NO`) then
  if Reversehead=`NO` then
      t = legang..basang],thickness=1,color=Clr,PLOTOPTIONS):
  elif Reversehead<>`NO` then
     t = legang..basang],thickness=1,color=Clr,PLOTOPTIONS):
###end hashang

 local Answerstyle,ANSWERS,  ANS_TAG,ANS,answer,RNDANS,i,j,letters,defaults,Args,
 ANS := [seq((ANSWERS[i]),i = 1 .. nops(Choices))];
 if (nops([op({op(ANS)})]) < NUMCHOICES) then
  print("Warning: Duplicate Answer")
 RNDANS := combinat[randperm](ANS);
 for i from 1 to NUMCHOICES-1 do
 TMP_mcans:=cat(Choices[1],".   "),RNDANS[1]:
 for i from 2 to NUMCHOICES-1 do
  TMP_mcans:=TMP_mcans,cat(",   ",Choices[i],".   "),RNDANS[i]:
 cat(",   ",Choices[NUMCHOICES],".   "),RNDANS[NUMCHOICES]:
 if Answerstyle=mulchoice_labeled then
  for i from 1 to nops(ANS) do
   if ( nops( [op({RNDANS[i],ANS[1]})])  =1) then
    ANSWERCODE:= cat(ANSWERCODE,Choices[i]):
    for i from 1 to NUMCHOICES-1 do
 if Answerstyle<>mulchoice_labeled then
  if (Answerstyle=AB) then
   for i to NUMCHOICES do
    for k from 1 to Rightans do
     if ( nops( [op({RNDANS[i],ANS[k]})])  =1)   then
###end RANDANS

fill :=proc(f,g,a,b)
 local n,ps,pl1,pl2,pl3,c1,c2,c3,i,vals,defaults,Args,ARGS,p,m,approx,h;
 h := abs@(f-g);
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 if nops(vals[1])=3 then
  c1 := vals[1]:
 n := vals[2]:
 if convert(vals[3],string)="regular" then
  p := [seq(a+i*(b-a)/n,i=0..n)]
  p := [a,op(vals[3]),b];
  n := nops(p)-1
 if convert(vals[4],string)="left" then
  m := [seq(p[i],i=1..n)]
 elif convert(vals[4],string)="right" then
  m := [seq(p[i+1],i=1..n)]
 elif convert(vals[4],string)="mid" then
  m := [seq((p[i]+p[i+1])/2,i=1..n)]
 elif convert(vals[4],string)="trap" then
  m := p  
  if nops(vals[7]) <> n then
   ERROR("Need ",n," marks.")
  m := vals[7]
 pl1 :=plot([f,g],a..b,color=[c2,c3],thickness=vals[6]);
 if convert(vals[4],string)="trap" then
  pl2 := plots[display]([seq(plots[polygonplot]([
     color=c1,style=vals[5]),i=1..n)]) ;
  approx := sum((h(p[i])+h(p[i+1]))/2*(p[i+1]-p[i]),i=1..n);
  pl2 := plots[display]([seq(plots[polygonplot]([
  approx := sum(h(m[i])*(p[i+1]-p[i]),i=1..n)
###end fill

Axes:= proc()
 local Args,ARGS,defaults,vals,pl1,pl2,x,y;
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 x := vals[1]: y := vals[2]:
###end Axes

Header := proc(n)
 if member(n,{0,1,2,3})  then
###end Header

ah_ := proc()
 local n;
 if nargs > 0 then
  n:= args[1];
  if member(n,{0,1,2,3,4}) then
###end ah_

av_ := proc()
 local file,message,n,bill;
 if nargs = 3 and type(args[1],integer) and
    type(args[2],string) and type(args[3],string) then
  n := args[1]:
  file := args[2]:
  message := args[3]:
 elif nargs  = 2 and type(args[1],string) and type(args[2],string) then
  n := 3:
  file := args[1]:
  message := args[2]
 elif nargs  = 2 and type(args[1],integer) and type(args[2],string) then
  n := args[1]:
  file := args[2]:
  message := "Press"
 elif nargs  = 1 and type(args[1],string) then
  n := 3:
  message := "Press":
  file := args[1]
  ERROR("check av_ arguments")
 cat("\nAH_[",n mod 4,";",file,";",message,"]\n")
###end av_

`&=` := proc(a,b)
    if nops([a,b])=2 then
      if type(b,set) or type(b,list) then
  elif type(b,`..`)  then
  elif type(b,integer) and  nargs=3 then
  elif type(b,procedure) then

 `&==` := proc(a,b)     
   local c:         
   if not type(a,symbol) then error "The left operand of &== must be a symbol." fi:
   if type(b,set) or type(b,list) then
   elif type(b,`..`)  then
   elif type(b,integer) and  nargs=3 then
     c := args[3]:
   elif type(b,procedure) then

>    assignvals := proc()
  local Args,lst,defaults,opts,help,i,fun;
opts:=  selectremove(type,[args],`=`);
help := opts[1]: fun:= opts[2]:
 if help=yes then
 mcprint("assignvals(exprseq)  takes a exprseq of ['X',range] or ['X',d,m..n] or ['X',perm,list]
 or ['X',mat,list] or ['X',struct,command],and assigns X a random value chosen thusly:
 1. for ['X',range] X is assigned a value in range, where range can be an integer range  m..n,
or a set or list of values
 2. for ['X',d,m..n] d is a positive integer, m..n is an integer range and X is assigned a random floating  point with d significant digits between  m/10^d and n/10^d.
 3. for ['X',perm,list]  X is assigned a random permuation of the elements in the list.
 4. for ['X',list,listofvalues]  X is assigned the listofvalues
 5. for ['X',mat,list]  X is assigned a random list of lists using list as the argument to LinearAlgebra[RandomMatrix].   
Example: ['c',mat,[2,3,generator=rand(1..4),density=.8]] assigns c a
   2 by 3 list of lists of 20% zeros, 80% random numbers between 1 and 4.
 6. for ['X',struct,command] X is assigned the output of the maple command.
Example:  ['b',struct,plot(x^2,x=0..4)] assigns b the plot structure for the graph of x^2.
Note 1: no variable can depend on a variable assigned in that call to assignvals.  
 illegal  assignvals(['A',[2,3,4,5]],['B',[\"t\",b,c,1]],['C',[A,A,A,B]]);
 legal    assignvals(['A',[2,3,4,5]],['B',[\"t\",b,c,1]]): assignvals(['C',[A,A,A,B]]);
Note 2: assignvals is written to work with paramvals (aka getparams).  In cases where parameters are to be
assigned values which depend on previously assigned values such as the legal example above, you would make
a call to paramvals after using assignvals, like so:
 Help=no  change to yes to get this message."):
 for i from 1 to nops(Args) do
 if nops(Args[i])=3 and StringTools[LowerCase](StringTools[SubString](convert(Args[i][2],string),1..6))="struct" then assign(Args[i][1],Args[i][3])
elif nops(Args[i])=3 and StringTools[LowerCase](StringTools[SubString](convert(Args[i][2],string),1..3))="mat" then assign(Args[i][1],convert(LinearAlgebra[RandomMatrix](op(Args[i][3])),listlist))
elif nops(Args[i])=3 and StringTools[LowerCase](StringTools[SubString](convert(Args[i][2],string),1..4))="list" then assign(Args[i][1],Args[i][3])
elif nops(Args[i])=3 and StringTools[LowerCase](StringTools[SubString](convert(Args[i][2],string),1..4))="perm" then assign(Args[i][1],combinat[randperm](Args[i][3]))
 if nops(Args[i])=2 then
Args[i][1] &= Args[i][2];  
else  Args[i][1] &= (Args[i][2],(Args[i][3])) fi
od: return NULL:

paramvals := proc()
local ar,ls1,ar2,i,par,pcname;
if nargs=1 then ar:=args[1]: fi;
if nargs>1 then ar:=(args[1]):ls1:=args[2];
    if nops(ls1)>1 then ar := ListTools[FlattenOnce](ar) fi fi;
if nargs=3 then pcname:= args[3] else pcname:=" " fi;

if nops(ar)=0 then error "Need a problem number." fi:
if nops(ar)=0 or StringTools[Search]("help",convert(args[1],string))>0 or
StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))>0 then
mcprint("paramvals([args],ls1) where  args is the sequence of arguments to the problem generator,
and ls1 is a list of lists of parameter names
and range specifications suitable for assignvals (See assignvals(Help=yes) below).
Note: this was written to be used in a problem generator.
Usually, you will call something like paramvals([args],[[a,{2,3,1}],...])
Then when the generator is called with just a version number, the list which is printed
can be pasted back into the call to get the same inputs in case maintainance is needed.");
mcprint("\n Help for assignvals ");assignvals(Help=yes); return NULL fi:
par :=["parameter list: ",seq(op([ls1[i][1],","]),i=1..nops(ls1)-1),ls1[nops(ls1)][1]];
if nops(ar)>1 then ls1:=(ls1):
 if nops(ar)=nops(ls1)+1 then
ar2 := NULL: for i from 2 to nops(ar) do  if type(ar[i],list) then ar2:= ar2,[ar[i]] else ar2:=ar2,ar[i] fi od;
error "Need a problem number and values for each parameter or no parameter." fi fi;
if nops(ar)=1 then
mcprint("current inputs are ",pcname,"(",ar[1],",[",seq(op([eval(ls1[i][1]),","]),

getparams := proc(ar,ls1)
local ar2,i,par,pcname;
if nargs=3 then pcname:= args[3] else pcname:=" " fi;
#if nops([args])=2 then ar:=arg[1]; ls1:= arg[2]; else error "need two arguments. Try getparams(Help=yes)." #fi;
if nops(ar)=0 then error "Need a problem number." fi:
if StringTools[Search]("help",convert(ar[1],string))>0 or
StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(ar[1],string))>0 then
mcprint("getparams is superceded by. Use paramvals instead."); return NULL fi:
par :=
["parameter list: ",seq(op([ls1[i][1],","]),
if nops(ar)>1 then if nops(ar)=nops(ls1)+1 then
ar2 := NULL: for i from 2 to nops(ar) do  if type(ar[i],list) then ar2:= ar2,[ar[i]] else ar2:=ar2,ar[i] fi od;
error "Need a problem number and values for each parameter or no parameter." fi fi;
if nops(ar)=1 then
mcprint("current inputs are ",pcname,"(",ar[1],",",seq(op([eval(ls1[i][1]),","]),

generator := proc()
 local vals,ARGS,Args,defaults,p,ansline,i,j,ij,k,atype,line,subline,sp,nm,
 ah := table([]);
 problem=[["What  is 2 + 3?"],plots[display]([plottools[disk]([0,0],4,color=yellow),
  PT([0,0],"2 + 3 = ?",clr=magenta,fontsize=24,font=[HELVETICA,24],axes=none)]),
  matrix([[`two plus three equals     what`]]),["There is only one answer."]],


 AARGs := [answerheader=brks,audio=video,introduction=pretext,statement=problem,
   matrixsize=matsize,showthese=incidmat,answerformat=anstype, rightanswer=rightanswers,

 ags := NULL:
 for e in [args] do
  ch := 0;
  for g in AARGs do
   if lhs(e)=lhs(g) then
    ags := ags,rhs(g)=rhs(e);
  if ch=0 then

 for e in [ags] do
  if not member(lhs(e),{op(Args)}) then
   ERROR("The option ",lhs(e)," is not in the list of options -- check spelling.
     Current options:",Args);   

 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 if STANDARDS_<>yes then vals[24]:="" fi;
 if not member(vals[6],{op(anstypes)}) then
  err:="The anstype ",vals[6]," is not in the list of answer types -- check spelling.
    Current answer types:",anstypes;  
 fi ;

 if (vals[6]=textbox or vals[6]=numberbox) and not (type(vals[4],string) or
    type(vals[4],list)) and not type(evalf(vals[4]),float) then  
  ERROR("This answer format does not accept expression with variables.
   The supplied answer is:",vals[4])

 if member(vals[6],{selection,radio,vradio,radiolabelled})
    and not type(vals[2],list) then
  ERROR("This answer format requires a list of possible answers, with correct answer
    listed first.")

 if nops(vals[21])=1 and convert(vals[21],string)="yes" then
 if nops(vals[21])=1 and convert(vals[21],string)="yes, including answer." then    vals[1]:=[lineit(vals[1],endtable=no)];
 if nops(vals[21])>1 then  
 if nops({op(vals[2][1..-1])}) < nops(vals[2][1..-1]) then
  ERROR("duplicate answers.")

 if vals[15]=yes then
  p := combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(vals[2]))])
  p := [seq(i,i=1..nops(vals[2]))]

 if member(vals[8],{first,only}) then
  QMline:= NULL

#if member(vals[6],{numericbox,textbox,numberbox}) then
#  if not type(vals[4],list) then #chkp(parse(convert(vals[4],string)),parse(convert(vals[11],string))) #fi;
if vals[6]=numericbox then   
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,after,beforeafter}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"
  if type(vals[4],list) then
   vals[4] := StringTools[Join](map(convert,vals[4],string),",")
if vals[6]=zbox then
 if vals[6]=textbox or vals[6]=numberbox then

  if member(vals[3],{1,3,after,beforeafter}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"
  if type(vals[4],list) then
   vals[4] := StringTools[Join](map(convert,vals[4],string),",")

 if vals[6]=complex then
  ansline:="AC_[",convert(vals[10],string),"]\n + i\nAC_[",convert(vals[10],string);
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,beforeafter,after}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=wordbox then  
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,beforeafter,after}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=ungraded then
  if vals[8] <> only then
   mcprint("Warning: questions with ungraded parts are all ungraded.")
  QMline:=QMline,";Your answer will be hand graded.";

 if vals[6]=userdefined then
  QMline:= QMline,vals[4]

 if vals[6] = tablebox or vals[6]=spreadbox  then
  M := (vals[12]);
  r := linalg[rowdim](M);
  c := linalg[coldim](M);
  if linalg[rowdim](vals[13])<>r or linalg[coldim](vals[13])<>c then            
      "The dimensions of ansmat and incidmat are unequal")
  if not vals[6]=crossword then
   for i from 1 to r do for j from 1 to c do
    if vals[13][i,j]=1 then
     QMline := QMline,";",M[i,j] ;
     if vals[6]=tablebox then
      M[i,j] := AC_[vals[10]]
  for i from 1 to r do
   ansline:=ansline,["lt_tr gt_"];
   for j from 1 to c do
    cc := vals[18]:
    if vals[13][i,j]=1  and member(nops(M[i,j]),{3,4}) then
     if nops(M[i,j])=4 then  
      cc := M[i,j][4];
     ansline:=ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=\"",cc,"\"gt_\nA",
    elif member(nops(M[i,j]),{1,2}) then
     ce := M[i,j][1]:
     if nops(M[i,j])=2 then
      cc := M[i,j][2]:
     if type(M[i,j][1],string) then
      ce:= [M[i,j][1]]
     ansline:= ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=\"",cc,"\"gt_"], ce  
     ERROR("Cell ",[i,j]," has an error.")
    ansline:=ansline,["lt_/td gt_"];
   ansline:=ansline,["lt_/tr gt_"];
  ansline:=ansline,["lt_/table gt_"];    

if  vals[6]=crossword then
 M := (vals[12]);
 r := linalg[rowdim](M);
 c := linalg[coldim](M);
 ansline:=["lt_table ",vals[19]," gt_"];
 for i from 1 to r do
  ansline:=ansline,["lt_tr gt_"];
  for j from 1 to c do
   cc := vals[18]:   ce := vals[10]:
   if not type(M[i,j],list) then
    mij := [M[i,j]]
   if nops(mij)=1 then
    ce := M[i,j];
    ansline := ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=\"",cc,"\" gt_"],ce
   elif nops(mij)>1 and  member(convert(M[i,j][1],string),{"C","W","S","E","F"}) then
    ant := convert(M[i,j][1],string);
    if ant = "C" then
     ans := M[i,j][2];#chkp(ans);
    elif ant = "E" then
     ans := M[i,j][2];#chkf(ans);
     va := select(type,indets(M[i,j][2]),symbol);
     ce := cat(vals[10],";",nops(va),seq(cat(";",va[k]),k=1..nops(va)));
     if nops(mij)=3 then
      ce := cat(ce,";",M[i,j][3])
      #ce := cat(ce,";6",seq(";.1;1",k=1..nops(va)))
      ce := cat(ce,";6",seq(cat(";",rngck),k=1..nops(va)))
    elif ant = "W"  then
     if type(M[i,j][2],list) then
      ans := cat(convert(M[i,j][2][1],string),seq(cat("#",convert(M[i,j][2][k],string)),
        k=2..nops(M[i,j][2]))) else
      ans := M[i,j][2]
    elif ant = "F" then
     if nops(M[i,j])>2 and type(M[i,j][3],list) then

       ans := M[i,j][2];#chkf(ans);
     ce := cat(vals[10],";",convert(op(select(type,indets(M[i,j][2]),symbol)),string));
     if nops(mij)=3 then
      ce := cat(ce,";",M[i,j][3])
      ce := cat(ce,";6;",rngck)
    elif ant = "S" then
     if vals[15]=yes then
      p := combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(M[i,j][2]))])
      p := [seq(i,i=1..nops(M[i,j][2]))]
     ans := M[i,j][2][1]:
     ce := cat(convert(M[i,j][2][p[1]],string),seq(cat(";",
    if nops(mij)=3 and not type(M[i,j][3],list) then
      cc := M[i,j][3];  
     ansline:=ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=\"",cc,"\"gt_\nA",ant,"_[",ce,"]\n"];
     #ansline:=ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=",cc,"gt_\nA",ant,"_[",ce,"]\n"];
     if nops(mij)=2 then
      ce := M[i,j][1]:
      cc := M[i,j][2]
     #ansline:= ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=",cc," gt_"],ce
     ansline:= ansline,["lt_td bgcolor=\"",cc,"\"gt_"],ce
    ansline:=ansline,["lt_/td gt_"];
   ansline:=ansline,["lt_/tr gt_"];
  ansline:=ansline,["lt_/table gt_"];    
 if vals[6]=functionbox then #chkf(vals[4]);  
   QMline := QMline,";",vals[4];      
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,beforeafter,after}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=integralbox then #chkf(vals[4]);
  QMline := QMline,";",vals[4];  
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,beforeafter,after}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=mfunctionbox then
   QMline := QMline,";",vals[4];  
  if member(vals[3],{2,3}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=expression then
  QMline := QMline,";",vals[4];
  vars :=[op(indets(vals[4]),symbol)];
  if member(vals[3],{1,3,beforeafter,after}) then
   ansline := ansline,"]\n"
   ansline := ansline,"]"

 if vals[6]=vradio then
  pnum := rand();
  for i from 1 to nops(vals[2]) do
   ansline := ansline,"AR","_[",pnum,"]\n",convert(vals[2][p[i]],string),"\n\n"
  for i from 1 to nops(vals[2]) do
   if p[i]=1 then

 if vals[6]=qbox then
  if not type(vals[2],list) then  
     ansline := cat("AQ","_[",convert(vals[2],string),";1]");
  else ansline := cat("AQ","_[",convert(vals[2][1],string),";1]");

 if vals[6]=sradio then
  if not type(vals[2],list) then  
     ansline := cat("AR","_[",convert(vals[2],string),";1]")
  else ansline := cat("AR","_[",convert(vals[2][1],string),";1]");

 if member(vals[6],{checkboxspread,radio,selection,checkbox,      radiospread,checkboxspreadvert,checkboxspreadhorz,
  radiospreadvert,radiospreadhorz}) then
  if type(vals[4],list) then
   if nops(vals[4]) <> nops(vals[2]) then     
      "the list of rightanswers must be the same length as the list of answers")

 if member(vals[6],{radiospread,checkboxspread,radiolabelled,checkboxlabelled}) and
    nops(vals[5])<nops(vals[2]) then
  ERROR("Need more labels")

 if vals[6]=radio or vals[6]=selection then
  if vals[6]=radio then
   atype := L
  for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
   ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[2][p[i]],string)
  if member(vals[3],{1,3}) or atype=L then
  if type(vals[4],list) then
   for i from 1 to nops(vals[4]) do
    if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then

 if vals[6]=checkbox then atype:=B;
  if vals[4][p[1]]=1 then
  for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
   ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[2][p[i]],string);
   if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
 ## kemtpformat
 if vals[6]=radiolabelled or vals[6]=checkboxlabelled then
  if vals[6]=radiolabelled then
  sp := "  spc_  ":  
  line :=["lt_table gt_lt_tr gt_lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_ lt_font color=\"",
    vals[20],"\" gt_ lt_b gt_",vals[5][1],". lt_/b gt_ amp_nbsp; lt_/font gt_lt_/td gt_"],
    ["lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_"], vals[2][p[1]], [" lt_/td gt_"];   
  for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
   ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[5][i],string);
   if iquo(i,vals[17][2])>0 and (irem(i,vals[17][2])=1 or (vals[17][2] =1
      and i <= nops(vals[2]))) then
    line:=line,["lt_/tr gt_lt_tr gt_"],
     ["lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_lt_font color=\"", vals[20] ,
     "\" gt_lt_b gt_",vals[5][i],
     ". lt_/b gt_ amp_nbsp; lt_/font gt_lt_/td gt_"],
     ["lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_"], vals[2][p[i]],["lt_/td gt_"]  
    line:= line,
      ["lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_lt_font color=\"", vals[20] ,
      "\" gt_lt_b gt_ amp_nbsp; ",vals[5][i],
      ". lt_/b gt_ amp_nbsp; lt_/font gt_lt_/td gt_"],
      ["lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_"], vals[2][p[i]],["lt_/td gt_"]

  line := line,["lt_/tr gt_lt_/table gt_"];
  ansline := line,["\n"],[ansline,"]\n"];

  if vals[6]=checkboxlabelled then
   if vals[4][p[1]]=1 then
   else QMline:=QMline,";" fi;
    for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
     if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
    if type(vals[4],list) then
     for i from 1 to nops(vals[4]) do
      if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
     for i from 1 to nops(vals[2]) do
      if convert(vals[4],string)=convert(vals[2][p[i]],string) then        

  if vals[6]=radiospreadvert or vals[6] = radiospreadhorz then
   if type(vals[4],list) then
    for i from 1 to nops(vals[4]) do
     if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
    for i from 1 to nops(vals[2]) do
     if convert(vals[4],string)=convert(vals[2][p[i]],string) then       
   if vals[6]=radiospreadvert then
    line:= [convert(cat(vals[5][1],"."),symbol),vals[2][p[1]]]  
    line := convert(cat(vals[5][1],"."),symbol),vals[2][p[1]]
   for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
    ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[5][i],string);
    if vals[6]=radiospreadvert then
     line:= line,[convert(cat(vals[5][i],"."),symbol),vals[2][p[i]]]    
     line := line, convert(cat(vals[5][i],"."),symbol),vals[2][p[i]]
  if vals[6]=checkboxspreadvert or vals[6]=checkboxspreadhorz then
   sp := "  spc_  ":  
   if vals[6]=checkboxspreadvert then
    line:= [convert(cat(vals[5][1],".   "),symbol),vals[2][p[1]]]  
    line := convert(cat(vals[5][1],".   "),symbol),vals[2][p[1]]
   if vals[4][p[1]]=1 then
   for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
    if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
    ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[5][i],string);
    if vals[6]=checkboxspreadvert then
     line:= line,[convert(cat(vals[5][i],".   "),symbol),vals[2][p[i]]]
     line := line, convert(cat(vals[5][i],".   "),symbol),vals[2][p[i]]
  if vals[6]=checkboxspread  or vals[6]=radiospread then
   if vals[6] = checkboxspread then
   line := NULL:
   nm := vals[17][1]*vals[17][2]:
   if nops(vals[2]) > nm then
   for i from 1 to vals[17][1] do
    subline := NULL:
    for j from 1 to vals[17][2] do
     ij := (i-1)*vals[17][2]+j:
     if ij <= nops(vals[2]) then
      subline:= subline,convert(cat(vals[5][ij],"."),symbol),vals[2][p[ij]]   
      subline :=subline,` `,` `
    line := line,[subline]
   if vals[4][p[1]]=1 then
   elif vals[4][p[1]]=0 and vals[6] = checkboxspread then
   for i from 2 to nops(vals[2]) do
    if vals[4][p[i]]=1 then
    elif vals[4][p[i]]=0 and vals[6]=checkboxspread then
    ansline:= ansline,";",convert(vals[5][i],string);

  if member(vals[3],{0, none,`n`}) then
  elif member(vals[3],{1,after,`a`}) then
  elif member(vals[3],{2,before,`b`}) then
  elif member(vals[3],{3,afterbefore,beforeafter,`ab`,`ba`}) then
  if vals[8] = first or vals[8] = only then
   probline :=  vals[3],op(vals[1])
  fi ;
  if vals[8] = middle or vals[8] = last then
   probline := probline,vals[3],op(vals[1])

  if member(vals[6],{checkboxspread, radiospread,checkboxspreadvert,
     checkboxspreadhorz,radiospreadvert,radiospreadhorz}) then
   if member(vals[6],{checkboxspreadhorz,radiospreadhorz}) then
    line := SPREAD([[line]]) else line:= SPREAD([line]);
   probline := probline,line, [ansline,"\n"] ;
  elif vals[6] = spreadbox then
      SPREAD(convert( M,listlist)),["TABLEOPTIONS_border=\"0\"_"]
  elif vals[6]=crossword or vals[6]=radiolabelled or vals[6]=checkboxlabelled then
   probline:= probline, [ansline]  
  if vals[16]<>none then

 if length(vals[22][1])>0 then
  if nops(vals[22])=1 then  
   probline:= probline,["\nAH_[0;",vals[22][1],";Show Video]\nlt_b
    gt_Click for a Video solution: lt_/b gt_"]
  elif nops(vals[22])=2 then
   probline:= probline,["\nAH_[0;",vals[22][1],";",vals[22][2],"]\nlt_b
    gt_Click for a Video solution: lt_/b gt_"]
   probline:= probline,["\nAH_[0;",vals[22][1],";",vals[22][2],"]\nlt_b
    gt_",vals[22][3],"lt_/b gt_"]

 if HARDCOPY_ = "yes" then
  probline:= probline,[vspace(5)];

 if vals[8]=last or vals[8] = only then
  if type(PNUM_,integer) then
   mcprint("Number ",PNUM_)
  if vals[7]<>none then mcprint("T_\n");
   if type(vals[7],string) then
    for i from 1 to nops(vals[7]) do
     if type(vals[7][i],string) then
     elif type(vals[7][i],list) then
     elif op(0,vals[7][i])=SPREAD then
     elif type(vals[7][i],function) and op(0,vals[7][i])=Lineit then
      for j in [lineit(op(vals[7][i]))] do
       if type(j,list) then
       elif type(j,string) then
      od ;

  #if vals[6]=ungraded or vals[9]=survey then
  if  vals[9]=survey then
  elif vals[9]=yes then
  elif vals[9]="author" then
  if vals[24]<>"" then
   if type(vals[24],list) then
    if nops(vals[24])=2 and member(convert(vals[24][2],string),{"1","2","3","4","5"}) then
   vals[24] :=StringTools[Substitute](vals[24][1],":",
   jack := NULL;
    for i from 1 to nops(vals[24])-1 do
     if type(vals[24][i],list) then
     jack := jack,vals[24][i][1],";"
     else jack := jack,vals[24][i],";" fi;
if type(vals[24][nops(vals[24])],list) then    
jack := cat(jack,StringTools[Substitute](vals[24][nops(vals[24])][1],":",cat("_",vals[24][nops(vals[24])][2],":"))) else
jack := cat(jack,vals[24][nops(vals[24])]) fi;
        vals[24] := jack;
   fi fi;  
   QMline := QMline,"][",vals[24],"]\n"   
   QMline := QMline,"]\n"
  for i from 1 to nops([probline]) do
   if member(probline[i],{"0_","1_","2_","3_"}) then
   elif probline[i]="4_" then
   elif probline[i]=NULL then
   elif type(probline[i],list)  then
   elif op(0,probline[i])=SPREAD then  
    if vals[3]="2_" and member(vals[6],{radiolabelled,checkboxlabelled,radio,
       radiospread,checkboxspread}) then
     mcprint("lt_br /gt_")
   elif op(0,probline[i])=MCPIECEWISE then
   elif type(probline[i],string) then

###end generator

  global CHK_;
  local rel,err,reler,bot;
 if CHK_=on and type(evalf(ans),float) then
  if evalf(abs(ans))=0 then bot := evalf(abs(ans)+1) else bot:=evalf(abs(ans)) fi;
  if err<=0 then NULL
  if rel<10^(-4) or rel>10^0 then  print (cat("The allowable absolute error , ",convert(er,string),", for the answer ",convert(ans,string)," is ",reler,"% of the answer.\nDo you want to modify the precision? Make it negative to switch to relative error.")) fi
fi; NULL end:

  global CHK_,RNGCHK_;
  local b,c,i,r,a;
  r := cat("Change the check values for the  function.",convert(f,string)," ");
  if CHK_=on then
   for i from 0 to 10 do
       if abs(evalf(Im(a)))>0.001  then error cat("Complex range. ",r) fi;
       if a=Float(infinity)
           then error cat("Division by zero. ",r) fi;
end try;
end do;
  NULL: end:


tagit := proc()
 local n,i,plist,defaults,retain,clean,prep,key,forgen,C,W,S,E,F,qtype,finalproc5;
 global LATEX_;
 if evaln(ERROR_)=ERROR_ then MCdefaults() fi;

finalproc5 := proc(lst)
   local n,i,j,k,nlst,p,m,r,lust,l;
   n := nops(lst);
   p := ERROR_;
   for i from 1 to n do
      for j in lst[i] do
        if type(j,equation) then if lhs(j)=precision then p:= rhs(j) fi;             if type(j,equation) and lhs(j)=funstuff then m := m+1; fi fi;
   for j in lst[i] do
        if not type(j,equation) then l := l,j fi;
        if type(j,equation) and not lhs(j)=funstuff then l:=l,j fi;
        if  type(j,equation) and lhs(j)=funstuff then r:=r+1;
            if m = r then l := l,j  fi fi;
   for i in lust do    
       for j in i do
        if type(j,equation) and
          then for k in i do
           if type(k,equation) and lhs(k)=rightanswers then
              chkp(rhs(k),p); break; fi
        elif type(j,equation) and lhs(j)=funstuff and
          then for k in i do
           if type(k,equation) and lhs(k)=rightanswers then
              chkf(rhs(k),[rhs(j)[3],rhs(j)[4]]);break fi;
       elif type(j,equation) and lhs(j)=ansmat then for k in rhs(j) do
           if type(k,list) and nops(k)=2 and convert(k[1],string)="C"
              then chkp(k[2],p)
           elif type(k,list) and nops(k)=2 and convert(k[1],string)="F" then chkf(k[2],RNGCHK_)
           elif type(k,list) and nops(k)=3 and convert(k[1],string)="F" then chkf(k[2],[k[3][3],k[3][4]])
           fi od
        od od;
  clean := proc(inlist,keepin)
  local i,tlist;
  tlist := NULL;
  for i from 1 to nops(inlist) do
   if member(lhs(inlist[i]),{op(keepin)}) then
    tlist := tlist,inlist[i]

 forgen := proc(w,tp)
  local r, k, m, j,i,anstp,opts,a,l,s,t;
  r:= NULL:
  k := NULL:
  m := 0;
  if not type(s[2][2],list) then
   if member(tp,{_AB,_ABlabels}) then
    ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of alternative answers
     with each correct answer enclosed in brackets."))
    ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of alternative answers
     with the correct answer enclosed in brackets."))


  for l in s[1] do  
   if lhs(l)=rightanswers then
  if not a=NULL then
   if type(a,list) then
    s[2][2]:= a
    for j from 1 to nops(s[2][2]) do
     if a=s[2][2][j] then
      s[2][2][j]:= [a]

  for j from 1 to nops(s[2][2]) do
   if whattype(s[2][2][j])=list then
    if whattype(op(s[2][2][j]))=list then
     ERROR("An answer cannot be a list.")
     r := r,op(s[2][2][j]):
     k := k,1:
     m := m+1:
    if whattype(op(s[2][2][j]))=list then
     ERROR("A distractor cannot be a list.")
     r := r,s[2][2][j]:
     k:= k,0
  if nops([r]) < 2 and not member(tp,{_AB,_ABlabels}) then
   ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of 2 or more alternative
    answers with the correct answer enclosed in brackets."))
  if m = 0 then
   k := 1,seq(k[i],i=2..nops([k]))
  if m > 1 and not member(tp,{_AB,_ABlabels}) then
   ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format expects only one correct answer."))
  if tp = _AS then
  elif tp = _AL then
  elif tp = _ALlabels then
  elif tp = _AR then
  elif tp = _AB then
  elif tp = _ABlabels then
  if nops(s[2])>2 then
   opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]

 prep := proc(Lst)
  local prob,opts,fun,plist,anst,s,i,v,r,j,k,l,l1,l2,ltemp,li,m,s1,s2,

  prob := NULL:
  for l in Lst do
   if type(l,list) then
      for li in l do
          if type(li,function) and StringTools[IsPrefix]("_A",convert(op(0,li),string)) then
            if ltmp <>NULL then
            l2 := l2,[ltmp],li; ltmp:= NULL:
            else l2:=l2,li fi;
          else ltmp:= ltmp,li
      if ltmp<>NULL then l2:=l2,[ltmp] fi;
    else l1 := l1,l fi;
  lst := NULL:
  for l in l1 do
     if type(l,array) then
    lst:= lst,evalm(l)
   elif type(l,function) and member(op(0,l),{Brak,Vspace}) then
    if op(0,l)=Brak then  
     lst := lst
   elif type(l,function) and op(0,l)=Lineit then
    if member(true, {seq(member(op(0,l[i]),{_AN,_AC,_AS,_AF,_AE,_AW,_AI}),
      i=1..nops(l))}) then
     lst:= lst,lineit(op(l))
     lst:= lst,lineit(op(l))
   elif type(l,function) and op(0,l)=_TP then
    lst := lst
   elif type(l,function) and op(0,l)=Maketable then
    lst := lst,maketable(op(l)); #mcprint(op(l))
    lst:= lst,l
  lst := [lst,_TP()]:

  ans:= NULL:
  plist:= NULL:
  fun := NULL:
  key := NULL:
  tags := {_TP,_AZ,_AN,_AC,_AS,_AW,_AL,_AF,_AI,_AE,_AB,_ABlabels,_AL,
  for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
   flag := 0;
   if type(lst[i],list) then
    fl := 0;
    for j from 1 to nops(lst[i]) do
     if (not type(lst[i][j],`=`)) or  (type(lst[i][j],`=`) and not         
        inline,video,expressioncheck,standards})) then
      fl := 1
     if type(lst[i][j],list) and member(lst[i][j][1],tags) then
     if type(lst[i][j],function) and member(op(0,lst[i][j]),tags) then
    if fl = 0  then
    if fl = 2 then
     ERROR(cat("Do not enclose tags ",tags," in a list in Maketable. use maketable instead"))

   #if type(lst[i],list) and type(lst[i][1],`=`) and member(lhs(lst[i][1]),{standards,
   #problem,pretext,anstype}) then plist:=plist,lst[i]; next fi;

   if type(lst[i],list) and member(lst[i][1],tags) then
    s1 := NULL:
    s2 := NULL:  
    lsti:= lst[i]:
    for k from 1 to nops(lsti) do
     if type(lsti[k],`=`) and member(lhs(lsti[k]),{brks,Alabels,hidden,
        inline}) then
      s1 := s1,lsti[k]
      s2 :=s2,lsti[k]
   if type(lst[i],function) and member(op(0,lst[i]),tags) then
    s1 := NULL:
    s2 := NULL:
    tp := op(0,lst[i]):
    for k from 1 to nops(lsti) do
     if type(lsti[k],`=`) and member(lhs(lsti[k]),{brks,Alabels,#hidden,
       inline}) then
      s1 := s1,lsti[k]
      s2 :=s2,lsti[k]
   if flag = 1 then
    s := [[s1],[s2]];
    prob := problem=[prob]:
    if lsti[1]=_AZ then
    opts := opts,hidden="author",anstype=zbox,rightanswers=lsti[2];    
    elif lsti[1]=_Aq then
    opts := opts,anstype=qbox,answers=lsti[2];
    elif lsti[1]=_Ar then
    opts := opts,anstype=sradio,answers=lsti[2];
    elif lsti[1]=_AN then
    opts := opts,anstype=numericbox,rightanswers=lsti[2],op(s[1]);
    elif lsti[1]=_AC then #chkp(lsti[2]);
     opts := opts,anstype=numberbox,rightanswers=lsti[2],op(s[1]);
     if nops(s[2])>2 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=BOXLENGTH_
    elif lsti[1]= _AW then
     if type(lsti[2],string) then
      r:= cat(convert(lsti[2][1],string),seq(cat("#",convert(lsti[2][k],string)),
     opts  := opts,anstype=wordbox,
     if nops(s[2])>2 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=WBOX_
    elif lsti[1]= _AT then
     bill := NULL:
     jack := NULL:
     for j from 1 to nops(lsti[2]) do  
      sam := NULL:
      sue := NULL:
      for k from 1 to nops(lsti[2][1]) do
       if type(lsti[2][j][k],list) then
        sue := sue,1;  
        sam := sam,op(lsti[2][j][k])
        sue := sue,0;
        sam:= sam,lsti[2][j][k]
      bill := bill,[sam]:
      jack := jack,[sue]:
     opts := opts,anstype=tablebox,
     if nops(s[2])>2 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=BOXLENGTH_
    elif lsti[1]= _ATspread then
     bill := NULL:
     jack := NULL:
     for j from 1 to nops(lsti[2]) do  
      sam := NULL:
      sue := NULL:
      for k from 1 to nops(lsti[2][1]) do
       if type(lsti[2][j][k],list) then
        sue := sue,1;  
        sam := sam,op(lsti[2][j][k])
        sue := sue,0;
        sam:= sam,lsti[2][j][k]
      bill := bill,[sam]:
      jack := jack,[sue]:
     opts := opts,anstype=spreadbox,
     if nops(s[2])>2 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=BOXLENGTH_
    elif lsti[1]= _ATcross then
     jack := NULL:
     for r in lsti[2] do
      k := NULL:
      for p in r do
           if type(p,list) and nops(p)=2 and type(p[2],list) then
       elif type(p,list) and nops(p)=1 then
        if type(op(p),string) then
         k := k,[W,op(p)]
        elif type(op(p),list) then
         p := op(p):
         if not type(p[1],list) then pp := p[1] else pp:=op(p[1]) fi:
         for w from 2 to nops(p) do
         if type(p[w],list) then pp:= op(p[w]),pp else pp:=pp,p[w] fi:
         k := k,[S,[pp]]
        elif nops(indets(op(p),symbol))=1 then
         k := k,[F,op(p)]
        elif nops(indets(op(p),symbol))>1 then
         k := k,[E,op(p)]
         k := k,[C,op(p)]
        k := k,p
      jack := jack,[k];
     lsti[2] :=[jack];
     for r in lsti[2] do
      for p in r do
       if type(p,list) and not member(p[1],{C,W,F,E,S}) and
          not member(convert(p[2],string),{"aquamarine", "black", "blue", "navy",
            "coral", "cyan", "brown", "gold", "green", "gray", "grey",  "khaki",
            "magenta", "maroon", "orange", "pink", "plum", "red", "sienna",
            "tan","turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "yellow"}) then
        ERROR("check color in ATcross")
     opts := opts,anstype=crossword,
     if nops(s[2])>2 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=3..nops(s[2]))]
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=WBOX_
    elif member(lsti[1],{_AF,_AI}) then #chkf(lsti[2]);
     if lsti[1]=_AF then
      anst := functionbox
      anst := integralbox
     fun := op(indets(lsti[2],symbol));
     if nops([fun])=0 then
     if nops([fun])>1 then
      ERROR("Use AE format, not AF")
     if nops(s[2])= 2 or nops(s[2][3])=0 then
      fun := [fun,6,op(RNGCHK_)];
     elif nops(s[2][3])=1 then
      fun := [fun,s[2][3][1],op(RNGCHK_)];
     elif nops(s[2][3])=3 then
      fun := [fun,s[2][3][1],s[2][3][2],s[2][3][3]];
      ERROR("Check AF format")
     opts  := opts,anstype=anst,rightanswers=lsti[2],funstuff=fun,op(s[1]);
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=WBOX_
     if nops(s[2])>3 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=4..nops(s[2]))]
    elif lsti[1]=_AE then
      #v := [op(indets(lsti[2],symbol))]; #AEstuff
      v := [op(indets(lsti[2],symbol))];       
     if nops(v)=0 then
     r := cat(";",convert(RNGCHK_[1],string),";",convert(RNGCHK_[2],string));
     fun := convert(cat(nops(v),seq(cat(";",v[j]),j=1..nops(v)),";"),string);
     if nops(s[2])=2 or nops(s[2][3])=0 then
      fun := cat(fun,5^(min(2,nops(v))),seq(r,k=1..nops(v)))
     elif nops(s[2][3])=1 then
      if type(s[2][3][1],string) then
       fun := cat(fun,s[2][3][1])
       fun := cat(fun,s[2][3][1],seq(r,k=1..nops(v)))
     elif nops(s[2][3])=3 then
      r := cat(";",s[2][3][2],";",s[2][3][3]);
      fun := cat(fun,s[2][3][1],seq(r,k=1..nops(v)))
     opts  := opts,anstype=mfunctionbox,rightanswers=lsti[2],funstuff=fun,op(s[1]);
     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=WBOX_
     if nops(s[2])>3 then
      opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=4..nops(s[2]))]
    elif  lsti[1] = _AX then
     opts  := opts,anstype=ungraded,op(s[1]);

     if not member(txtboxsize,map(lhs,[opts])) then
      opts := opts,txtboxsize=4
     #if nops(s[2])>1 then opts := opts,aftertext=[seq(s[2][j],j=2..nops(s[2]))] fi
    elif  member(lsti[1],{ _AS,_AL,_AR,_ALlabels,_AB,_ABlabels}) then
     opts := opts,forgen(s,lsti[1])
    elif lsti[1]=_TP then
     k := nops([plist]):
     if k=0 then
      opts :=opts,anstype=userdefined,rightanswers="",answers=""
      tp :=op([plist][-1]):  
      plist := seq([plist][j],j=1..k-1);
      opts:= opts,aftertext=rhs(prob);
      prob:= tp
    plist := plist,[prob,opts]:
    prob:= NULL:
    opts :=NULL:
   elif type(lst[i],`=`) and member(lhs(lst[i]),{standards,pretext,brks,Alabels,
     inline}) then
    opts := opts,lst[i]
   #elif type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=Lineit then
    #prob:= prob,lineit(op(lst[i]))
    prob := prob,lst[i]
 if PRINT_ = "yes" then
  ERROR("That option has been removed.");

 if LATEX_ = yes or LATEX_=both then
  if whslatex(Test=yes)=yes  then
   if LATEX_=yes then
   fi ;  
   mcprint("To get latex output, you need to load the latextools module.
    Note: If you have already loaded the latextools module,
    reload the MCtools package.");       

 if nargs=0 then
  plist:=[problem=[["What is 2 + 3?"]],anstype=textbox,rightanswers=5],
    [problem=[["What is 7 - 3?"]],anstype=radio,answers=[4,3,6,2,5],rightanswers=4]
  plist := prep([args]);
 #mcprint( [plist]);
 n := nops(plist);
 if n > 1 then
  if n > 2 then
   for i from 2 to n-1 do
###end tagit

###prints out the HTML tags
###substituted for by zipit
htmltable:=matrix([["spc_", "&nbsp;&nbsp;"], ["lt_", "<"], ["gt_", ">"], ["amp_", "&"], ["cup_", "&cup;"], ["cap_", "&cap;"], ["sub_", "&sub;"], ["sup_", "&sup;"], ["nsub_", "&nsub;"], ["supe_", "&supe;"], ["sube_", "&sube;"], ["isin_", "&isin;"], ["notin_", "&notin;"], ["ge_", "&ge;"], ["le_", "&le;"], ["ni_", "&ni;"], ["bld_", "<b>"], ["dlb_", "</b>"], ["unl_", "<u>"], ["lnu_", "</u>"], ["itl_", "<I>"], ["lti_", "</I>"], ["tr_", "<tr>"], ["rt_", "</tr>"], ["td_", "<td>"], ["dt_", "</td>"], ["up_", "<sup>"], ["pu_", "</sup>"], ["dn_", "<sub>"], ["nd_", "</sub>"], ["f_red_", "<font  color=\"red\">"], ["f_stp_", "</font>"], ["<br>", " "], ["<tt>", " "], ["</tt>", " "], ["<pre>", " "], ["</pre>", " "]]):

>    ###zipit
zipit := proc(infil,path)
 local ref,z,Args,vals,         zname,hfile,zfile,outfile,cpfile,response,line,n,wqspath,original,
orighref,audiohint,wrtohint,bds,mn,nm,mathclass,title,magic,web,tableopts,       ARGS,defaults,infile,app,zip,zpath,cleanps,s,hd,mathml,modxhtml,i,buf,bill,hwdir,
 mcprint("version ",ver);mcprint(ssystem("date /T")[2],ssystem("time /T")[2]);
 infile := infil;
 if hwdir="" then
  ERROR("Remove the trailing / from the path and reexecute zipit")

#modified 5/15/08
 #if length(infile)>3 and StringTools[SubString](infile,-4..-1) = "html" then
 # original:= StringTools[SubString](infile,1..StringTools[FirstFromLeft](".",infile)-2)
 # original := infile;
 # infile := cat(infile,"1.html")

 if length(infile)>3 and StringTools[SubString](infile,-4..-1) = "html" then
  original:= StringTools[SubString](infile,1..StringTools[FirstFromLeft](".",infile)-2)
  original := infile;  
  if  not FileTools[Exists](cat(original,"1.html"))
    and  FileTools[Exists](cat(original,".html_orig")) then

  FileTools[Rename](cat(original,".html_orig"),cat(original,"1.html")) fi;
if not FileTools[Exists](infile) then error "You must export to mathml or html before zipping." fi;
#end modified 5/15
  if evaln(MAGIC_)=MAGIC_ then eval(MCdefaults()); MCdefaults(); fi;  
 vals := subs({op(ARGS[1])},Args);
 zip := vals[3]:
 magic := vals[1]:
 web := vals[4]:
 ptozip:= vals[5];
 mathml := vals[6]:
 files := vals[9]:
 tfiles := NULL:
 if files<>{} then
 for i from 1 to nops(files) do
     if type(files[i],list) then
         files[i] := [convert(files[i][1],string),convert(files[i][2],string)];
         if not StringTools[IsSuffix]("html",files[i][1])  and StringTools[Search]("poId",files[i][1])=0 then
         #mcprint(files[i][1],"bill was here");
         files[i][1]:= cat(files[i][1],".html")
     else files[i] := convert(files[i],string);
         if not StringTools[IsSuffix]("html",files[i]) then
         files[i]:=[cat(files[i],".html"),files[i]] else
 tfiles := tfiles,files[i]
tfiles := [tfiles]:
 if  StringTools[Search]("Classic",interface(version))=0 then
   mcprint("This version of zipit is designed to only work with the
   html export from the Classic interface. Zip=no is set.") ;  zip:=no fi;

 if mathml=no then premod(path,files) fi;
 if  zname=original then if  mathml=yes then app:="kde"  else app:="whs" fi;
 wrtohint:= "false";
 cleanps := 0;
 ref := StringTools[Char](13);
 orighref := cat("<a href=\"",original);

   local line,f;
  line := l:
  if StringTools[Search]("<img src=\"images/",line)=0 and StringTools[Search]("H_[",line)=0 then
  line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"spc_","&nbsp;&nbsp;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"lt_","<");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"gt_",">");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"amp_","&");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"cup_","&cup;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"cap_","&cap;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"sub_","&sub;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"sup_","&sup;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"nsub_","&nsub;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"supe_","&supe;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"sube_","&sube;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"isin_","&isin;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"notin_","&notin;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"ge_","&ge;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"le_","&le;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"ni_","&ni;");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"bld_","<b>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"dlb_","</b>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"unl_","<u>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"lnu_","</u>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"itl_","<I>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"lti_","</I>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"tr_","<tr>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"rt_","</tr>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"td_","<td>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"dt_","</td>");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"f_red_","<font  color=\"red\">");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"f_stp_","</font>");
   line := StringTools[Substitute](line,ref,"");
   if line<>"" then
   line := StringTools[RegSubs]("(<a[^>]*MapleAutoBookmark[^>]*>)"=" ",line);
   line := StringTools[RegSubs]("(<[^>]*)&nbsp;([^>]*>)"="\\1\\2",line);
   line := StringTools[RegSubs]("(<[^>]*)&nbsp;([^>]*>)"="\\1\\2",line); fi;
   #line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"<br>"," ");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"<dl>","");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"</dl>","");
   #line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"<br />"," ");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"/ >"," />");   
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"<tt>"," ");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"</tt>"," ");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"<pre>"," ");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"</pre>"," ");
line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"_brk_","<br />");

#table filtering
local line;
  if StringTools[Search]("lt_table &nbsp;",line)>0 then
   line:=StringTools[Substitute](line,"lt_table &nbsp;","lt_table ")
  if (StringTools[Search]("lt_",line)>0 or StringTools[Search]("gt_",line)>0) and
  StringTools[Search]("^<font color",line)>0 then
   line :=StringTools[SubString](line,StringTools[FirstFromLeft]
  if StringTools[Search]("lt_table",line)>0 then
   cleanps:= cleanps +1
  if cleanps >0 then
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("lt_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,s[1]..-1)
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("gt_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[-1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,1..s[-1]+2)
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("dt_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,s[1]..s[1]+2)
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("td_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,s[1]..s[1]+2)
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("tr_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,s[1]..s[1]+2)
   s:= [StringTools[SearchAll]("rt_",line)];
   if s <> [] and s[1]>0 then
    line := StringTools[SubString](line,s[1]..s[1]+2)

   if StringTools[Search]("</p>",line)>0 then
   if StringTools[Search]("<p align",line)>0 then
  if StringTools[Search]("lt_/table",line)>0 then
   cleanps:= cleanps -1

>     ###modxhtml
 modxhtml := proc(infil,path)
  local bill,hd,buf,line,fil,f,i,filx,pbill;
  if mathml=no then hd:="<html>" else
  hd:="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN\"
     \"\" [
    <!ENTITY mathml \"\">]>
    <html xmlns=\"\">":

>      fi;

>      f := proc(infil,a)

not StringTools[IsSuffix](".xhtml",a) and (
(  #not StringTools[IsSuffix](".xhtml",a) and      
 and not StringTools[WildcardMatch](cat(infil,"1.html"),a)  
) or
     or member(a,files) )   

>      for fil in bill do
   if f(infil,fil) then
    buf := NULL:
    if FileTools[IsOpen](fil) then
    line := readline(fil);
    while line <> 0 do
           if (member(fil,files) or ( mathml=yes and member(StringTools[Substitute](fil,".html",".xhtml"),files) )) and
        max(op(StringTools[Search](["<title", "</title","<html","</html","<head","</head","<body",
        "</body"],line)))>0 then line:= readline(fil); next; fi;
line:= tablefilter(line);
    line := pretags(line);
     if StringTools[Search]("<dl>",line)>0 then  
      line := StringTools[Substitute](line,"<dl>","")
     if StringTools[Search]("</dl>",line)>0 then  
      line := StringTools[Substitute](line,"</dl>","")
     if StringTools[Search]("/ >",line)>0 then  
      line := StringTools[Substitute](line,"/ >","/>")
     if StringTools[Search]("<basefont",line)>0 or
        StringTools[Search]("</basefont",line)>0 then
      line :=readline(fil); next;
     line:= readline(fil);
    if member(fil,files) or member(StringTools[Substitute](fil,".html",".xhtml"),files) then NULL
      writeline(fil,hd) fi;
    for i from 1 to nops([buf]) do
if mathml = yes then
filx := StringTools[Substitute](fil,".html",".xhtml");
     if FileTools[Exists](filx) and filx<>fil then

 fi; #end if mathml=yes
 ###end modxhtml


 if StringTools[Search]("-",convert(magic,string))=0 then
 audiohint :=cat("",magic,"/hws/",zname);
 mathclass :=
   cat("<a href=\"",magic,"/hws/",zname,"/");
audiohint  :=cat("",magic,"/hws/",zname);
mathclass :=
cat("<a href=\"",magic,"/hws/",zname,"/");
 if vals[4]=no then
  mcprint("Have you saved the source worksheet lately?");
  mcprint(cat("Files in ",currentdir()," will go in homework zipfile."));

  mcprint(cat("Your files for this webpage should be in ",currentdir(),"."));
  mathclass:=cat("<a href=\"",magic,"/",original);
 if target="Content" then
  mathclass:= cat(mathclass,"\"  Target=\"Content")
 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 buf := NULL:
 line:= readline(infile):
 if mathml=no then

>     for i from 1 to 2000 while line<>0 do
  if StringTools[Search]("math xmlns=",line)>0 then
   mathml:=yes; mcprint("Mathml is detected.  Mathml=yes is set.");
 if FileTools[IsOpen](infile) then

>     if mathml=yes then


>     try
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 bill := FileTools[ListDirectory](path);
 for f in bill do
  if StringTools[Search]("hint",f)>0 then
 if mathml=no then
  hd := "<html>"
  hd:="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN\"
               \"\" [
    <!ENTITY mathml \"\">
    <html xmlns=\"\">":
 writeline(outfile,cat(hd,"\n<head>\n<title>",infil,"whs.html</title>\n<!-- Created by Maple,
   IBM INTEL NT (modified by WHS)-->\n</head>\n<body bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\">\n<p>"));
 line := readline(infile);
 while line<>0 and not(StringTools[Search]("H_",line)>0 and
       StringTools[Search]("ch](\"H_\"",line)=0 and
       StringTools[Search]("AH_",line)=0) do
  if StringTools[Search]("MCtools:=table([]):",line)>0 then
   ERROR("Close the MCtools section, and re-export to html before using zipit.")
  line := readline(infile)
 if line = 0  then
  ERROR("You have no header (captital h underscore) for this homework")
 while line <> 0 do

if  StringTools[Search]("H_[",line)>0 and StringTools[Search]("AH_[",line)=0 then
  if nops([StringTools[SearchAll]("]",line)])=1 and files<>{} then
   line := StringTools[SubString](line,StringTools[Search]("H_[",line)..StringTools[Search]("]",line)-1);
    line:= cat(line,";");

for i from 1 to nops(tfiles)-1 do
    if type(tfiles[i],list) then line:=cat(line,tfiles[i][1],",",tfiles[i][2],":")
    else line:=cat(line,tfiles[i][1],",",tfiles[i][2],":"); fi;
if type(tfiles[nops(tfiles)],list) then line:=cat(line,tfiles[nops(tfiles)][1],",",tfiles[nops(tfiles)][2],"]")
    else line:=cat(line,tfiles[nops(tfiles)],",",tfiles[nops(tfiles)],"]") fi;

  if mathml<>no then
   if StringTools[Search](".html",line)>0 and
      StringTools[Search](cat("<a href=\"",infil),line)>0 and
      StringTools[Search](cat("<a href=\"",infil,"1.html"),line)=0 then

    if StringTools[Search]("BEGINHINT_",line)>0 and  
     StringTools[Search]("\"BEGINHINT_\"",line)=0 then
   bds := StringTools[SearchAll]("_",line);
   if nops([bds])<3 then
    ERROR("Hint problem. close the MCtools section and
      re-export to html before using zipit.");  
   title:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](title,"lt_","<");
   title:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](title,"gt_",">");

   if mathml=no then

   writeline(hfile,hd); writeline(hfile,"<p>");
   if StringTools[Search]("\"  Target=",mathclass)>0 then
    mathcl := StringTools[Substitute](mathclass,"\"  Target=",cat(hfile,"\"  target="))
   #elif not target=no then
    #mathcl := cat(mathclass,hfile,"\"  Target=\"",target)
   else mathcl:= cat(mathclass,hfile)  
   writeline(outfile,cat(mathcl,"\"><p align=\"left\">"));
     cat("<b><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"3\">",title,"</font></b>"));
   wrtohint := "true";
  if StringTools[Search]("ENDHINT_",line)>0 and
     StringTools[Search]("\"ENDHINT_\"",line)=0 then
   line := readline(infile)
  ### link modification
  if  StringTools[Search]("hint.wav",line)>0  then   
  elif  StringTools[Search]("https://local:",line)>0  then   
elif  StringTools[Search]("local:",line)>0  then   

  line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"lt_a href=\"http://XXX.VIDEO",
    "\nlt_a href=\"http://XXX.VIDEO");
  if StringTools[Search]("TABLEOPTIONS_",line)>0 then
   bds := StringTools[SearchAll]("_",line);
   if nops([bds])=2 then
      cat("TABLEOPTIONS_",StringTools[SubString](line,bds[1]+1..bds[2]))," ")
  #line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"border=\"1\"",tableopts);
   line := pretags(line);
     if not line="" then
   if wrtohint = "false" then
  line := readline(infile)
if mathml=yes then
#print("writing bodyhtml to ",outfile);
 catch "file already open":
  ERROR("You are missing an endhint (in capitals)"):
 end try;

 if evaln(hfile)=hfile and FileTools[Exists](hfile) then FileTools[Remove](hfile) fi;
mcprint("Have you saved the source worksheet lately?");
 if mathml=no then modxhtml(infil,path)
  mcprint("You are using zipit with the option Mathml=yes.  You should put
   a note at the top of the homework that IE6 and the Mathplayer plugin
   (or special fonts for Mozilla) are needed to view the homework.") fi;
  if archiv=yes then archiveit(Path=cat(path,"/"))
  elif archiv=MCtools then archiveit(Path=cat(path,"/"),Package=[MCtools])
  elif type(archiv,list) then archiveit(Path=cat(path,"/"),Package=archiv) fi;
   if zip=yes then
   FileTools[Rename](cat(infil,"1.html"),cat(infil,".html_orig"),force);  #added 2/19/08
   zfile :=cat(vals[5],"zip  -r ..\\",zname," *");
   #zfile :=cat(vals[5], "zip  -r ",zpath,"/",zname," ",path);
   bill := system(zfile);

   if bill>0 then
    mcprint(cat("system errorno = ",convert(bill,string),"You don't have zip (or something else is wrong).
      You need to make a zipfile. \nThe html file  ",zname,".html has
      been created in ",path,". \nNow zip the  files in that directory
      with the name ",zname,".zip and install the homework on WHS."))
     mcprint(cat("A zipfile ",zname,".zip has been created in ",zpath,".
      Now install the homework via mathclass"))
    mcprint(cat("The html file ",zname,".html has been created in ",path,
     ". \nNow zip the  files in that directory with the name ",zname,
     ".zip and install the homework on WHS."))

###end zipit


>    ###tableit
tableit  := proc()
 local i,j,r,tbl,tops,cols,lst,ent;
 if nargs<1 then
  ERROR("Need the number of columns and the list of entries")
 if type(args[1],integer) then
  lst:= args[2]
  cols := args[2]:
 r := ceil(nops(lst)/cols);
 if nargs>2 then
 tbl := ah_(0),brks=-1,["lt_table ",tops," gt_"];
 for i from 1 to r do
  tbl := tbl, ["lt_tr gt_lt_td gt_"] ;
  for j from 1 to cols do
   ent := (i-1)*cols+j;
   if j < cols then
    if ent <= nops(lst) then
     tbl := tbl, lst[ent];
     if type(lst[ent],function) and
        member(op(0,lst[ent]),{_AW,_AC,_AF,_AE,_AS,_AI}) then
     tbl:=tbl,["lt_/td gt_lt_td gt_"]
    if ent <= nops(lst) then
     tbl := tbl, lst[ent];
     if type(lst[ent],function) and
        member(op(0,lst[ent]),{_AW,_AC,_AF,_AE,_AS,_AI}) then
     tbl:=tbl,["lt_/td gt_lt_/tr gt_"]
 tbl := tbl,["lt_/table gt_"];
###end tableit

Line:=proc ()
 local i,Args,fm;
 for i from 1 to nargs do
  if type(args[i],`=`) and lhs(args[i])=cellfmts then
   fm := args[i]
   Args:= Args,args[i]
end proc:
###end Line

Autoline := proc()
 local cfm,i;
 cfm := NULL;
 for i in args do
 if  hastype(i,`^`) then cfm := cfm,1 else cfm:= cfm,3 fi od:
 evaln(Line)(args,cellfmts=[cfm]) end:

lineit  := proc(lst)
 local i,j,cols,tbl_,defaults,vals,Args,ARGS,tp,md,bt,bl,cf,b;
 if PRINT_="yes" then
  if type(lst[1],list) then
 tp := "lt_td valign=\"top\" gt_";
 md := "lt_td valign=\"middle\" gt_";
 bt := "lt_td valign=\"bottom\" gt_";
 bl := "lt_td valign=\"baseline\" gt_";
 cf := [tp,md,bt,bl];
 #cellfmts=[seq("lt_td gt_",i=1..40)]
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 cols := nops(lst);
 if member(true, {seq(member(op(0,b[i]),
    {_AC,_AS,_AF,_AE,_AW,_AI}),i=1..nops(b))}) then
 if convert(vals[2],string)="yes" then
  tbl_ := tbl_,["lt_table ",vals[3]," gt_lt_tr gt_"]  
 if vals[4] < cols then
  ERROR("Too many cells in lineit, increase columns=")
 for j from 1 to cols do
  if type(vals[1][j],string) then
   tbl_ := tbl_,[vals[1][j]]
   tbl_ := tbl_,[cf[vals[1][j]]]
  if type(lst[j],function) and
     member(op(0,lst[j]),{_AC,_AS,_AF,_AE,_AW,_AI}) then
   tbl_:= tbl_,lst[j],["\nlt_/td gt_"];
   tbl_:=tbl_,lst[j],["lt_/td gt_"]
 if convert(vals[6],string)="yes" then
  tbl_ := tbl_,["lt_/tr gt_lt_tr gt_"]
 if convert(vals[5],string) = "yes" then  
  tbl_ := tbl_,["lt_/tr gt_lt_/table gt_"]
  tbl_:=tbl_,["lt_td gt_ "];
###end lineit

>    PCWSE:=proc(L)
local ARG,j:
for j from 1 to nops(L) do
if nops(L)<=1 then convert((cat("{  ",convert(op(L),string))),symbol) else

>    ###mcpiecewise
mcpiecewise := proc()
 local f,c,i;
 f := NULL:
 c := NULL:
 for i from 1 to nargs do
  if type(args[i],list) then
   f := f,args[i];
   f := f,[args[i],x <2] :
   c := c,2*i-1
 c := [c]:
 if nops(c) = 0 then
 elif nops(c) = 1 then
 elif nops(c) = 2 then
  subsop(c[2]=``,subsop( c[1]=``,PIECEWISE(f)))  
 elif nops(c)=3 then
  subsop(c[3]=``,subsop(c[2]=``,subsop( c[1]=``,PIECEWISE(f))))
 elif nops(c)=4 then
    subsop( c[1]=``,PIECEWISE(f)))))
 elif nops(c)=5 then
 elif nops(c)=6 then
    subsop(c[3]=``,subsop(c[2]=``,subsop( c[1]=``,PIECEWISE(f)))))))
  ERROR("mcpiecewise only handles 6 empty rules (so far)")
###end mcpiecewise

maketable := proc()
 local i, j, r, tbl, tops, cols, defaults, vals, Args, ARGS, Lst, Cfmts,Rfmts,lst;
 defaults := columns = 6, cellfmts = [""], rowfmts = [""],
   tablefmts = "border = \"0\"", immediate = no;
 Args := [cellfmts, columns, tablefmts, immediate, rowfmts];
 ARGS := PARAMS([defaults], select(type, [args], equation));
 vals := subs(ARGS[1], Args);
 lst := op(remove(member,[args],ARGS[1]));
 if type(lst, list) and not type(lst, listlist) then
  if nops(lst) <> nops(vals[1]) then
   if nops(vals[1]) = 1 then
    vals[1] := [seq(op(vals[1]), i = 1 .. nops(lst))]
    ERROR("cellfmts and lst must be same length")
   end if
  end if;
  r := ceil(nops(lst)/vals[2]);
  Lst := NULL;
  Cfmts := NULL;
  for i to r - 1 do
   Lst := Lst, [seq(lst[(i - 1)*vals[2] + j], j = 1 .. vals[2])];
   Cfmts := Cfmts, [seq(vals[1][(i - 1)*vals[2] + j], j = 1 .. vals[2])]
  end do;
  Lst := [Lst, [seq(lst[(r - 1)*vals[2] + j], j = 1 .. nops(lst) - (r - 1)*vals[2]),
      seq([""], i = nops(lst) + 1 .. r*vals[2])]];
  Cfmts := [Cfmts, [seq(vals[1][(r - 1)*vals[2] + j], j = 1 .. nops(lst) - (r - 1)*vals[2]),
      seq("", i = nops(lst) + 1 .. r*vals[2])]]
 elif type(lst, listlist) then
  r := nops(lst);
  vals[2] := nops(lst[1]);
  Lst := lst;
  if type(vals[1],listlist) then
   if nops(vals[1]) = nops(lst) and
      nops(vals[1][1]) = nops(lst[1]) then
    Cfmts := vals[1]
    ERROR("cellfmts and lst must be same size")
  elif nops(vals[1]) = 1 then
   Cfmts := [seq([seq(op(vals[1]), i = 1 .. nops(lst[1]))], j = 1 .. nops(lst))]
   ERROR("cellfmts and lst must be same size")
  end if
 elif type(lst, matrix) then
  r := linalg[rowdim](lst);
  vals[2] := linalg[coldim](lst);
  Lst := lst;
  if nops(vals[1]) = 1 then
   Cfmts := [seq([seq(op(vals[1]), i = 1 ..linalg[coldim](lst))],
     j = 1 ..linalg[rowdim](lst))]
  elif linalg[rowdim](vals[1]) = linalg[rowdim](lst) and
       linalg[coldim](vals[1]) = linalg[coldim](lst) then
   Cfmts := vals[1]
   ERROR("cellfmts and lst must be same size")
  end if
  ERROR("Expect a list, listlist, or matrix as input.")
 end if;
 Rfmts := NULL:
 if nops(vals[5]) = r  then
  Rfmts:= vals[5]
 elif nops(vals[5])=1 then
  ERROR("check your rowformats")
 tbl := ["lt_table ", vals[3], " gt_"];
  for i to r do
  tbl := tbl, ["lt_tr",Rfmts[i]," gt_"];
  for j to vals[2] do
   tbl := tbl, [cat("lt_td", Cfmts[i,j], " gt_")], Lst[i, j], ["dt_"]
  end do;
   tbl := tbl, [" rt_"]
 end do;
 tbl := tbl, ["lt_/table gt_"];
 if vals[4] = yes then
  for i to nops([tbl]) do
   if type(tbl[i], list) then
   elif type(tbl[i], string) then
   end if
  end do
 end if
end proc:
###end maketable

symbolize := proc(value)
 local v, p, q;
 v := value;
 if nargs=2 and type(args[1],procedure) then
 elif nargs=2 then
 elif type(v,list) or type(v,set) then
  v := map(symbolize,v);
 elif  type(v,equation) then
  if type(rhs(v), integer) or type(rhs(v), float) then
   if rhs(v) < 0 then
    v := subs(rhs(v) = `(`*convert(rhs(v), symbol)*`)`, v)
    v := subs(rhs(v) = convert(rhs(v), symbol), v)
   end if
  elif type(rhs(v),fraction) then
   v := lhs(v)=symbolize(numer(rhs(v)))/symbolize(denom(rhs(v)))
  elif type(rhs(v),`^`) then
   v := lhs(v)=subsop(1=symbolize(op(1,rhs(v))),rhs(v))
  elif type(rhs(v),procedure) then
   v := lsh(v)=op(0,rhs(v))(symbolize(op(1,rhs(v))))
  if type(v, integer) or type(v, float) then
   if v < 0 then
    v := subs(v = `(`*convert(v, symbol)*`)`, v)
    v := subs(v = convert(v, symbol), v)
   end if
  elif type(v,fraction) then
   v := symbolize(numer(v))/symbolize(denom(v))
  elif  type(v,`^`) then
   v :=  subsop(1=symbolize(op(1,v)),v)
  elif type(v,procedure) then
   v := op(0,v)(symbolize(op(1,v)))
 end if
end proc:
###end symbolize
##audiohint  :=cat("",magic,"/hws/",zname);
addlink := proc(link,text)
local l,lnk,b;
 if nargs<2  then mcprint("addlink(link,text) adds a link to a file.
if link contains the string \"self:\" then the target is set to open _self which should open the link in the
same window. The default is to open in a separate window.    
0 if there are three arguments then the file must be uploaded to the homework file using the upload video button.
1 if link begins with \"vidwin:\" then the file must be uploaded to the homework file using the upload video button.
2 if link begins with \"local:\" then the file must be included in the homework directory zipfile
3 if link begins with \"http\" then the file must be at the url given
4 otherwise link is appended with \"http://\" and treated as in 3"); return NULL fi;
if StringTools[Search]("self:",StringTools[LowerCase](convert(link,string)))>0 then
b:="_self": lnk:= StringTools[Substitute](link,"self:",""): fi:
if nargs = 3 then
elif StringTools[Search]("vidwin:",link)>0 then
lnk := StringTools[Substitute](link,"vidwin:","");
l:=  cat("lt_a href=\"http://XXX_VIDEO/",lnk,"\" target=\"",b,"\"  gt_ ",text," lt_/a gt_")
elif StringTools[Search]("local:",link)>0 then
l:=  cat("lt_a href=\"",link,"\" target=\"",b,"\" gt_ ",text," lt_/a gt_")
elif StringTools[Search]("http",link)>0 then
l:=  cat("lt_a href=\"",link,"\" target=\"",b,"\"  gt_ ",text," lt_/a gt_")   
l:=  cat("lt_a href=\"",link,"\" target=\"",b,"\"  gt_ ",text," lt_/a gt_")
###end addlink

addimg := proc(link)
local bill,defaults,help,center,latex,opts,hfill,optins,size;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Center,Latex,Hfill,Options,Size]);
help:=opts[1]: center:=opts[2]: latex:=opts[3]: hfill:=opts[4]:
if size=large then optins:="height=200pt,width=320pt" fi;
if help=yes then mcprint("addimg(link) adds an img tag for a picture which can be in the homwork directory or elsewhere.
Latex=no  change to yes for latex output.
Center=no change to yes to center picture (in html or latex)
Size=small change to large to set dimensions to 200 by 320
Options=\"height=90pt,width=120pt\"  change as needed (for latex)"): RETURN(NULL) fi;
if latex = yes then
bill := "\\includegraphics[";
 if hfill<>no then bill := cat(hfill,bill) fi;
 if center=yes then bill := cat("\\begin{center}\n",bill,"\n\\end{center}")  fi;  
else bill:=  cat("lt_img src=\"",link,"\" alt=\"MaplePlot\" /gt_");
if center=yes then bill:=cat("lt_center gt_ ",bill," lt_/center gt_") fi;

###end addimg

addsectionhint := proc()
 local mn,t,nm,title,text,i;
 if nargs <2 then
  ERRROR("Need a message and sectionmaterial")
 title := args[1]:
 if nargs = 2 then
  if type(args[2],list) then
   text := op(args[2])
  text := [seq(args[i],i=2..nargs)]

###end addsectionhint

addvlink := proc(path)
 local defaults,Args,ARGS,vals,bill,name;
 vals := subs(ARGS[1],Args);
 name :=StringTools[SubString](path,
 if vals[1]<>"" then
  bill := addlink(cat(vals[1],"/",name)," WHS video server"),"spc_"
  bill := NULL
 bill := bill, addlink(cat("file:///d:/",path),"D") ,"spc_ ",
   addlink(cat("file:///e:/",path)," E"),"spc_ ",
   addlink(cat("file:///k:/",path)," K"),"spc_ "  ,
   addlink(cat("file:///l:/",path)," L"),"spc_ ",
   seq(op(["spc_ ",addlink(cat("file:///",vals[2][i],":/",path),
   cat(" ",vals[2][i]))]),i=1..nops(vals[2])) ;
###end addvlink

archiveit := proc()
local defaults,pkgs,path,archive,pa,opts,help,p,tmp,lib;
global savelibname;
 lib := libname;
 if whattype(lib)=`exprseq` then lib:=lib[1] fi;
 defaults := Path=lib,
 opts := subs([op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 path := opts[1];
 archive:= opts[2];
 help:= opts[3];
 pkgs:= opts[4];
 if help=yes then mcprint(
"archiveit(options)  saves the current MCtools and latextools to the Maple library
  Help=yes #gives this message
  Path=\"libname\", #set to a writable directory
  Note:  the default is the most common place for the Maple library to be.
  You may have to change it.
  If you are logged into a mathsciences machine try
  Archive=\"mclatools.lib\"  #set to a writable archive
  Package=[MCtools,latextools] # set to the words you wish to save to the library");
 if not FileTools[Exists](path) then ERROR("The path ",path," does not exist" ) fi;
 #if not FileTools[IsWritable](path) then ERROR("You don't have permission to write in ",path) fi;
 pa := cat(path,"/",archive);
 if not FileTools[Exists](pa) then
   catch "Error":
   end try;     
 if type(pkgs,list) then for p in pkgs do
  savelib(p) od
   else savelib('pkgs') fi;
 mcprint(pkgs," archived in ",pa);
 if StringTools[Search]("MCtools",StringTools[Join](pkgs))>0 then mcprint("MCdefaults() = ",MCdefaults()) else NULL fi;

 local Args,Thknss,Styl,Clr,Scalefactor,ARGS,defaults,PLOTOPTIONS:
 defaults:= thknss=2,styl=1, clr=black, scalefactor=1:
###end PA

#list qm lines in a worksheet.
show_answers := proc(fil,path)
 local junk,j,oc,a,b,c,d,e,defaults,opts,line,help,tag,mode,file,i,qtype;
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 mode := convert(opts[2],string);
 if help=yes then
  mcprint("show_answers(\"worksheet\",path) lists the answers in the qmlines in file.
     Use .mws for the source, and 1.html for the html export.  
     Use mode=\"list\" if you want the answers given in list.  
     Use mode=\"count\" to get simply the number of questions.");
 if not member(StringTools[SubString](fil,-3..-1),{"mws","tml"}) then
  file := cat(fil,".mws")
  file :=  fil
 if StringTools[SubString](file,-3..-1)="mws" then

 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 line := readline(file);
 junk:= NULL:

 while line<>0 do
  junk:= cat(junk,line);
  line:= readline(file);
 a := NULL:
 for c in b do
  if StringTools[SubString](junk,c+6..c+6) ="\"" then
  d := StringTools[SubString](junk,c+5..c+200);
  e := StringTools[FirstFromLeft]("]",d);
  a := a,StringTools[SubString](d,1..e-1);
 if mode="vertical" then
  for i from 1 to nops([a]) do
   mcprint("Question ",i,"  ",a[i])
 elif mode="count" then
  mcprint("Number of questions:",nops([a]))

stagit := proc()
local defaults,help,opts;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help]);
if opts[1]=yes then mcprint("stagit(problems); executes tagit(problems); then if Standardize
is a list, executes tagit(hidden=survey,op(Standardize). Used to make it convenient to
get teachers to key standards to problems."); RETURN(NULL) fi;

if type(Standardize,list) then
tagit(hidden=survey,op(Standardize)) fi;

ltagit:= proc()
local defaults,help,opts;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help]);
if opts[1]=yes then mcprint("ltagit(problems); executes latextools:-whslatex(args) if LATEX_=yes else \nit executes tagit(args)."); RETURN(NULL) fi;
  if LATEX_=yes then latextools:-whslatex(args) else tagit(args) fi end:

format:= proc(txt)
local defaults,help,size,bold,ital,undln,cntr,clr,text,opts,ftable,gtable;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Size,Color,Bold,Underline,Italics,Center]);
 help:=opts[1]: size:=opts[2]: bold:=opts[4]:undln:=opts[5]:ital:=opts[6]:  clr:=convert(opts[3],string):cntr:=opts[7]:
 if help=yes then mcprint(
 "format(text,options) changes the font of text in html or latex,
  depending on whether LATEX_=yes.
  Size=\"normalsize\",  (use one of \"small\",\"normalsize\",\"large\",
  \"Large\",\"LARGE\",\"huge\", or \"Huge\"

 if StringTools[Search]("\n",text)>0 then mcprint("replacing \\n's with breaks");
  text:=StringTools[SubstituteAll](text,"\n","_brk_") fi;
  ftable := proc(ft)
   local g,i:
   for i in g do if ft=i[1] or ft=i[2] then RETURN(i) fi od:
   ERROR("Size= must be one of \"small\", \"normalsize\",\"large\",\"Large\",\"LARGE\",\"huge\", or \"Huge\"")

   if not LATEX_=yes then
 text := cat("lt_font color=\"",clr,"\" size=\"",ftable(size)[1],"\" gt_ ",text," lt_/font gt_");
 if bold=yes then text := cat(" lt_b gt_ ",text," lt_/b gt_ ") fi;
 if undln=yes then text :=cat(" lt_u gt_ ",text," lt_/u gt_ ") fi;
 if ital=yes then text :=cat(" lt_I gt_ ",text," lt_/I gt_ ") fi;
 if cntr=yes then text :=cat(" lt_center gt_ ",text," lt_/center gt_ ") fi;
 else text:=[cat("{\\color{",clr,"}\\",ftable(size)[2]," ",text,"}")];
 if bold=yes then text:=[cat("\\textbf{",op(text),"}")] fi;
if undln=yes then text:=[cat("\\underline{",op(text),"}")] fi;
 if ital=yes then text:=[cat("\\textit{",op(text),"}")] fi;
if ital=yes then text:=[cat("\\begin{center}\n",op(text),"\n\\end{center}\n")] fi;

filter7 := proc(infile,path)
local FD,bill,file,line,i,t,n,hd,starttags,stoptags,
if StringTools[Search](".html",infile)>0 then FD:=infile ; main:=no; else
FD := cat(infile,"1.html"); main:=yes; fi:
#print(FD," being filter7d",main);
if FileTools[IsOpen](FD) then close(FD) fi;
bill := open(FD,READ);
TFD := cat("tmp_",FD);
if FileTools[IsOpen](TFD) then close(TFD) fi;
starttags := ["QA_[","QM_[","QN_["]: stoptags:= ["SKIP_"]:
keep := no;
line := readline(FD);
while line <> 0 do
if StringTools[Search]("H_",line)>0 then keep:=yes fi:
#line := StringTools[Substitute](line,StringTools[Char](13),"");  
if max(op(StringTools[Search](starttags,line)))>0 then  
#line := cat("</p>\n",line,"\n<p>"):
keep:=yes fi;
if StringTools[Search]("T_",line)>0 then  keep:=yes fi;
if max(op(StringTools[Search](stoptags,line)))>0 then
keep:=no fi;

if keep = yes then
longline:= line; line:= readline(FD);

while line<>0 and StringTools[Search]("SKIP_",longline)=0 do
#line := StringTools[Substitute](line,StringTools[Char](13),"");
if StringTools[Search]("SKIP_",line)>0 then
line:= cat("\n</p>\n<p>\n  \n</p>\n<p>\n",line) fi:
longline := cat(longline,"\n",line);

if main=yes then
longline := StringTools[RegSubs](
"<p align=\"left\">([\n\r]*)</p>"="\\1",longline); fi;

if StringTools[Search]("<math xml",longline)>0 then
longline:= StringTools[RegSubs]
("</p>[\n\r]*<p align=\"center\">([\n\r]*<math)"="\\1",longline);
longline:= StringTools[RegSubs](
"(</math>[\n\r]*)</p>[\n\r]*<p [^>]+>"="\\1",longline);
#else writeline(TFD,line);
line := readline(FD);
close(FD): close(TFD);
open(FD,WRITE); open(TFD,READ);
line := readline(TFD);
while line<>0 do
 writeline(FD,line) ; line := readline(TFD) ;
if mathml=yes then
writeline(TFD,"</p>\n</body>\n</html>") fi;
print(cat(FD," filtered"));

savepic := proc()
local defaults,opts,help,imgformat,height,width,struc,name,path,pltopts,size;
 defaults:= Help=no,Image=gif,Height="300",Width="480",Plotoptions="",Size=large;
 opts:= subs( [op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Image,Height,Width,Plotoptions,Size]);
 imgformat := opts[2]:
 if size=small then height:=200: width:=320:   fi:
  if not StringTools[IsPrefix](",",pltopts) then pltopts:=cat(",",pltopts) fi;
  if help=yes or nargs<2 then
  mcprint("savepic(struc,bill) saves a plotstructure struc with name bill to the currendir, and returns the name of the image for use with addimg.
 NOTE: You will need to set the currentdir to the homework directory,
unless you have used zipit.
  Size=large  if Size=small then Height and Width are reset to 200 by 320
  Plotoptions=\"\"  put additional plot options here.
 NOTE: If Image=ps then Plotoptions are set to
 \"width=480pt,height=300pt,shrinkby=.0,noborder,portrait\".  Change as needed");  
  struc:=args[1]: name:=convert(args[2],string): path:=currentdir():
  if not StringTools[IsSuffix](convert(imgformat,string),name) then name:=cat(name,".",convert(imgformat,string)) fi:
  pltopts:=cat("height=",height,",width=",width," ",pltopts):
  if imgformat=ps then if size <> default or (height<>"" and width<>"") then
 pltopts:=cat("shrinkby=.0,noborder,portrait") fi fi;

 local bill,line,i,fd,w,d,h,help,opts,defaults,path;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 if opts[1]=yes then mcprint(
"changepic(worksheet.mws); will change the dimensions of pictures
 in the worksheet and store the result in tmp_worksheet.mws
 Open the worksheet separately and if the effect is good, save it
 over worksheet.mws (which will need to be closed first)
 Path=currentdir();  #change this here or issue currentdir(path);
 from the homework worksheet
 Width=200,Height=200,Depth=200  #change these as desired");
w:= opts[2];
fd := cat("tmp_",wrksht);
 line := readline(wrksht);
 while line<>0 do
 #if StringTools[Search]("{GLPLOT",line)>0
 #then line := cat(line,"\n",readline(wrksht)) fi;
 if StringTools[RegMatch]("{GLPLOT([2-3])D [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+",line)
then #mcprint(line);  
line:=StringTools[RegSubs]("{GLPLOT([2-3])D [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+"=cat("{GLPLOT\\1D ",w," ",w," ",w),line);
  writeline(fd,line); line:=readline(wrksht);
 mcprint(cat("plots resized to ",w," by ",d," by ",w," in tmp_",wrksht,"."));

AKhint := proc(label,message)
  local defaults,help,opts;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help]);
 if opts[1]=yes then mcprint(
 "AKhint(label::string,message::string) formats a button to show a popup hint.");

makeheader := proc(title)
 local multiplicity,base,header,hwflags,files,defaults,opts,titl,i,f,hmwk,fake,p,q,code;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 if opts[1]=yes then mcprint(
 "makeheader(title);  generates a title section for a homework.
title is a list whose contents will go to tagit.
Multiplicity=1  set to n if there are n version of each problem.
Shuffle=no  set to yes if you want the problems to occur in a random order when the Multiplicity>1.
Survey=0  set to n if you want the first n questions to be survey questions with no
question numbers.
Video=\"\"  set to cd if you want the video hint
files to be accessed from a cd on the student machine.
   set to ss if the multiplicity is  n then  in each group of n
 problems if WHS selects the jth one for problem 1 then it selects
 the jth one for every problem.
Fakequestion=yes  set to no to if no fake question is wanted. Note: if a real question
if wanted here, set title to a list of two lists, header and question.
Files=\"\"  Set to a list of pairs [filename,displayname]. these files will be displayed in the text left column.
  Note: you can do the same thing from the zipit line.
Note: If a file is exported from the 5th closed section of \"bill.mws\"
specify the filename \"bill5\".
Code=\"\"  For author-checked answer formats. Set this to the name of a checker .dll which you have in homework directory.");
#if opts[3]=no then base:=-2-opts[4] else base:=opts[4]+1 fi;
if opts[3]=no then base:=-1-opts[4] else base:=opts[4] fi;  
if opts[5]=cd then hwflags:=1 else hwflags:=0 fi;
if (opts[5]=ss) then hwflags:=2: fi:
 if (opts[5]=cdss) then hwflags:=3: fi:
if opts[6]="" then files:="" else
  if  type(opts[6],listlist) then
files := NULL:
for f in opts[6] do
if not StringTools[IsSuffix](hmkw,f[1]) and StringTools[Search]("poId",f[1])=0
then f[1]:= cat(f[1],hmwk)  fi ;
od: files := [files]:   
 else ERROR("Files must be a list of pairs") fi:
if not type(title,list) then titl := [title] else titl:=title fi:
if opts[8]=yes then
 if type(titl[1],list) then
 p:= titl[1];q:=titl[2];
#if nops(titl)>1 then q:=[seq(titl[i],i=2..-1)]; print(q) else q:= [""] fi;
 else p := titl: q:=[""]
 tagit(hidden=survey, pretext=p, op(q))
 mcprint("T","_\n",op(titl),cat("\n\nSKIP","_\n")) fi

vbutbox := proc(Lst)
  local af,i,j,k,p,id,defaults,opts,help,m,mtmp,button,q,bks,lst;
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Shuffle,Id,Rightone,Button,Breaks]);
  id :=opts[3]:
  if button="radio" then button:="R" else button:="Q" fi:
if m<>0 then lst := Lst else
  lst:=NULL:  m := NULL:
  for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do
  if not type(Lst[i],list) or not member(Lst[i][1],{0,1}) then ERROR("When Rightone=0, you must mark the correct alternatives with 1 and incorrect one with 0.") fi;
  if Lst[i][1]=1 then m := m,i fi;
  lst := lst,[seq(Lst[i][j],j=2..nops(Lst[i]))];
  if button="Q" then m := [m]; fi;   

  if help=yes then mcprint(
"vbutbox(lst::listlist) constructs a group of vertical radio button or checkbox
 alternatives with the same identifier (Id below).
 The first alternative is assumed the correct one, unless modified by the Rightone= option.
 Button=\"radio\"  change to \"checkbox\" for checkbox alternatives.
 Breaks=no   Change to yes to put alternatives on different lines.
 Rightone=1   Change to the correct alternative as needed.  Note: if Button=\"checkbox\"
              set Rightone=the list of correct alternatives.  
 Shuffle=yes  Change to no to turn off shuffling.
             Or insert a permutation of nops(lst) to shuffle the positions
 Id = -rand(1..10000)()   If you want a particular identifier, use a positive
  integer if you want WHS to shuffle it, otherwise use a negative integer");
if p=no then p:=[seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))] elif
 p=yes then p:=combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))]) else
     if not type(p,list) or nops(p)<>nops(lst) or max(op(p))<>nops(lst) then
  ERROR("Shuffle must be a permutation of 1 thru no. of alternatives.") fi fi;
  if button="R" then mtmp:=-1:
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if p[i]=m then mtmp:=i; ;fi od: if mtmp>-1 then m := mtmp else ERROR("Need a Rightone=") fi
  elif button="Q" then
  q := "";
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if member(p[i],{op(m)}) then q:=cat(q,";",convert(i,string)) else   q := cat(q,";")  fi;
   m := q;
  af := cat("A",button,"_[",convert(id,string),";1]");
  for i from 1 to nops(lst)-1 do
  if (type(lst[p[i]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[i]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[i]][1],string) then
  k:=k,af,op(lst[p[i]]); else k:=k,af,"",op(lst[p[i]]) fi;
 if not ((type(lst[p[i]][-1],function) and op(0,lst[p[i]][-1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[i]][-1],string)) then
  k:=op([k,""]) fi;
  if bks=yes then k:=k,Brak() fi:

 if button="R" then
 if (type(lst[p[-1]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][1],string) then
  k:=k,_Ar([id,m]),op(lst[p[-1]])  else k:=k,_Ar([id,m]),"",op(lst[p[-1]]) fi;
if not((type(lst[p[-1]][-1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][-1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][-1],string)) then
   k:=op([k,""]) fi;
if (type(lst[p[-1]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][1],string) then
  k:=k,_Aq([id,m]),op(lst[p[-1]])  else k:=k,_Aq([id,m]),"",op(lst[p[-1]]) fi;
if not((type(lst[p[-1]][-1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][-1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][-1],string)) then
   k:=op([k,""]) fi;
##end vbutbox

tbuttons := proc(Lst)
  local af,i,j,k,p,id,defaults,opts,help,m,mtmp,nc,c,tabopts,cellopts,co,button,q,lst,labels,labels1,labels2;
    if member(args[1],{Help,Help=yes,"Help"}) then mcprint(
"tbuttons(lst::listlist) constructs an array of radio button (default) or checkbox  
 alternatives with the same identifier (Id below).
 The first alternative is assumed the correct one, unless modified appropriately
 with the Rightone= option.
 Button=\"radio\"  change to Button=\"checkbox\" for an array of checkbox alternatives
 Rightone=1   For Button=\"radio\" change to the correct alternative as needed.
              For Button=\"checkbox\" change to a list of correct alternatives
 Numcols=1   Change to the number of columns you want.
 Shuffle=yes  Change to no to turn off shuffling.  
              Or insert a permutation of nops(lst) to shuffle the positions
              Note: For problem replication purposes, if is recommended that you
              generate the permutation of the alternatives using getparams
 Id = -rand(1..10000)()   If you want a particular identifier, use a positive
  integer if you want WHS to shuffle it, otherwise use a negative integer
 Labels=\"\"  Replace by Labels=1 to get [\"A) \",\"B) \", etc] or Labels=2 to get red letter labels.
              or Labels=[any list of strings]
 Tableopts=\"\"  replace with
an appropriate format string
 Cellopts=\"\"   replace with a format string for all cells or a list of
 pairs [n,string], where n is the cell number to be formatted with string.");

labels2:=[seq(cat("lt_font color=\"red\" gt_lt_b gt_",convert([i+65],'bytes'),") lt_/b gt_ lt_/font gt_ "),i=0..25)]:
labels1:=[seq(cat(convert([i+65],'bytes'),") "),i=0..25)]:  defaults:=Shuffle=yes,Id=-rand(1..10000)(),Rightone=1,Numcols=1,
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Shuffle,Id,Rightone,Numcols,Tableopts,Cellopts,Button,Labels]);
  id :=opts[2]:
  nc :=opts[4]:
  labels:=opts[8]: if type(labels,string) then labels:=[seq(labels,i=1..nops(Lst))]
                   elif labels=1 then labels:=labels1
                   elif labels=2 then labels:=labels2 fi;
  if member(button,{"round","R","radio"}) then button:="R"
  elif member(button,{"square","Q","checkbox"}) then button:="Q" else
   ERROR("Button=\"radio\"  or Button=\"checkbox\"") fi:

  if m<>0 then lst := Lst else
  lst:=NULL:  m := NULL:
  for i from 1 to nops(Lst) do
  if not type(Lst[i],list) or not member(Lst[i][1],{0,1}) then ERROR("When Rightone=0, you must mark the correct alternatives with 1 and incorrect ones with 0.") fi;
  if Lst[i][1]=1 then m := m,i fi;
  lst := lst,[seq(Lst[i][j],j=2..nops(Lst[i]))];
  if button="Q" then m := [m]; fi;   

  if type(cellopts,string) then cellopts:=[seq(cellopts ,i=1..nops(lst))]
  elif type(cellopts,list) then co:=NULL;j:=1;
  for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
  if j <= nops(cellopts) and cellopts[j][1]=i then co:=co,cellopts[j][2];
  j:=j+1 else co:=co,"" fi od;
  else ERROR("Check Help for syntax of Cellopts");

if p=no then p:=[seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))]
 elif p=yes then p:=combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))])
else if not type(p,list) or nops(p)<>nops(lst) or max(op(p))<>nops(lst) then
   error "Shuffle must be a permutation of 1 thru no. of alternatives." fi fi;
 # mcprint(p);

if button="R" then mtmp:=-1:
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if p[i]=m then mtmp:=i fi od:
  if mtmp>-1 then m := mtmp else ERROR("Need a Rightone=") fi

  elif button="Q" then q := "";
  for i from 1 to nops(p) do
  if member(p[i],{op(m)}) then q:=cat(q,";",convert(i,string))
       else   q := cat(q,";")  fi;
   m := q;
#adding labels to tbuttons 1/09
  af := cat("A",button,"_[",convert(id,string),";1]");
  k:=[cat("lt_table ",tabopts," gt_\nlt_tr gt_\nlt_td ",cellopts[p[1]]," gt_")];
 c := 1;
  for i from 1 to nops(lst)-1 do
  if (type(lst[p[i]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[i]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[i]][1],string) then
  k:=k,af,labels[i],op(lst[p[i]])  else
 if not ((type(lst[p[i]][-1],function) and op(0,lst[p[i]][-1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[i]][-1],string)) then
  k:=op([k,""]) fi;
k := k,["lt_/td gt_"]:
c := c+1;
if c > nc then  k:= k,["lt_/tr gt_\nlt_tr gt_"];
 c := 1; fi:
k:=k,[cat("lt_td ",cellopts[p[i+1]]," gt_")];

 if button="R" then
 if (type(lst[p[-1]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][1],string) then    k:=k,_Ar([id,m]),labels[nops(p)],op(lst[p[-1]])  else k:=k,_Ar([id,m]),labels[nops(p)],op(lst[p[-1]]) fi;
 if (type(lst[p[-1]][1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][1],string) then    k:=k,_Aq([id,m]),labels[nops(p)],op(lst[p[-1]])  else k:=k,_Aq([id,m]),labels[nops(p)],op(lst[p[-1]]) fi;
if not((type(lst[p[-1]][-1],function) and op(0,lst[p[-1]][-1])=PLOT) or type(lst[p[-1]][-1],string)) then
 k:=op([k,""]) fi;
#c := c+1;
 k:= k,["lt_/td gt_\nlt_/tr gt_\nlt_/table gt_"];

##end tbuttons

 local txt:
 mcprint("MCtools, version ",ver,".");
 if (args=NULL  or nargs>1) then
  mcprint(" "):
  mcprint("Current choices are ",MCTOOLS_,".");
  mcprint(" "):
  mcprint("\"mctools(X)\" gives syntax and defaults for \"X\""):
  mcprint(" "):
 txt=archiveit then mcprint("See archiveit(Help=yes); for details")
  txt =PARAMS then mcprint("PARAMS(Defaults,Args)"):
 elif txt =PT   then
  mcprint("PT(Location,txt,fontsize=16,clr=black) ");
 elif txt =colors then
  mcprint(" colors()  to see colors  use \"colors(showthem = yes)\".");
 elif txt = DL then
    hashlocation=.5)  ");
 elif txt = DV then   
    fudge=[.1,.1],type=\"V\") draws an arrowhead with tines at an angle of
    15 degrees with the shaft and of length 1. If there is a name,
    it is put next the the head with an offset of fudge=[.1,.1]. If <> V
    then the arrowhead is solid.");
 elif  txt =GP then
  mcprint("GP(llcorner=[-5,-5], width=10, height=10,
    resolution=2, tickmarkfont=12, axescolor=red) ");
 elif  txt=GP2 then
  mcprint("GP2(llhc  = [-5,-5],width=10,height=10,xres=1,yres=1,
    clrs=[black,black],xlabl=`x`, ylabl=`y`,TMfont=NTM)");
 elif txt = GP3 then
   mcprint("GP3(llhc= [0,0,0],width=10,height=10,depth= 10, xres=10/3,
     yres=10/3, zres = 10/3, clrs =[black,red,blue],xlabl=`x`, ylabl=`y`,
     zlabl = `z`, TMfont=NTM)");
 elif txt = MM then
 elif  txt =PP then
   mcprint("PP(location,radius, clr=blue,scalefactor=1) ");
 elif  txt =ARRW then  
     fontsize=16,txtclr=black,dhgap=1/3) ");
 elif txt = CARR then  
    CARR(pts=[[0,0],[1,0],[1.3,1],[1,2]])  gives a 2-d curvilinear arrow.");
 elif txt =PC then
  mcprint("PC(center,radius, thknss=2, styl=1, clr=black,scalefactor=1)  ");
 elif txt = PA then
  mcprint("PA(center,radius,theta1,theta2, thknss=3,
    styl=1, clr=black,scalefactor=1)  ");
 elif txt = roundto then
 elif txt = roundit then
  mcprint("Use roundit(Help=yes) to see usage. ");
 elif txt =hashang then
    otherway=`NO`,fliphead=`NO`) ")
 elif txt = RANDANS then   
 elif txt=vbutbox then mcprint("see vbuttons(Help=yes)")
 elif txt=tbuttons then mcprint("see tbuttons(Help=yes)")
 elif txt = generator or txt=tagit then
  mcprint("tagit(strings,expressions,lists,answer formats,option equations)
    strings are mcprinted, expressions are printed,  the ops of lists are mcprinted,
    answer formats produce answer tags:   They are
    _AC(answer,options) where answer is the correct answer to the question,
    options are option equations, and aftertext are strings, lists and expressions
    to be put into an aftertext option. Two options which are commonly set are
    txtboxsize and precision. The defaults for txtboxsize and precision
    are 5 and .05.
    _AZ([initstring,rightanswerstring]) where initstring is the x string in
     az_[x] and rightanswerstring goes into the QMline (see author documentation)
    _AN(answer) where answer must be a numeric string  
    _AW(answers)  where answers is a list of possible spellings of the word,
    or a string of #-separated possible spellings of the word.
    _AS(answers) This is a multiple choice answer format.    
    producing a scroll box with alternatives
    _AS(answers) where answers is a list of alternative answers with
    the correct answer first.
    _TP() Use this if you want to end a problem part after an answer
    description has been specified.   Any options given before the problem
    terminator are applied to that part.  Any strings and expression are put
    in the aftertext option to that part.
    _AF(f,options)   where f is an algebraic expression with one variable,
    and options are txtboxsize, precision, and funstuff.  The defaults are txtboxsize=15, precision=.05, and funstuff=[x,6,.1,1].
    _AI(f,options)   just like _AF, that   WHS counts it as correct if it
    differs by a constant within a specified error set by the precision option.  
    It is most often used to test answers to antidifferentiation problems.
    _AE(f,options)  just like _AF, except that more than one varible is permitted.
    _AL(answers) where answers is a list of alternative answers with the
    correct answer first. a row of radio buttons is produced
    _AR(answers) like _AL, except that the radio buttons occur vertically
    _ALlabels(answers)  just like AL execpt the alternative are labelled
    and put above the row of radio buttons
    _AB(answers)  like AL except that more than one answer can be right.
    right answers in   the list of answers are enclosed in square brackets.
    _ABlabels(answers) like AB except that the alternatives are labelled
    and put above the row of checkboxes.
    _AT(list of lists)  creates a tables of  AC boxes.   entries which are
    enclosed in square brackets are replaced with AC boxes.
    _ATcross(list of lists)  creates a table of AC, AF, AI, AE, AW, and AS boxes.
    each entry is printed or mcprinted unless it is a list [answers]
     and answers is written in the form expected by AC, AF, AI, AE, AW or AS.

    The option equations are
    standards=\"\"  set to a comma separated list of labels identifying a
    list of standards tested (from some list of course standards or state-mandated
    prextext=NULL, set to a string or list to put text before question
    brks=0, for no breaks, 1 for break after, 2 for break before, 3 for break
    before and after the text preceding the answer box.  To suppress the
    header tag, use brks=4
    precision=`.05`,  measures error in response, used with AC, AF, AI, AE, AT,
    ATspread, ATcross  
    txtboxsize=8,   number of spaces in the answer box  used with AC, AF, AI, AE,
    AT, ATspread, ATcross_  
    randomize=no, set to yes if you want the alternatives scrambled..
    matsize=[1,5], sets the array the alternatives are shown in _ALlabels
    and _ABlabels
    Alabels=[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H], sets the labels used in _ALlabels and _ABlabels
    Flabels=\"color=red\",  sets the label color in _ALlabels and _ABlabels
    hidden=no  set to yes to hide the answer on feedback sheet.
    inline=no,  set to [yes] for one line questions;[yes,opts1] opts1 is list
    of options to Lineit; [yes,opts1,opts2] opts2 is list of options to Lineit
    (used in aftertext)")
 elif txt=Axes then
 elif txt=zipit then
  mcprint("zipit(\"sample\",\"full path to zip file directory\"); where
   sample.mws is the name of your source worksheet.  A modified verison of the
   file sample1.html is written to samplewhs.html.  Then ordinarily
   a zipfile named is created in the zip file directory, which can
   then to be installed on mathclass.  By setting the option Zip=no, the creation
   of the zipfile is bypassed.
   Other Options
   Zname = \"stuff\", the name for your zipfile.  By default it it set to    
   \"samplewhs\", if sample.mws is the name of your source worksheet.
   Important! the name of your zipfile must also be the name of your WHS homework.
   Magic=76 is the number that occurs just after Homes in the url that you can
   read while your mathclass homework is loading.  Set this if you have an
   addsectionhint or  
   an addvlink in a problem.
   Target=\"Content\", set this to no if you want hints to open in the same window.
   Archive=no  set to yes to automatically save MCtools and latextools to
   mclatools.lib in homework directory.  
   Set to MCtools if only MCtools is to be saved or no if nothing is saved
   PathtoZip = \"\", set this to the path to your Info zip, if it is not on the
   system. For example if your copy of zip is on a floppy in the A drive set
   Mathml = no,   set this to yes if you are exporting to html with mathml on
   Maple 9.5. In this case Zname is set to samplekde unless you set Zname.
   Files={}  set this to [[\"bill5\",\"Title 1\"],[\"bill8\",\"Title 2\"]] if the 5th and 8th closed sections
   of bill are to be displayed as text on the left.
Note: When Mathml=yes, use \"bill5.xhtml\" in place of \"bill5\".")
 elif txt=zipp then
  mcprint("zipp(\"name\",\"path\") where name is the name of the htm or html
   file you want for the webpage and path is the path to the directory containing
   that htm or html file.  Everything in that directory is zipped up in a zipfile and placed at that level of the source directory. If an optional 3rd
   argument is given it is assumed to be the path to zip (including the name of
   the zip application)")
 elif txt=ah_ then
  mcprint("ah_(n), where n is 0,1,2, or 3. then tagit prints an answer header
   AH_[n] which puts returns before or after the answer formats  numberbox,
   wordbox, selection, functionbox, integralbox, or mfunctionbox.  
   0 means no break before and after the format, 1 means a break after,
   2 means a break before, and 3 means a break before and after.")
 elif txt=av_ then
  mcprint("av_(n,file,message), where n is 0,1,2, or 3, file is the name of
   an audio or video clip, and message is to be put on the button to play the clip.
   \nNote: If the n is omitted, it is set to n=3.  If the message is omitted,
   it is set to Click here.")
 elif txt=addlink then
  mcprint("type addlink(Help=yes) to get details.
   This word is written to be used in the problem=, pretext=, and aftertext=  
   environments, but can be mcprinted outside those environments.")
elif txt=addimg then
mcprint("addimg(\"filename\")  puts the image (gif or jpg for sure) into the homework
  if the image is in the homework folder.  You can also give the url to
 an image. Note: a second argument is optional. It is a
string of img options with values escape quoted: \"ALT=\\\"flower picture\\\" WIDTH=\\\"100\\\"\"
Note2: if argument 2 is either latex or [latex,\"hfill\"] or [latex,[\"\\hspace{3in}\",\"width=240,height=329\"]] then addimg puts in tex.")
 elif txt=addsectionhint then
  mcprint("'addsectionhint'(message,sectionmaterial), where title is the clickable
   message, and sectionmaterial is a list of strings, lists, and expressions. This
   word is written to be used in the problem=, pretext=, and aftertext=
   environments,     but can be mcprinted outside those environments.
   Note: If you create a sectionhint by hand, put a hard return after the BEGINHINT line.")
 elif txt=tableit then
  mcprint("tableit(list,cols), where list is a list of things to be put in a table
   with cols columns. tableit is written to be used in problem= or in
   pretext= (or in aftertext= )")
 elif txt=Maketable or txt=maketable then
  mcprint("maketable(list), where list is either a list, a matrix or a
   list of lists.
(1) columns=6, the number of columns in the table (active only
   if list is a list
(2) cellfmts=[\"\"], a one element list or a list or a
   matrix or a list of lists of format instructions for the various cells
(3) rowfmts=[\"\"], a one element list or a list of format instructions
   for the rows
(4) tablefmts=\"border = \"1\"\" (5) immediate=no, set this to
   yes when used outside of the text options of tagit.")
 elif txt=mcpiecewise then
  mcprint("\"mcpiecewise\",[p], where p is an expression sequence of expressions,   
   equations or lists whose first term is an expression or equation and whose second
   term is an inequality, prints up a nice piecewise defined function.  Note the
   unusual syntax. The execution of mcpiecewise(p) is actually done at the end of
 elif txt=fill then
  mcprint("fill(f,g,a,b)[1]  colors the region between the graphs of the functions
   f and g.  fill(f,g,a,b)[2]  gives an approximation of the area based on the
   specified partition and rule.
   (1)  Color=[yellow,black,black] the color of the region and the graphs
   of f and g,
   (2)  Style=patchnogrid   the polygons making up the region have no
   (3)  Thickness=[1,1]  the thicknesses of the graphs of f and g respectively.
   (4)  Numpts=49  the number of polygons the region is broken into.
   (5)  partition=regular -- the interval [a,b] is divided into Numpts
   subintervals of equal width, otherwise set partition=[s] where is an
   increasing sequence of numbers strictly between a and b.
   (6)  rule=left/right/mid sets the 'marks' as the left hand endpoints/right
   hand endpoints/midpoints of each subinterval, else if rule=trap the polygons
   are trapezoids,
   (7) marks=[m], where m is a sequence of 'marks', one from each subinterval
   of the partition.
   this only needs to be set when partition=[s] and rule lessthan greater left
   right mid or trap")
 elif txt=changepic then
  mcprint("changepic(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
 elif txt=format then
  mcprint("format(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
elif txt=ltagit then
  mcprint("ltagit(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
elif txt=stagit then
  mcprint("stagit(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
 elif txt=Standardize then
"Set Standardize:=[request];  a list whose contents are acceptable
 to stagit. See mctools(stagit). If Standardize is not a list then no followup survey
 question is generated.")
 elif txt=AKhint then
  mcprint("AKhint(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
elif txt=makeheader then
  mcprint("makeheader(Help=yes); will give the syntax")
 elif txt=Line then
  mcprint("Line(expression sequence), where expression sequence is a list of
   strings, mathexpressions, pictures, and answer formats to be put on a single
   line. It is your responsibility to decide whether the line is not too long.
   Any options to an answer format must be put in the format.
   Note: To adjust the vertical alignment in individual cells, use the
   cellfmt= option (see mctools(Lineit) for details.")
 elif txt=Lineit then
  mcprint("Lineit(list), where list is a list of things to be put in a single
   line. Lineit is written to be used in problem= or in pretext= (or in aftertext= ).
   Lineit can include answer formats.
   Options: (1) tops, a string containing the table options:  e.g.,
   tops=\"border = \"1\"\"
   (2) cellfmts=[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]   use these to adjust the vertical alignment
   of each cell of the line. Use 1, 2, or 3 to put the cell contents at the top,
   middle, or bottom of the cell.
   (3) startable=yes, set is to no if you are in the middle of a table,
   (4) endtable=yes, set this to no if you don't want the table to end quite yet,
   (5) newrow=no, set this to yes to start a new row,
   (6) maxcols=10, set this higher at your own risk")
 elif txt=mcprint then
  mcprint("mcprint(strings,expressions)  converts all the inputs to a single
   string and lprints it without the quotes.")
 elif txt=symbolize then
  mcprint("Several usages:
   1.  symbolize(value) where value is an integer, float or fraction. Returns value
   converted to a symbol (negative integers have parentheses about them; the top and
   bottom of the fraction are converted separately)
   2.  symbolize(value) where value is an equation whose rhs is an integer, float
   or fraction. Returns value converted to a symbol (negative integers have
   parentheses about them; the top and bottom of the fraction are converted separately)
   3.  symbolize(value) where value is a list of values or a set of values.
   Returns a list or set of symbolized values
   4.  symbolize(f,value) where value is a list of values and f is a function with
   at least that many arguments:  the list is symbolized and the function is
   evaluated at those values
   5.  symbolize(value,f) where value is a list of equations and f is an expression:  
   the list is symbolized and the values substituted into the expression")
elif txt=savepic then mcprint("savepic(struc,bill)  to save a plotstucture struc to the currentdir path with name bill.  See savepic(Help=yes) for options")
elif txt=`&=` then mcprint("a &= range assigns to a a value randomly chosen according to how
range is specified. It is equivalent to assign([a,range]).
  See assignvals(Help=yes) for details.")
elif txt=`&==` then mcprint("'a' &== range assigns to 'a' the function which randomly choses a value according to how range is specified.  
See assignvals(Help=yes) for details on range specification.
Note: can be used with procedures which have an unnamed procedure as an argument.
'k' & (1,(10..20)): linalg[randmatrix](3,4,()->k());")
elif txt=assignvals then mcprint("assignvals(lst) assigns values to variables chosen randomly according to a range specification.  See assignvals(Help=yes) for details.")
  mcprint("Sorry that's not in the list.");

###end mctools

end module;

>    with(MCtools);

>    MCdefaults();

>    ##begin latextools

>    latextools := module()
local  bigcolorlist,cc,correctcc,
export LAdefaults,cover,extractlatex,fixeps,fixalleps,getnums,glosub,
options package;

VERSION := "2/5/2009":
lprint("EXECUTE latextoolshelp(); FOR Startup Help.");
print(""); print("");
MARK_ := "MARK":

latrix := proc(lst)
 local mat,i,j,fmt,pos,defaults,opts,help,rowsep,hline;
 defaults:=Help=no,Position="",Format="",RowSep=1,Hline="": opts:=subs([op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Position,Format,RowSep,Hline]);
 if help=yes then mcprint("latrix(lst)  prints a table for use with latextools.  
Position=\"[c]\"  places the table on the line of text.  t=top down, b=bottom up
   default is to center the table on the line.
Format=\"ccccc\" is the formatting string: l is left, r is right, | is vertical line
RowSep=1 Set to 2 for double space, 1.5 for 1 and a half space, etc
Hline=off  set to on to put horizontal lines in."); RETURN(NULL) fi;
 pos := opts[2]:
 if not StringTools[IsPrefix]("[",pos) then pos := cat("[",pos,"]") fi;
 rowsep :=opts[4];
 if hline=on then hline:="\\hline" fi;
 if opts[3]<>"" then fmt := opts[3] else
  fmt := cat(seq("c",i=1..nops(lst[1])-1),"c") fi;
  mat := cat("\\begin{tabular}",pos,"{",fmt,"}",hline,"\n");
  for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
  if type(lst[i],string) then mat:= cat(mat,lst[i]); next fi;
  for j from 1 to nops(lst[i]) do
  if not type(lst[i][j],string) then
  mat:= cat(mat,"$",`latex/print`(lst[i][j]),"$") else
  mat:= cat(mat,lst[i][j]) fi;
  if j < nops(lst[i]) then mat:= cat(mat," & ") else mat:=cat(mat," \\\\",hline,"\n") fi:
  od od;
mat := cat(mat,"\\end{tabular}\n");
 if rowsep<>1 then
"\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{",convert(evalf(1/rowsep,6),string),"}\n") else mat fi;

  local e,n,d;
  if nargs =0 or arg[1]=Help then return("fracit(expr) (or Fracit(expr)) returns a  string formatting the fraction expr in latex (displaystyle).  
If expr is in a list then dollar signs are inserted.
Note: If you don't want the fraction simplified to lowest
terms, put in the numerator and denominator separately (as 2 arguments).  These can be entered as strings.
Note: fracit(expr) works just like Fracit, except not in displaystyle.") fi;
if nargs=2 then n:=args[1]: d:=args[2]: fi;
if nargs=1 and not type(expr,list) then
 e := simplify(expr): n:=numer(e): d:=denom(e): fi;
if nargs=1 and type(expr,list)  then if nops(expr)=1 then
 e := simplify(op(expr)): n:=numer(e): d:=denom(e):
  else n:=expr[1]: d:=expr[2] fi;
if not type(n,string) then n:=`latex/print`(n) fi;
if not type(d,string) and d <> 1 then d := `latex/print`(d) fi:  
if type(expr,list) then
      if d=1  then cat("$",n,"$")  else cat("$\\Frac{",n,"}{",d,"}$") fi
else if d=1  then n  else cat("\\Frac{",n,"}{",d,"}") fi
 local expr;
 if nargs=0 then expr:=NULL else expr:=args fi;
 StringTools[Substitute](Fracit(expr),"\\Frac","\\frac") end:

  local name,lst;
  if nargs<> 2 then mprint("formatit(name,list) returns \"\\name{list[1]}{list[2]}...\"
 formatit(name,string) returns \"\\name string\""); return NULL fi;
  if type(lst,string) then
  cat("\\",convert(name,string),lst) else
  cat("\\",convert(name,string),cat(seq(op(["{",convert(lst[i],string),"}"]),i=1..nops(lst)))) fi;

 local mat,row,i,j,labels,cols,defaults,opts,help,Lisst,cnt,rowsep,out,scram,key,lst,correct,cell,p,q;
 defaults:=Help=no,Cols=1,Labels=["\\textbf{A)} ","\\textbf{B)} ","\\textbf{C)} ",
"\\textbf{D)} ","\\textbf{E)} "],List=no,Rowsep=2,Scramble=yes,Correct=1:
 if help=yes then
mcprint("multichoice(lst)  returns 3 things:
  1) a string which typesets the alternatives in a table
  2) the correct answer typeset for the key and
  3) a list giving the order in which the alternatives are shown.  
Cols=1 change to a larger integer if more columns are wanted.
List = no  change to yes to put brackets around the first output.  
Labels=[\"A\", etc]  format these as desired
Rowsep=2  doublespaced change to 1.5 for 1 and a half space, etc
Scramble=yes  change to a permutation of 1 thru number of alternatives to impose an ordering.
Correct=1  gives the index of the correct alternative"); RETURN(NULL);fi;
scram:= opts[6]:
correct := opts[7]:
lst := Lst;
if nops(Lst)>nops({op(Lst)}) then mcprint(Lst);
  error "At least two alternatives are the same." fi;
if scram=yes then
p := combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))]) elif
type(scram,list) and nops(scram)=nops(lst) then p := scram else
p:=[seq(i,i=1..nops(lst))] fi;
q := NULL:
for i from 1 to nops(lst) do for j from 1 to nops(lst) do
if p[j]=i then q := q,j fi  od od:
mat := NULL;cnt:=0;row:=NULL;key:="":
for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
cnt := cnt+1;
if not type(lst[i],string) then
cell :=cat(labels[i],"$",`latex/print`(lst[i]),"$")
cell :=cat(labels[i],lst[i]) fi;
if q[correct]=i then key := cell fi:
row := row,cell;
if cnt=cols or i = nops(lst) then row := [row];
mat:= mat,row; row := NULL; cnt:= 0 fi;
out := latrix([mat],Position="[c]",Format=cat(seq("l",i=1..cols)),RowSep=rowsep);
if Lisst=no then
[out],key,p fi;


detrix := proc(lst)
  local mat,i,j,fmt,defaults,opts,help,leftsymbol,rightsymbol,pos;
defaults:=Help=no,Leftsymbol="|",Rightsymbol="|",Format="",Position=""; opts:=subs([op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Leftsymbol,Rightsymbol,Format,Position]);
leftsymbol:=opts[2]: rightsymbol:=opts[3]: fmt:=opts[4]: pos:=opts[5]:
 if help=yes then mcprint("detrix(lst)  prints an array for use with latextools.  
Position=\"\"  places the array on the line of text.  \"t\"=top down, \"b\"=bottom up
   default is to center the array on the line.
Format=\"ccccc\" is the formatting string: l is left, r is right, | is vertical line
      there are many more options (see a latex manual)
Leftsymbol=\"\|\"  replace with desired left bracketing symbol
Rightsymbol=\"\|\" replace with desired right bracketing symbol"); RETURN(NULL) fi;
  if member(pos,{"top","t","bot","b"})  then pos:=cat("[",convert(pos[1],string),"]") fi;
  if fmt="" then
  fmt := cat(seq("c",i=1..nops(lst[1])-1),"c") fi;
  mat := cat("\\left",leftsymbol,"\\begin{array}",pos,"{",fmt,"}\n");
  for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
  for j from 1 to nops(lst[i]) do
  if  type(lst[i][j],string) then
  mat:= cat(mat,"\\mbox{",lst[i][j],"}") else
  mat:= cat(mat,`latex/print`(lst[i][j])) fi;
  if j < nops(lst[i]) then mat:= cat(mat," & ") elif i < nops(lst) then mat:=cat(mat," \\\\\n") else mat:= cat(mat," \n") fi:
  od od;
mat := cat(mat,"\\end{array}\\right",rightsymbol,"\n");

ansbox := proc()
 local pl,pl2,txt,fil,ht,wd,defaults,opts,help;
 if nargs>0 and StringTools[Search]("Help",convert(args[1],string))<>0 then help:=yes fi:
 if help=yes then mcprint("ansbox()  prints an answerbox for an exam or quiz written using
Height=.4  the default height (in inches) of the box
Width=1 the default width
Placement=\"t\"  places the answer box on the line of text.  t=top, c=center, b=bottom
Fill=\"\" use \"\\hfill\" or \"\\hspace{x in}\" to position the box in the remaining part of the line.
TextPlace=\"c\"  places the text in the box t = top, c=center, b=bottom
Text=\"\"  the text going into the box"); RETURN(NULL) fi;
 cat("\\ ",fil,"\\fbox{\\parbox[",pl,"][",convert(ht,string),"in][",pl2,"]{",convert(wd,string),"in}{",txt,"\\hfill}}")

local text,t,defaults,opts,help,pos,width,txtpl,height,border;
if help=yes then mcprint("parbox(text) outputs text in a parbox for latex.
Placement=\"t\"  for top. Use \"b\" for bottom and \"c\" for center
Width=\"3.25in\"  change width as desired.
Height=\"\" (optional)
Textplacement=\"t\" Use \"b\" and \"c\" as with placement (only works when height is set)
Border=no  set to yes to get a border around the parbox."); RETURN(NULL) fi;
text:= NULL:
for t in args do
if type(t,list) then text:=text,op(t)
elif type(t,`=`) and member(lhs(t),{Help,Placement,Width,Textplacement,Height,Border}) then next
else text:=text,t
if height="" then txtpl:="" fi:
if height<>"" then height:=cat("[",height,"]"); txtpl:= cat("[",txtpl,"]") fi:
if border=no then   
    [ "\\parbox[",pos,"]",height,txtpl,"{",width,"}{",text,"}"]
[ "\\fbox{\\parbox[",pos,"]",height,txtpl,"{",width,"}{",text,"}}"] fi end:

local text,t,defaults,opts,help,pos,width;

if help=yes then mcprint("minipage(text) outputs text in a parbox for latex.
Placement=\"t\"  for top. Use \"b\" for bottom and \"c\" for center
Width=\"3.25in\"  change width as desired."); RETURN(NULL) fi;
text:= NULL:
for t in args do
if type(t,list) then text:=text,op(t)
elif type(t,`=`) and member(lhs(t),{Help,Placement,Width}) then next
else text:=text,t
    [ "\\begin{minipage}[",pos,"]","{",width,"}\n",text,"\n\\end{minipage}"]   

picps := proc(n,pic,name)
local defaults,opts,help,h,w,writ,latx,ph,pw,fmt;
if latx=yes then fmt:=".ps" elif (latx=no or latx=gif) then fmt:=".gif" else fmt:=".jpeg" fi:
pw := opts[6]:
ph := opts[7]:
if help=yes then
mcprint("picps(n,pic,name) saves a plotstucture pic to cat(name,convert(n,string),\".ps\") in the
current directory and writes an includegraphics into latex source.
Latex = yes Change to gif or jpeg to get an html format.
Height=180 units are points
Width=240  units are points
Pheight=90  ps height
Pwidth=120  ps width
Write=yes  Change to no to reuse a previously stored .ps (or gif or jpeg) file"); RETURN(NULL) fi;
  if latx=yes then
if writ=yes then if ph>0 then
Options="",Latex=yes) fi
Options=cat("height=",convert(ph,string),"pt,width=",convert(pw,string),"pt"),Latex=yes) fi:
if writ=yes then
addimg(savepic(pic,cat(name,convert(n,string),fmt ),Image=gif,Height=h,Width=w),
fi fi;

local bill,l;
l := [args];
if type(l[1],`=`) then mprint("graphic(args) outputs a texline
  a\\includegraphics[width=b in,height=c in]{d}
where a=\"\" if nops(l)<4, else a=\"\\hfill\" if l[4]=-1 else a=\"\\hspace{l[4]}\"
      b=\"320pt\" and c=\"200pt\" if nops(l)=3 else b=l[2] and c=l[3]
      d=l[1] is the name of the graphic file."); RETURN(NULL) fi;  
if not member(nops(l),{1,3,4}) then ERROR("need 1,3, or 4 arguments.") fi;
if nops(l)>1 then
   if type(l[2],string) then
      else bill:=cat("[width=",l[2],"in,height=",l[3],"in]",bill);
else bill:=cat("[width=320pt,height=200]",bill);
if nops(l)=4 then
   if type(l[4],string) then bill:=cat(l[4],"\\includegraphics",bill)
        elif l[4]<0 then
        else bill:=cat("\\hspace{",l[4],"in}\\includegraphics",bill);
else bill:=cat("\\includegraphics",bill)

bigcolorlist:=[[aquamarine,  .829686 ," 0.498039  1. 0.831373  C"],
[black,0," 0 0 0  C"],
[blue, .11," 0 0 1 C"],
[coral, .593843," 1   0.498039  .313725  C"],
[cyan, .7," 0 1 1  C"],
[brown, .30549," 0.64705882  0.16470588  0.16470588  C"],
[gold, .55498," 1  0.843137  0  C"],
[green, .59," 0  1 0  C"],
[darkgreen,.293843," 0 .5  0 C"],
[grey, .752941," 0.745098  0.745098  0.745098  C"],
[khaki, .592431," 0.941176 0.901961 0.54902  C"],
[magenta, .41," 1 0 1 C"],
[maroon, .291451," 0.690196 0.188235 0.376471  C"],
[navy, .179922," 0  0  0.501961  C"],
[orange, .37451," 0.80000000  0.19607843  0.19607843  C"],
[pink, .82949," 1 0.752941  0.796078  C"],
[plum, .774196," 0.91764706  0.67843137  0.91764706  C"],
[red, .3," 1 0 0  C"],
[sienna, .42698," 0.627451 0.321569 0.176471  C"],
[tan, .646078," 0.85882353  0.57647059  0.43921569  C"],
[turquoise, .844706," 0.25098 0.878431 0.815686  C"],
[violet, .234157," 0.30980392  0.18431373  0.30980392  C"],
[wheat, .832784," 0.960784 0.870588 0.701961  C"],
[white, 1," 1 1 1  C"],
[yellow, .89," 1 1 0  C"],
[aquamarine,  .701882 ," 0.43921569  0.85882353  0.57647059  C"],
[black,0," 0 0 0  C"],
[blue, .11," 0 0 1 C"],
[coral, .593843," 1   0.49803922  0  C"],
[cyan, .7," 0 1 1  C"],
[brown, .30549," 0.64705882  0.16470588  0.16470588  C "],
[gold, .55498," 0.80000000  0.49803922  0.19607843  C "],
[green, .59," 0  1 0  C"],
[grey, .752941," 0.75294118  0.75294118  0.75294118  C "],
[khaki, .592431," 0.62352941  0.62352941  0.37254902  C "],
[magenta, .41," 1 0 1 C"],
[maroon, .291451," 0.55686275  0.13725490  0.41960784  C "],
[navy, .179922," 0.13725490  0.13725490  0.55686275  C "],
[orange, .37451," 0.80000000  0.19607843  0.19607843  C "],
[pink, .82949," 1 0.752941176  0.7960784314  C "],
[plum, .774196," 0.91764706  0.67843137  0.91764706  C "],
[red, .3," 1 0 0  C "],
[sienna, .42698," 0.55686275  0.41960784  0.13725490  C "],
[tan, .646078," 0.85882353  0.57647059  0.43921569  C "],
[turquoise, .844706," 0.67843137  0.91764706  0.91764706  C "],
[violet, .234157," 0.30980392  0.18431373  0.30980392  C "],
[wheat, .832784," 0.84705882  0.84705882  0.74901961  C "],
[white, 1," 1 1 1  C "],
[yellow, .89," 1 1 0  C "],
[aliceblue,.962667,  " .941176   .972549  1.  C "],
[antiquewhite,.92898,  " .980392   .921569  .843137  C "],
[aquamarine,.829686,  " .498039   1.  .831373  C "],
[aquamarine,.701882,  " .43921569 .85882353 .57647059  C "],
[azure,.981176,  " .941176   1.  1.  C "],
[beige,.946078,  " .960784   .960784  .862745  C "],
[bisque,.911647,  " 1.   .894118  .768627  C "],
[black,0," 0 0 0  C"],
[blanchedalmond,.932157,  " 1.   .921569  .803922  C "],
[blue, .11," 0 0 1 C"],
[blueviolet,.355843,  " .541176   .168627  .886275  C "],
[brown,.309412,  " .647059   .164706  .164706  C "],
[burlywood,.743961,  " .870588   .721569  .529412  C "],
[cadetblue,.545176,  " .372549   .619608  .627451  C "],
[chartreuse,.738235,  " .498039   1.  0.  C "],
[chocolate,.501333,  " .823529   .411765  .117647  C "],
[coral,.625608,  " 1.   .498039  .313725  C "],
[cornflowerblue,.564627,  " .392157   .584314  .929412  C "],
[cornsilk,.965961,  " 1.   .972549  .862745  C "],
[crimson,.329373,  " .862745   .784314e-1  .235294  C "],
[darkblue,.595294e-1,  " 0.   0.  .545098  C "],
[darkcyan,.378824,  " 0.   .545098  .545098  C "],
[darkgoldenrod,.528941,  " .721569   .52549  .431373e-1  C "],
[darkgray,.658824,  " .662745   .662745  .662745  C "],
[darkgreen,.231373,  " 0.   .392157  0.  C "],
[darkgrey,.658824,  " .662745   .662745  .662745  C "],
[darkkhaki,.688431,  " .741176   .717647  .419608  C "],
[darkmagenta,.221882,  " .545098   0.  .545098  C "],
[darkolivegreen,.366667,  " .333333   .419608  .184314  C "],
[darkorange,.623922,  " 1.   .54902  0.  C "],
[darkorchid,.381373,  " .6   .196078  .8  C "],
[darkred,.162353,  " .545098   0.  0.  C "],
[darksalmon,.669882,  " .913725   .588235  .478431  C "],
[darkseagreen,.663294,  " .560784   .737255  .560784  C "],
[darkslateblue,.285373,  " .282353   .239216  .545098  C "],
[darkslategray,.272157,  " .184314   .309804  .309804  C "],
[darkslategrey,.272157,  " .184314   .309804  .309804  C "],
[darkturquoise,.564471,  " 0.   .807843  .819608  C "],
[darkviolet,.263961,  " .580392   0.  .827451  C "],
[deeppink,.409686,  " 1.   .784314e-1  .576471  C "],
[deepskyblue,.551922,  " 0.   .74902  1.  C "],
[dimgray,.411765,  " .411765   .411765  .411765  C "],
[dimgrey,.411765,  " .411765   .411765  .411765  C "],
[dodgerblue,.477294,  " .117647   .564706  1.  C "],
[firebrick,.298824,  " .698039   .133333  .133333  C "],
[floralwhite,.979216,  " 1.   .980392  .941176  C "],
[forestgreen,.372353,  " .133333   .545098  .133333  C "],
[gainsboro,.858824,  " .862745   .862745  .862745  C "],
[ghostwhite,.972078,  " .972549   .972549  1.  C "],
[gold,.795137,  " 1.   .843137  0.  C "],
[goldenrod,.651608,  " .854902   .647059  .12549  C "],
[gray,.741176,  " .745098   .745098  .745098  C "],
[green,.59,  " 0.   1.  0.  C "],
[greenyellow,.812627,  " .678431   1.  .184314  C "],
[grey,.741176,  " .745098   .745098  .745098  C "],
[honeydew,.974275,  " .941176   1.  .941176  C "],
[hotpink,.620157,  " 1.   .411765  .705882  C "],
[indianred,.49098,  " .803922   .360784  .360784  C "],
[indigo,.144314,  " .294118   0.  .509804  C "],
[ivory,.993098,  " 1.   1.  .941176  C "],
[khaki,.873725,  " .941176   .901961  .54902  C "],
[lavender,.910157,  " .901961   .901961  .980392  C "],
[lavenderblush,.958235,  " 1.   .941176  .960784  C "],
[lawngreen,.726627,  " .486275   .988235  0.  C "],
[lemonchiffon,.964549,  " 1.   .980392  .803922  C "],
[lightblue,.801333,  " .678431   .847059  .901961  C "],
[lightcoral,.632549,  " .941176   .501961  .501961  C "],
[lightcyan,.962353,  " .878431   1.  1.  C "],
[lightgoldenrod,.846235,  " .933333   .866667  .509804  C "],
[lightgoldenrodyellow,.959216,  " .980392   .980392  .823529  C "],
[lightgray,.827451,  " .827451   .827451  .827451  C "],
[lightgreen,.779882,  " .564706   .933333  .564706  C "],
[lightgrey,.827451,  " .827451   .827451  .827451  C "],
[lightpink,.802039,  " 1.   .713725  .756863  C "],
[lightsalmon,.722392,  " 1.   .627451  .478431  C "],
[lightseagreen,.519333,  " .12549   .698039  .666667  C "],
[lightskyblue,.740549,  " .529412   .807843  .980392  C "],
[lightslateblue,.523255,  " .517647   .439216  1.  C "],
[lightslategray,.518353,  " .466667   .533333  .6  C "],
[lightslategrey,.518353,  " .466667   .533333  .6  C "],
[lightsteelblue,.752392,  " .690196   .768627  .870588  C "],
[lightyellow,.986196,  " 1.   1.  .878431  C "],
[limegreen,.553098,  " .196078   .803922  .196078  C "],
[linen,.945137,  " .980392   .941176  .901961  C "],
[maroon,.356039,  " .690196   .188235  .376471  C "],
[mediumaquamarine,.667647,  " .4   .803922  .666667  C "],
[mediumblue,.884314e-1,  " 0.   0.  .803922  C "],
[mediumorchid,.504196,  " .729412   .333333  .827451  C "],
[mediumpurple,.526549,  " .576471   .439216  .858824  C "],
[mediumseagreen,.531882,  " .235294   .701961  .443137  C "],
[mediumslateblue,.485255,  " .482353   .407843  .933333  C "],
[mediumspringgreen,.642549,  " 0.   .980392  .603922  C "],
[mediumturquoise,.656275,  " .282353   .819608  .8  C "],
[mediumvioletred,.336588,  " .780392   .823529e-1  .521569  C "],
[midnightblue,.132078,  " .980392e-1   .980392e-1  .439216  C "],
[mintcream,.984471,  " .960784   1.  .980392  C "],
[mistyrose,.924588,  " 1.   .894118  .882353  C "],
[moccasin,.905608,  " 1.   .894118  .709804  C "],
[navajowhite,.885529,  " 1.   .870588  .678431  C "],
[navy,.552157e-1,  " 0.   0.  .501961  C "],
[navyblue,.552157e-1,  " 0.   0.  .501961  C "],
[oldlace,.961412,  " .992157   .960784  .901961  C "],
[olivedrab,.469529,  " .419608   .556863  .137255  C "],
[orange,.681765,  " 1.   .647059  0.  C "],
[orangered,.457333,  " 1.   .270588  0.  C "],
[orchid,.607922,  " .854902   .439216  .839216  C "],
[palegoldenrod,.888941,  " .933333   .909804  .666667  C "],
[palegreen,.823529,  " .596078   .984314  .596078  C "],
[paleturquoise,.856471,  " .686275   .933333  .933333  C "],
[palevioletred,.580196,  " .858824   .439216  .576471  C "],
[papayawhip,.944431,  " 1.   .937255  .835294  C "],
[peachpuff,.883765,  " 1.   .854902  .72549  C "],
[peru,.576078,  " .803922   .521569  .247059  C "],
[pink,.829059,  " 1.   .752941  .796078  C "],
[plum,.725529,  " .866667   .627451  .866667  C "],
[powderblue,.821059,  " .690196   .878431  .901961  C "],
[purple,.363059,  " .627451   .12549  .941176  C "],
[red, .3," 1 0 0  C"],
[rosybrown,.61098,  " .737255   .560784  .560784  C "],
[royalblue,.416471,  " .254902   .411765  .882353  C "],
[saddlebrown,.327451,  " .545098   .270588  .745098e-1  C "],
[salmon,.638275,  " .980392   .501961  .447059  C "],
[sandybrown,.705608,  " .956863   .643137  .376471  C "],
[seagreen,.409333,  " .180392   .545098  .341176  C "],
[seashell,.966784,  " 1.   .960784  .933333  C "],
[sienna,.397373,  " .627451   .321569  .176471  C "],
[skyblue,.73451,  " .529412   .807843  .921569  C "],
[slateblue,.417882,  " .415686   .352941  .803922  C "],
[slategrey,.490039,  " .439216   .501961  .564706  C "],
[snow,.983529,  " 1.   .980392  .980392  C "],
[springgreen,.644353,  " 0.   1.  .498039  C "],
[steelblue,.460353,  " .27451   .509804  .705882  C "],
[tan,.720431,  " .823529   .705882  .54902  C "],
[thistle,.789216,  " .847059   .74902  .847059  C "],
[tomato,.556941,  " 1.   .388235  .278431  C "],
[turquoise,.679373,  " .25098   .878431  .815686  C "],
[violet,.681843,  " .933333   .509804  .933333  C "],
[violetred,.377373,  " .815686   .12549  .564706  C "],
[wheat,.875608,  " .960784   .870588  .701961  C "],
[whitesmoke,.956863,  " .960784   .960784  .960784  C "],
[yellowgreen,.676627,  " .603922   .803922  .196078  C "],
[white, 1," 1 1 1  C"],
[yellow, .89," 1 1 0  C"]]:

cc:=[[aquamarine,  .701882 ," 0.43921569  0.85882353  0.57647059  C"],
[black,0," 0 0 0  C"],
[blue, .11," 0 0 1 C"],
[coral, .593843," 1   0.49803922  0  C"],
[cyan, .7," 0 1 1  C"],
[brown, .30549," 0.64705882  0.16470588  0.16470588  C "],
[gold, .55498," 0.80000000  0.49803922  0.19607843  C "],
[green, .59," 0  1 0  C"],
[grey, .752941," 0.75294118  0.75294118  0.75294118  C "],
[khaki, .592431," 0.62352941  0.62352941  0.37254902  C "],
[magenta, .41," 1 0 1 C"],
[maroon, .291451," 0.55686275  0.13725490  0.41960784  C "],
[navy, .179922," 0.13725490  0.13725490  0.55686275  C "],
[orange, .37451," 0.80000000  0.19607843  0.19607843  C "],
[pink, .82949," 1 0.752941176  0.7960784314  C "],
[plum, .774196," 0.91764706  0.67843137  0.91764706  C "],
[red, .3," 1 0 0  C "],
[sienna, .42698," 0.55686275  0.41960784  0.13725490  C "],
[tan, .646078," 0.85882353  0.57647059  0.43921569  C "],
[turquoise, .844706," 0.67843137  0.91764706  0.91764706  C "],
[violet, .234157," 0.30980392  0.18431373  0.30980392  C "],
[wheat, .832784," 0.84705882  0.84705882  0.74901961  C "],
[white, 1," 1 1 1  C "],
[yellow, .89," 1 1 0  C "]]:

correctcc:=[[aquamarine,  .829686 ," 0.498039  1. 0.831373  C"],
[black,0," 0 0 0  C"],
[blue, .11," 0 0 1 C"],
[coral, .593843," 1   0.498039  .313725  C"],
[cyan, .7," 0 1 1  C"],
[brown, .30549," 0.64705882  0.16470588  0.16470588  C"],
[gold, .55498," 1  0.843137  0  C"],
[green, .59," 0  1 0  C"],
[grey, .752941," 0.745098  0.745098  0.745098  C"],
[khaki, .592431," 0.941176 0.901961 0.54902  C"],
[magenta, .41," 1 0 1 C"],
[maroon, .291451," 0.690196 0.188235 0.376471  C"],
[navy, .179922," 0  0  0.501961  C"],
[orange, .37451," 0.80000000  0.19607843  0.19607843  C"],
[pink, .82949," 1 0.752941  0.796078  C"],
[plum, .774196," 0.803922 0.521569 0.247059  C"],
[red, .3," 1 0 0  C"],
[sienna, .42698," 0.627451 0.321569 0.176471  C"],
[tan, .646078," 0.85882353  0.57647059  0.43921569  C"],
[turquoise, .844706," 0.25098 0.878431 0.815686  C"],
[violet, .234157," 0.30980392  0.18431373  0.30980392  C"],
[wheat, .832784," 0.960784 0.870588 0.701961  C"],
[white, 1," 1 1 1  C"],
[yellow, .89," 1 1 0  C"]]:

#default styles

["\\_mf","\\mathfrak "],["\\_mc","\\mathcal "],
["\_wlt","\\prec\\!\\prec"],["\\frac ","\\Frac "],
["\\symbol{126}","~"],["\\int _","\\Int _"],["\\int","\\Int"],
["\\emptyline"," "],["text{","\\mbox{"]]:




LENGTHS:="% tweak these to taste.
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% \\MapleSize - The size of the Maple font in mapleinput and
%                          maplettyout
% \\MapleLatexSize- The size of the Maple fonts in maplelatex
% \\MapleFirstLine- controls ingoring first line feed
% \\MaplePrompttrue - controls insertion of prompt char
% \\MaplePromptString= {\\raise 1pt \\hbox{\$\\scriptstyle>\$\\space}}
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% \\MaplePromptSecondary- defines the secondary prompt string
% \\MapleSkip- amount of glue before and after
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\\textwidth 6.5in
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\\DefineCharStyle{2D Math}
\\DefineCharStyle{Help Heading}

MACROS:= "\\newcommand{\\Int}{\\displaystyle\\int}
\\newcommand{\\Frac}[2]{\\frac{\\textstyle #1}{\\textstyle #2}}":

PKGS := {maple2e,color,latexsym,graphicx}:
PKGSAMS := {maple2e,amsthm,amsfonts,color,latexsym,graphicx}:


PSTYLE:= [["\\DefineParaStyle{prob}","\\DefineParaStyle{prob}"]]:
PSTYLEAMS := [["\\DefineParaStyle{prob}","%DefineParaStyle{prob}"],

SSFONTS:= "\\renewenvironment{Text Output}{\\small\\ttfamily\\mdseries}{}

###local procedures
colorfun  := proc(clr,cc)
 local i,opts,rgb;
 opts:= subs(select(type,[args],`=`),[Unassign]);
  if  opts[1] <> yes then
   if not type(clr,integer) then
    for i from 1 to nops(cc) do
     if convert(clr,symbol)=cc[i][1] then
      rgb := remove(type, StringTools[Split](cc[i][3]," "),"");
      RETURN( cat(cc[i][1],`:= ()  -> COLOR(RGB,`,convert(rgb[1],symbol),`,`,
   elif clr <= nops(cc) and clr > 0 then
    rgb := remove(type, StringTools[Split](cc[clr][3]," "),"");
    RETURN( cat(cc[clr][1],`:= ()  ->     
   `not in list`;
  else for i from 1 to nops(cc) do if cc[i][1] <> tan then  
     unassign(cc[i][1])fi od;  
###end colorfun

dupindex := proc(files,path)
 local infiles,infile,outfile,line,lline,a,b,c,u,i,li;
 if not type(files,list) then
  infiles := [files]
  infiles := files
 for infile in infiles do   
  infile := cat(infile,".tex");
  outfile := cat("tmp_",infile);
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  line := readline(infile);

  if StringTools[Search]("NT) duped",line)>0 then  
   line := StringTools[Substitute](line,"NT)","NT) duped")

  while line<>0 do
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"QTR{word}","QTR{index}");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"QTR{TXT CMD }","QTR{index}");
   line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"QTR{bookmark}","QTR{index}");
   a := [StringTools[SearchAll]("\\QTR{index}",line)]:
   if nops(a)>0 then
    if nops(a)>1 then
     for i from 2 to nops(a) do
      li := StringTools[SubString](line,u..a[i]-1);
      if not StringTools[RegMatch]("QTR{index}{([^}]+)}",li,'b','c') then
       ERROR("something's fishy")
       li := StringTools[Substitute](li,b,cat(b," \\textbf{",c,"} "))
      u := a[i];
     line := StringTools[SubString](line,a[-1]..length(line));
    lline := line:
    line := readline(infile);
    while u < 6 and
      not StringTools[RegMatch]("QTR{index}{([^}]+)}",lline,'b','c') do
     lline := cat(lline,line);
     line := readline(infile):
     u:= u+1;
    lline := StringTools[Substitute](lline,b,cat(b," \\textbf{",c,"} "));
   line := readline(infile);

  #system(cat("del ",infile));
  #system(cat("ren ",outfile," ", infile));
 if nops(files)<> 0 then
  mprint("index words duplicated")
###end dupindex

escape := proc(str)
 local st,e,i;
 if not type(str,string)  then
  e := [["\$","\\$"],["\#","\\#"],["\%","\\%"],
  st := str;
  for i in e do
   st := StringTools[SubstituteAll](st,i[1],i[2])
###end escape

getstyles := proc(rootname,files,path)
 local infiles,infile,outfile,line,stylelist,page;

 infile:= cat(rootname,".tex");
 stylelist := NULL;

 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 line := readline(infile);

 while StringTools[Search]("begin{document}",line)=0 do
  line := readline(infile);
 if not type(files,list) then
  infiles := [files]
  infiles := files

 for infile in infiles do
  infile := cat(infile,".tex");
  catch "file already open":
  end try;
  line := readline(infile); page:=no;
  while line <> 0 and page = no do
  if StringTools[Search]("begin{document}",line)>0 then page:=yes; break fi;
  line := readline(infile);
  if page=no then close(infile); next
  else FileTools[Position](infile,1);
  line:= readline(infile);
  while StringTools[Search]("begin{document}",line)=0 do
   if (StringTools[Search]("DefinePara",line)>0 or
     StringTools[Search]("DefineChar",line)>0 ) and
      if StringTools[Take](line,3)="%*%" then
       stylelist:=stylelist, StringTools[Drop](line,3)
       stylelist:= stylelist,line
   line:= readline(infile);
###end getstyles

rootify := proc(files,path)
 local infiles,infile,outfile,line,defaults,opts,undo;
 defaults := Undo=no;
 opts := subs( [op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Undo]);
 undo := opts[1]:
 if not type(files,list) then
  infiles := [files]
  infiles := files

 for infile in infiles do
  outfile:= cat(infile,"tmp.tex");
  infile := cat(infile,".tex");

  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  line := readline(infile);
  if undo = no then
   if StringTools[Search]("%*%",line)>0 then
   if StringTools[Search]("%*%",line)=0 then
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  while StringTools[Search]("\\begin{document}",line)=0 do
   if undo = no then
   line := readline(infile);

  if undo = no then
  line := readline(infile);

  if undo = no and StringTools[Search]("\\pagestyle{",line)>0 then
  elif undo = yes and StringTools[Search]("\\pagestyle{",line)>0 then
  line := readline(infile);
  while StringTools[Search]("end{document}",line)=0 do
   line := readline(infile)

  if undo = no then

  #if system(cat("del ",infile))=0 then  
  #system(cat("ren ",outfile," ",infile)) else ERROR("can't delete ",infile) fi;
  if undo = no then
   mprint(cat(infile," rootified."));
   mprint(cat(infile," derootified"))
 mprint("finished rotorootering.");
###end rootify

 local infile,outfile,plist,i,line,skip,file,cur;
 if type(pstyle,list) then
 for i from 1 to nops(pstyle) do
 else plist:=convert(pstyle,string):
infile := infil;  
 infile := cat(infile,".tex");
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
  line := readline(infile);
 skip := 0;
 file :=NULL:
 while line <> 0 do
  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{",line)>0 then
     if skip=0 then for i from 1 to nops(plist) do
       if StringTools[Search](cat("\\begin{",plist[i],"}"),line)>0 then
         skip:= plist[i]; fi; od: fi:
  if skip<>0 and StringTools[Search](cat("\\end{",skip,"}"),line)>0 then
   skip:= 0;
  if skip=0 then file:=file,line  fi;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
for i from 1 to nops(file) do

###end local procedures

###global procedures
cover := proc()
 local title,dte,posspts,defaults,i,help,pts,instructs,bottom,opts,middle;
 defaults := Help=no,
  Title="Test 2 Ma 310 002 Problem Solving for Teachers",
  Date="March 31, 2004",
  Instructions="There are 8 problems on the test. Work each problem in the
   space provided. Use the back of the preceeding page if needed.
   You may use a calculator.  You may ask me to clarify the statement of a
   problem.  Please do not ask me to tell you if your answer is correct.
   Be as complete as you can in showing your reasoning. No credit will
   be given to an unsupported answer. Good problem solving!",
  Bottom="\\textbf{Name: }\\rule{3in}{.01in}";
 opts := subs([op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 help := opts[1]:
 title := opts[2]:
 dte := opts[3]:
 pts := opts[4]:
 instructs := opts[5]:
 bottom := opts[6]:
 if help=yes then
  mprint("cover(); returns textoutput for exam cover
   Posspts=[15,15,20]  #if string then mcprints it as the middle of the cover page.
   Instructions=\"do well\"

 if type(pts,list) then
  middle :=
    \\Large \\textbf{Scoring}\\\\
    seq(cat(convert(i,string)," & ",
     "\\rule{1in}{.01in}  & of ",convert(pts[i],string), "\\\\\n"),i=1..nops(pts)),
     "\\textbf{Total} & \\rule{1in}{.01in} &  of ",
     " \\end{tabular*} \\end{center}\n":
  middle := pts

   \\LARGE\\textbf{ ",title,"}\\\\\n",dte,
   \\noindent\\textbf{Instructions: }\\textit{",instructs,"}
###end cover

extractlatex := proc(infil,path)
 local infile,outfile,line,skip,pre,qnum,oline,out,
 defaults := Probs=[seq(i,i=1..400)],
 opts := subs([op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 probs := opts[2]:
 name := opts[3]:
 perm := opts[4]:
 head := opts[5]:
 multiplicity := opts[6]:
 version := opts[7]:
 randomize := opts[8]:
 number := opts[9]:
 ppp := opts[10]:
 fixeps := opts[11]:
 prtkey := opts[12]:
 if name="" then
  name := infil
 if head="" then
  head:=cat("\\section{Problems from ",escape(name),"}","\n")

 if opts[1]=yes then
  mprint(cat("version ",VERSION)," extractlatex(\"worksheet\",\"path\") where
   worksheet is the name of a WHS worksheet
   you have exported to tex and path is the location of the directory which
   contains the export.
   It creates a file worksheet_la.tex in the same directory which contains
   all the extracted problems. Process this with latexit.
   First execute the worksheet (problem by problem) with  LATEX_ set to yes
   (for   latex only) and both (for both latex and html versions of the
   Then export the worksheet to latex.  Then execute extractlatex.  
    Probs=[seq(i,i=1..400)]   set to the list of problems to be extracted.
    Number=400   set to the maximum number of problems in a homework.
    Multiplicity=1   set to the multiplicity of the homework.
    Version=\"-1\"  set to any string to get a version.
    Randomize=no  set to yes to change the ordering of the extracted problems
     or to a specific permutation
    PPP=\"\"  set to 3 to get 3 evenly spaced problems on a page or to a list
     of the problem numbers you want newpages after or to a list of latex
     spacing strings.
    Head=\"\"  set to a homework Title string if wanted.
    Name=\"\"  set to the name you want for the extracted tex file.
    Key=no   set to yes if you want a key (and have provided one)");

 bill := vers(version,multiplicity,number);
 if multiplicity>1 then
  opts[2]:= [seq(i*multiplicity,i=0..number-1)]+bill[1]
 if randomize=yes then
 elif (type(randomize,list)) then

 if fixeps=yes then

 prob := table([]);
 prob[0] := "":
 key := table([]);
 flag := 0;
 np := 0:
 pr:= opts[2];

 finish := proc()
  for i from 1 to np2 do
   if  nops([prob[perm[i]]])>1  then
   writeline(outfile,cat(prob[perm[i]],"\\ \\\\\n")) else mprint("problem here");next  fi;
   if ppp<>"" then   
    if type(ppp,integer) then
     if irem(i,ppp)=0 then
      writeline(outfile,"\\ \\vfill\n\\ ")
    elif (type(ppp,set) or type(ppp,list)) then
     if type(ppp[1],string) then
     elif member(i,{op(ppp)}) then
  if prtkey=yes then
   writeline(outfile,cat("\\section{Answer Key for ",escape(convert(name,string)),"}"));
   for i from 1 to np2 do
  mprint(cat(name,"_la.tex created: ",np2," problems"));

 infile := infil;  
 infile := cat(infile,".tex");

 outfile:= cat(name,"_la.tex");
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 line := readline(infile);
 while line <> "\\begin{document}" do
  line := readline(infile);
 line := readline(infile);

 while line <> 0 do
  if StringTools[Search]("\\end{document}",line)>0 then

  if StringTools[Search]("{flushleft}",line)>0 or
    StringTools[Search]("\\emptyline",line)>0 then
   line:= ""

  if StringTools[Search]("\\_OMIT",line)>0 or
    StringTools[Search]("_OMIT",line)>0 then
   while StringTools[Search]("\\_TIMO",line)=0 and
     StringTools[Search]("_TIMO",line)=0  and
     line<> 0 and line<>"\\end{document}" do
    line := readline(infile);
   if line="\\end{document}" then
   line := readline(infile);

  if line = "_KEY" and flag2=1 then
   key[np2] := "\\item \n";
   line := readline(infile);
   while line <> "_YEK" and line <> 0 do
    if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{maplettyout}",line)>0 then
     line := "";
     li := readline(infile);
     if li = "_YEK" then
      line := li;
      flag2 := 0;
     while StringTools[Search]("maplettyout",li)=0 do
      line := cat(line," ",li);
      li := readline(infile);

    if StringTools[Search]("{flushleft}",line)>0 or
      StringTools[Search]("\\emptyline",line)>0 or
      StringTools[Search]("maplettyout",line)>0 then  
     key[np2] := key[np2],line ,"\n"
    line := readline(infile);
   if line = "_YEK" then
    line := "":

  if line = "_LATEX" and np2 < number then
   np := np+1;
   if np = pr[1] then
    if nops(pr)=1 then

    line := readline(infile);
    while line <> "_XETAL" and line <> 0 do
     if flag2 = 1 and StringTools[Search]("\\begin{maplettyout}",line)>0 then
      line := "";
      li := readline(infile);
      if li = "_XETAL" then  
      while StringTools[Search]("maplettyout",li)=0 do
       line := cat(line," ",li);
       li := readline(infile);

     if StringTools[Search]("{flushleft}",line)>0 or
        StringTools[Search]("\\emptyline",line)>0 or
        StringTools[Search]("maplettyout",line)>0 or
        line="" then
     line := readline(infile);

  line := readline(infile);

###end extractlatex

fixeps  := proc(infil)
 local defaults,outfile,bill,gotit,line,cv,gs,gst,rt,lt,opts,cc,coler,help;
 defaults:= Color=yes,Colorlist=bigcolorlist,Help=no;
 opts:= subs( [op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Color,Colorlist,Help]);
 cc := opts[2]:
 help := opts[3]:
 if help=yes then
  mprint("fixeps(infile) will remove the border from the Maple eps infile.
  Color=no.  Set to yes to colorize infile according to the grayscale to RGB
   table in bigcolorlist.
  Colorlist=bigcolorlist.  Set to another file if you have one.");  

 cv := proc(gs)
  local  i,m,mi,j;
  m := 1; j = 1;  
  for i from 1 to nops(cc) do
   mi :=abs(op(sscanf(gs,"%g")) - cc[i][2]);
   if mi<.0001 then
   if mi < m then
    m := mi;
    j := i

 outfile := cat("tmp_",infil);
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 gotit := 0;
 line := readline(infil);
 line := readline(infil);

 if StringTools[Search]("Maple plot recolorized by latextools",line)=0 then
  line :=StringTools[Substitute](line,"Maple plot",
   "Maple plot recolorized by latextools")
 while line <> 0  do

 line := StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,
   "drawborder true","drawborder false");

 if coler="yes"  then
  if StringTools[Search](" G", line) > 0  then
   if StringTools[Search]("setdash" ,line) > 0 then   
    lt:= StringTools[FirstFromRight]("h",line);
    rt:= StringTools[FirstFromRight]("G",line);
    gs := StringTools[SubString](line,lt+1..rt);
    gst := StringTools[SubString](line,lt+1..rt-1);
    line := StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,gs,cv(gst));
   elif length(line) < 14  then
    rt := StringTools[FirstFromLeft]("G",line);
    gs := StringTools[SubString](line,1..rt);
    gst := StringTools[SubString](line,1..rt-1);
    line := StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,gs,cv(gst));
 line := readline(infil);

bill := FileTools[Remove](infil);
#bill := system(cat("del ",infil));
#if bill = 0 then
 #bill := system(cat("ren ",outfile," ",infil));
#else ERROR("cannot delete ",infil) fi;
 #if bill <> 0 then ERROR("cannot rename ",outfile)
###end fixeps

fixalleps := proc(nm,path)
 local ld,f,i,n;
 f := proc(nm,path)
  local st,ld,out,g,n;
  n:= length(nm);
  g := proc(s)
   if length(s)>=4 and substring(s,-4..-1)=".eps" then
  ld := select(g,FileTools[ListDirectory](path));
  g := proc(s)
   if length(s)>=n and substring(s,1...n)=nm then
 ld := f(nm,path);
 for i in ld do
  if fixeps(i,Color=yes)=1 then
   n := n+1
 if n= nops(ld) then
  mprint(" The ",nm," eps files are already recolorized.")
 elif n > 0 and n < nops(ld) then
  mprint(convert(n,string)," of the ",nm," eps files were recolorized.")
  mprint(" The ",nm," eps files were recolorized.")
###end fixalleps

getnums := proc(file,path,vers)
 local junk,perm,j,oc,a,b,c,d,e,defaults,opts,line,help,i,f,kde,offset;
 oc := table([seq(convert(i,string)=i,i=1..1000)]);
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 help := opts[1]:kde:=opts[2]:offset:=opts[3]:
 if help=yes then
   "To get the sequence of absolute problem numbers in a WHS or KDE homework,
   Retrieve the homework and View the source.
   Save the source as a txt file (say junk.txt in a temporary spot, say c:/temp)
   getnums(\"junk.txt\",\"c:/temp\",vers) returns a list of 4 things:
   the version number, the list of relative problems sorted to the order
   that the absolute problem numbers are presented in the homework, and
   the sorted list of absolute problem numbers.
   Help = no
   KDEInterface=no  set to yes for appalmsp interface.
   Offset=0 set to 1 if makeheader is used, i if i survey questions at the top.");

 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 line := readline(file);
 junk := NULL:
 perm := NULL;
 if kde=no then j:=" />" else j:="></a>" fi;
 while line<>0 do
  if StringTools[RegMatch]
    (cat("name=\"([0-9]+)\"",j,"Question ([0-9]+)<"),line,'c','b','a')  
   junk := junk,[parse(a),parse(b)];
  line:= readline(file);
 junk := [junk];
 f := proc(a,b)
  if a[2]<b[2] then
 junk := sort(junk,f);
 perm := NULL:
 [[vers],[seq(junk[i][1],i=1..nops(junk))], [seq(junk[i][2]-offset,i=1..nops(junk))],file];
###end getnums

latextoolshelp := proc()
 mprint(cat("latextools version ",VERSION,": A package to process maple export to latex.
  In all uses, you must export your worksheets to latex to get output.
  To prepare an exam, use makexam.  See makexam(Help=yes); for help.
     Note: There are examples posted at the MCtools Page (
  To process a single worksheet, you can use latexit. See latexit(Help=yes) for help.
  To combine several worksheets with a rootfile, use rootwork.  See rootwork(Help=yes)   for help.
  To process a WHS homework prepared with MCtools[tagit] (Nov 10 2003 or later), regenerate the
  tagit homework with  LATEX_:=yes, then export to latex, then process it with latexit   using the
  option WHSprobs=yes.

 The package also contains words to process the html export from Maple.
 Export to html, then use
 htmlit(\"worksheet\",\"path\") to process. See htmlit(Help=yes) for help.
 To create an html root, use
 htmlrootwork(\"rootname\",\"path\",Files=[\"file1\",\"file2\",...]); See  htmlrootwork(Help=yes) for help.

 The package also contains three words, mwsit, unmwsit and mwsrootwork, which
 manage the bookmarks of a group of one or more worksheets.
 See mwsit(Help=yes) and mwsrootwork(Help=yes) for help."));
###end latextoolshelp

mprint := proc()
 local fmt,fmtnl,ARGS,c;
 c := proc(g)
 ARGS := map(c,[args]):
  if nops(ARGS)=0 then
  fmt := "%s";
 fmtnl:="%s\n":    printf(cat(seq(fmt,i=1..nops(ARGS)-1),fmtnl),seq(ARGS[j],j=1..nops(ARGS)));
###end mprint

showgs  := proc(clr,r,g,b)
 local pl1,tit,pout,getgs,opts;
 opts := subs( select(type,[args],`=`),[DataOnly,Help]);
 if opts[2]=yes then
  mprint("showgs(clr,r,g,b); returns the greyscale number obtained  from the r g b   
  values.  \nThe color name clr is put in a list with the greyscale number.");
 getgs := proc(clr,infil)
  local line,lt,rt,gs;
  catch "file already open":
  end try;
  line := readline(infil);
  while line <> 0 do
   if StringTools[Search](" G", line) > 0 and
      StringTools[Search]("setdash" ,line) > 0 then
    lt := StringTools[FirstFromRight]("h",line);
    rt := StringTools[FirstFromRight]("G",line);
    gs := StringTools[SubString](line,lt+1..rt-1);
   line:= readline(infil);

 pout := cat(convert(clr,string),".eps"):
 pl1 := plots[display](plottools[polygon]([[0,0],[1,0],[1/2,1]],
 tit := getgs(clr,pout);
 if tit <> 1 and convert(opts[1],string)="DataOnly" then
 elif tit <> 1 then
  RETURN(cat(`[`,tit[1],`,`,convert(tit[2],symbol),`, "`,
   convert(r,symbol),`  `,convert(g,symbol),`  `,convert(b,symbol),`"]`))  
  ERROR("Problem with getgs")
###end showgs

###begin getitout
 local infile,outfile,plist,i,line,skip,file,cur;
 if type(pstyle,list) then
 for i from 1 to nops(pstyle) do
 else plist:=convert(pstyle,string):
infile := infil;  
 infile := cat(infile,".tex");
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
  line := readline(infile);
 skip := 0;
 file :=NULL:
 while line <> 0 do
  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{",line)>0 then
     if skip=0 then for i from 1 to nops(plist) do
       if StringTools[Search](cat("\\begin{",plist[i],"}"),line)>0 then
         skip:= plist[i]; fi; od: fi:
  if skip<>0 and StringTools[Search](cat("\\end{",skip,"}"),line)>0 then
   skip:= 0;
  if skip=0 then file:=file,line  fi;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
for i from 1 to nops(file) do
###end getitout

latexit  := proc(infil,path)
 local infile,outfile,line,skip,abbrev,pre,bill,opts,i,pars,ld,f,j,k,
 defaults := NumPass=1,FixEps=yes,Color=yes,Docstyle=DOCSTYLE,
       FontSize="",GenAbbrevs=[["\\frac ","\\Frac "],["\\lim _","\\Lim _"],
       ["\\int _","\\Int _"]],New=yes,Supress="":
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 help := opts[12]:
  if help = yes then
  mprint(cat(convert(VERSION,string),"\nExport your worksheet to latex.
  Then\n latexit(\"worksheet\",\"path\") where
  worksheet is the name of the worksheet (omit the .tex suffix)
  path is the path to the directory with the exported tex files, eg, c://temp
  New=yes   set to no to latex again after hand changes.
  NumPass=2 is the number of passes through latex
  FixEps=yes: set to no to keep the pictures grayscale
  Color:  set to no to keep the fontcolor black
  Dvips=no: set to no if you want to generate postscript by hand
  Help=no: set to yes to get this message
  WHSprobs=no: set to yes if you want to process a WHS homework which has latex   
  versions of
  the problems (use MCtools Nov 15 2003 or higher with LATEX_ set to yes or both before           you
  re-tagit and export to latex)
  Picwidth=2.5: set to larger or smaller width in inches to change the default size of       diagram
  (Note: Import external eps, png, bmp, jpg files with
  _pic[;bb=llx lly urx ury,height=yin,width=xin] in Latex Char style)
  Purpose=\"notes\":  set to amspaper to use ams styles.
  Supress=\"\"  set to mapleinput to remove the mapleinput before latexing, or [mapleinput,maplettyout]
     to remove also the maplettyout.  Get other styles by inspecting the latex source file." ));
 numpass := opts[1]:
 fxeps := opts[2]:
 coler := convert(opts[3],string):
 docstyle := opts[4]:
 pkgs := opts[5]:
 preamble := opts[6]:
  abbrevs := opts[7]:
 styles := opts[8]:
 cc := opts[9]:
 dvips := opts[10]:
 yap := opts[11]:
 whsprobs := opts[13]:
 picwidth := opts[14]:
 purpose := opts[15]:
 extrapkgs := opts[16]:
 flag2 := 0;
 extrapreamble := opts[17]:
 extraabbrevs := opts[18]:
 extrastyles := opts[19]:
 fontsize := opts[20]:
 genabbrevs := opts[21]:
  #if neww=yes then
 preamble := cat(preamble,extrapreamble,"\n\\begin{document}");
 if nops(extraabrevs)>0 then  
  abbrevs := [op(abbrevs),op(extraabbrevs)];

 if purpose=amspaper then
  docstyle := DOCSTYLEAMS;
  preamble := cat(PREAMBLEAMS,extrapreamble,"\n\\begin{document}");
  pkgs := PKGSAMS:
  styles := PSTYLEAMS;

 if fontsize<>"" then
  docstyle := StringTools[Substitute](docstyle,"11pt",fontsize)

 pkgs := convert( pkgs union extrapkgs,string);
 if extrastyles<>"" and op({op(map(nops,extrastyles))})=2 then
  styles := [op({op(styles)} union {op(extrastyles)})]

 f := proc(nm,path)
  local st,ld,out,g,n;
  n := length(nm);
  g := proc(s)
   if length(s)>= 4 and substring(s,-4..-1)=".eps" then

  ld := select(g,FileTools[ListDirectory](path));
  g := proc(s)
   if substring(s,1...n)=nm then
 ###end f

 ckclr := proc(line)
  local l;
  if StringTools[Search]("\\color",line)=0 then
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\begin{maplettyout}",
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\begin{mapleinput}",
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\begin{maplegroup}",
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\begin{maplelatex}",
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\end{maplelatex}",
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\begin{Text Output}",
   "\\begin{Text Output}\\color{blue}");
  l := StringTools[SubstituteAll](l,"\\end{Text Output}",
   "\\end{Text Output}\\color{black}") fi;
 ###end ckclr

 getdate :=proc()
 ###end getdate

 if neww=yes then

###put remove mapleinput here.
 if supress<>"" then #print(infil,supress,path);

 if whsprobs=only then
 elif whsprobs=texonly then
 elif whsprobs = yes then


 infile := infil;  
 infile := cat(infile,".tex");

 outfile := cat(infil,"whs.tex");
 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 writeline(outfile,cat("%%%%Latex modified by WHS ",getdate()));
 line := readline(infile);
 skip := 0;
 pre := 0;
 minput := 0;
 ttyout := 0;
 texit := 0;
 noempties :=0;

 while line <> 0 do
   if pre=1 and coler="yes" then line:=ckclr(line) fi:
   if line="\\mapleresult" then line:=readline(infile); next; fi;  #1/31
  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{textoutput}",line)>0 then
   ttyout:= 1;
  if StringTools[Search]("\\end{textoutput}",line)>0 then
   ttyout:= 0;
  if StringTools[Search]("QM_[",line)>0 then
   noempties:= 1;
  if StringTools[Search]("SKIP_",line)>0 then
   noempties:= 0;
  if line = "\\emptyline" and noempties=1 then
   line := readline(infile);

  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{flushleft}",line)>0 or
     StringTools[Search]("\\end{flushleft}",line)>0 then
   line := readline(infile);

  if StringTools[Search]("BEGINHINT_hint",line)>0 then
   line:= "\\textbf{Hint:}"
  if StringTools[Search]("ENDHINT_hint",line)>0 then
   line:= readline(infile);

  if pre = 0 then
   if line ="\\documentclass{article}" then
  if line ="\\usepackage{maple2e}" then
  for s in styles do
   if not type(s,list) and nops(s)<> 2 then
    ERROR("ExtraStyles must be a list of pairs")
    line := StringTools[Substitute](line,op(s))

  if line="\\begin{document}" then
   line:= preamble

 if StringTools[Search]("\\_GROUP",line)>0 then
  line := "";  
  lline := readline(infile);
  while not StringTools[Search]("\\end{document",line) =0  and
        not StringTools[Search]("\_POURG",line)= 0 do
   if lline ="\_POURG" then
    lline:= ""
   line := line,lline;
 if line = "_KEY" or line="_LATEX" then
  flag2 := 1;
  if line="_LATEX" then
   flag1 := FileTools[Position](infile);       
   line := readline(infile);
   if StringTools[Search]("\\item",line)>0 then
    line := "";
    line:= "" fi
    line := ""
  if line = "_YEK" or line="_XETAL" then
   flag2 := 0;
   if coler="yes" then
     writeline(outfile,"\\color[rgb]{.545,0,0}\\begin{maplettyout}") else
   line := "";
  if (flag2=1 or texit=1) and (StringTools[Search]("{flushleft}",line)>0
     or StringTools[Search]("\\emptyline",line)>0
     or StringTools[Search]("maplettyout",line)>0) then   
   line := "hellobill";

  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{mapleinput}",line)>0 then
   minput := 1  
  if StringTools[Search]("\\end{mapleinput}",line)>0 then
   minput := 0;  
  if StringTools[Search]("\\begin{document}",line)>0 and not
     StringTools[Search]("\"\\begin{document}",line)>0 then
   pre := 1;  
  if StringTools[Search]("\\_LATEX",line)>0 then
   line:=StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"\_LATEX"," ");
   if ttyout=1 then
    line := "\\end{textoutput}"
   texit := 1;  

  if StringTools[Search]("\_XETAL",line)>0 then
   line:=StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,"\_XETAL"," ");
   texit :=0;  
  if StringTools[Search]("\\_OMIT",line)>0  then
   skip := 1
  if StringTools[Search]("\\_TIMO",line)>0 and         
     StringTools[Search]("StringTools[Search]",line)= 0 then
   skip := 0;
   line:= ""
  if skip = 1 then
   line:= ""

  if  pre = 1 and minput = 0 and texit = 1 then
   for abbrev in abbrevs do
    line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,op(abbrev));

  if  pre = 1 and minput = 0 and texit = 0 then
   for abbrev in genabbrevs do
    line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,op(abbrev));

  if  StringTools[Search]("_pic[",line)>0 then
   pars := StringTools[Split](StringTools[SubString]
   if  nops(pars) > 1 then
    line := cat("\\includegraphics[",pars[2],"]{",pars[1],"}");
    line := cat("\\includegraphics[height=3in,width=4in]{",pars[1],"}");

 if StringTools[Search]("HSPC_",line)>0 then
  hspc:=StringTools[RegSub]("HSPC_([^\_]*)_",line,"\\1"); line:="" fi;

  if StringTools[Search]("\\mapleplot{",line)>0 then   
   pars := StringTools[SubString]
   line := cat(hspc,"\\includegraphics[height =         ",convert(evalf(216/287*picwidth,4),string),"in, width =         ",convert(picwidth,string),"in]{",pars,"}");

  if skip = 0 and type(line,string)
     and line <>"hellobill" then
  oline := line;

  line := readline(infile);

  if skip = 1 and line = 0 then  

  od;   # end of latexit loop


 mprint(cat(infil,"whs.tex created"));
 lfile := cat(infil,"whs");
 else lfile := infil
 fi :  ### end the if neww= yes condition

 bill := system(cat("latex ",lfile));
 if bill = 0 then
  mprint(cat(lfile,".dvi created.") )
  ERROR(cat(lfile,"  A problem occurred with latex."))

 for i from 1 to numpass-1 do
  bill :=system(cat("latex ",lfile));
  if bill = 0 then
   mprint("Pass ",i+1," to resolve references was successful.")
   ERROR("Second pass to resolve references was NOT successful.")

 if convert(fxeps,string)="yes" then
  ld := f(infil,path);
  for i in ld do
  mprint("fixed eps files (removed their borders and recolored if Color=yes is set)");

 if dvips <> no then
  if dvips=yes then
   bill := system(cat("dvips ",lfile))
   bill := system(cat("dvips ",dvips," ",lfile));  
  if bill = 0 then
   mprint(cat(lfile,".ps created sucessfully.") )
   ERROR(cat(lfile,".ps NOT created.  A problem occurred"))

 if yap = yes then
  system(cat("yap -1 ",lfile))
###end latexit

vers := proc(str,mult,no)
 global _seed;
 local n,f,offset,p,q;
 n := convert(map(StringTools[Ord],StringTools[Explode](str)),`*`);
f := rand(1..mult);
p := {seq(i,};
 while nops(p)>1 do
  f := rand(1..nops(p));
  n := f();
  q := q,p[n];
  p := p minus {p[n]}
 q := [q,p[1]];
###end vers

xprint := proc(expr)
 if type(expr,function) and op(0,expr)=PLOT then
  (cat(" $",`latex/print`(expr),"$ "))
###end xprint

xprint := proc(expr)
 if type(expr,function) and op(0,expr)=PLOT then
  (cat(" $",`latex/print`(expr),"$ "))
###end xprint

lxprint := proc()
 local lst,ans,l;
 if nargs=0 then mcprint("lxprint(...,argi,...) returns a catted string of the argi's
where argi is converted to latex if it is an expression
If  args[1]=\"$\" or args[1]=\"$$\" then the catted string is started and ended with the same
   and expressions are not $-signed, otherwise expressions are $-signed."); return NULL fi;
 lst := [args]:
 ans := "":
if lst[1]="$" or lst[1]="$$" then
for l in lst  do
 if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l) else ans := cat(ans,`latex/print`(l)) fi od:
 if lst[1]="$" and lst[-1]<>"$" then ans:=cat(ans,"$")  fi;
 if lst[1]="$$" and lst[-1]<>"$$" then ans:=cat(ans,"$$") fi;
 for l in lst do
 if type(l,string) then ans := cat(ans,l) else ans := cat(ans," $",`latex/print`(l),"$ ") fi od:

tprint := proc(tbl)
 local i,j,m,n,b,g,tb,pos;
 if nargs>1 then pos:=args[2] else pos:="c" fi;
 m:= nops(tbl);
 n := nops(tbl[1]);
 tb:= ("\\begin{tabular}[",pos,"]{",cat(seq("l",i=1..n)),"}\n");
 for i from 1 to m do
  for j from 1 to n-1 do
   b := tbl[i][j];
   g := "\\rule{1in}":   
   if type(b,string) then
    tb := tb,(cat(b,"&"))
   elif type(b,list) then
    if nops(b)= 1  then
     tb:= tb,(cat(g,"&"))
    elif type(b[1],string) then  
     tb := tb,(cat(b[1],"&"))
     tb := tb,(cat(xprint(b[1]),"&"))
    tb := tb,(cat(xprint(b),"&"))
  b := tbl[i][n]; #hereiamtoo
   if n = 1 and b="" then next fi; ###added2/17
   if type(b,string) then
      tb := tb,(cat(b,"\\\\\n"))
  elif type(b,list) then
   if nops(b)= 1 then  
    tb := tb,(cat(g,"\\\\"))
   elif type(b[1],string) then  
    tb := tb,(cat(b[1],"\\\\\n"))
    tb := tb,(cat(xprint(b[1]),"\\\\\n"))
   tb := tb,(cat(xprint(b),"\\\\\n"))

lagit:= proc()
 global LATEX_;
 LATEX_ := yes;
 LATEX_ := no:
###end lagit

whslatex := proc()
 local i,flag,lsti,s1,s2,s,k,tp,lst,j,r,p,enum,key,separ,std,forlat,tags,ce,clrs;
 global LNUM_,SPACES_,lsttmp,l,mat,LATEX_;

 if nargs>0 and type(args[1],`=`) and lhs(args[1])=Test then
 forlat := proc(sboth,tp)
  local s,r, k, m, j,i,ans,opts,p,g,a,ma,ro,co;
  g := proc(r,l)
   local i;
   for i in l do
    if r=lhs(i) then

  s := sboth[2];
  r:= NULL:
  k := NULL:
  m := 0;  
  ans:= NULL:
  if not type(s[2],list) then
   if member(tp,{_AB,_ABlabels}) then
    ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of alternative answers with
      each correct answer enclosed in brackets."))
    ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of alternative answers with
      the correct answer enclosed in brackets."))

  a := g(rightanswers,sboth[1]);
  if not a=NULL then
   if type(a,list) then
    s[2]:= a
    for j from 1 to nops(s[2]) do
     if a=s[2][j] then
      s[2][j]:= [a]

  for j from 1 to nops(s[2]) do
   if type(s[2][j],list) then
    if type(op(s[2][j]),list) then
     ERROR("An answer cannot be a list.")
     r := r,op(s[2][j]):
     k := k,1:
     m := m+1:
    r := r,s[2][j]:
    k:= k,0  

  if nops([r]) < 2 then
   ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format requires a list of 2 or more alternative answers with
     the correct answer enclosed in brackets."))
  if m = 0 then
   k := 1,seq(0,i=2..nops([k]))
  if m > 1 and not member(tp,{_AB,_ABlabels}) then
   ERROR(cat("The ",tp," format expects only one correct answer."))
  a := g(randomize,sboth[1]):
  if not a=NULL then  
   p := [seq(i,i=1..nops([r]))]
   p := combinat[randperm]([seq(i,i=1..nops([r]))])
  #a := g(matsize,sboth[1]);
  #if a = false then a:= [1,nops([r])] fi;
  #ma := NULL:
  #for ro from 1 to a[1] do
  #wr := NULL:
  #for co from 1 to a[2] do
  #if (ro-1)*a[2]+co <= nops([r]) then
  #wr := wr,[r][p[(ro-1)*a[2]+co]]
  if member(tp,{_AL,_ALlabels,_AR,_AS}) then   
   for j from 1 to nops([k])  do
    if k[j]=1 then  
     ans:= r[j];  
   mprint("\\ \\\\ Circle correct answer:\\\\");
   for j from 1 to nops([k])  do
    if k[j]=1 then
     ans:= ans,"::",r[j]
   mprint("\\\\ Circle \\textbf{each} correct answer:\\\\");

 enum := "\\item \\ ":
 separ := "$\\diamond$\\hspace{2mm}";
 key := "";
 tags := {_TP,_AC,_AS,_AW,_AL,_AF,_AI,_AE,_AB,_ABlabels,_AL,
 clrs := {black,blue,navy,coral,cyan,brown,gold,green,gray,grey,
 std := "":
 SPACES_ := 1;
 lsttmp := [args];
 lst := NULL:
 for l in lsttmp do
  if type(l,array) then
   lst := lst,Maketable(convert(l,listlist))  
  elif  type(l,function) and op(0,l)=Lineit then
   if type(op(1,l),list) then
    lst := lst,op(l)
   lst:= lst,l
 lst := [lst] ;
 mprint("_LATEX" );

 for i from 1 to nops(lst) do
  flag := 0;
  if i=1  then
   if type(lst[i],`=`) and lhs(lst[i])=standards then
    std := rhs(lst[i]);
    mprint(enum); next;
  if type(lst[i],list)and type(lst[i][1],`=`) and
     member(lhs(lst[i][1]),{pretext,aftertext}) then
   for k from 1 to nops(lst[i]) do
    if type(lst[i][k],`=`) and member(lhs(lst[i][k]),{problem,aftertext}) then
     tp := rhs(lst[i][k]);
     for j from 1 to nops(tp) do
      if type(tp[j],function) and op(0,tp[j])=Lineit then
       for k from 1 to nops([op(tp[j])]) do
        if type(op(k,tp[j]),string) then
         mprint (escape(op(k,tp[j])))
        elif type(op(k,tp[j]),list) then
        elif type(op(k,tp[j]),function) and member(op(0,op(k,tp[j])),{ah_}) then
         mprint(cat(" $",`latex/print`(op(k,tp[j])),"$ "))
      elif type(tp[j],string) then
       if not member(tp[j],{"td_","tr_"}) then
      elif type(tp[j],list) then

  if  type(lst[i],list) and member(lst[i][1],tags) then
   flag := 1;
   s1 := NULL:
   s2 := NULL:  
   lsti:= lst[i]:
   for k from 1 to nops(lsti) do
    if type(lsti[k],`=`) and member(lhs(lsti[k]),{brks,Alabels,
       inline}) then
     s1 := s1,lsti[k]
     s2 := s2,lsti[k]

  if type(lst[i],function) and member(op(0,lst[i]),tags) then
   flag := 1:  
   s1 := NULL:
   s2 := NULL:
   tp := op(0,lst[i]):
   lsti := [tp,op(lst[i])]:
   for k from 1 to nops(lsti) do
    if type(lsti[k],`=`) and member(lhs(lsti[k]),{brks,Alabels,
       inline}) then
     s1 := s1,lsti[k]
     s2 :=s2,lsti[k]

  if flag = 1 then
   s := [s2];
   if member(s[1],{_AL,_ALlabels,_AR,_AS,_AB,_ABlabels}) then
    key:= key,separ,forlat([[s1],s],lsti[1]);
   elif member(s[1],{_AC,_AF,_AE,_AI,_AW}) then
    mprint(" \\rule{1in}{.1mm}");
    if s[1]=_AW then
     if type(s[2],list) then
      s[2] := op(s[2])
     if not type(s[2],string) then
      ERROR("The AW format requires a string of #-separated acceptable spellings.")
     s[2] := StringTools[SubstituteAll](s[2],"#","\\#")  
    key := key,cat(separ,s[2]);
   elif member(s[1],{_AT,_ATspread,_ATcross}) then
    r := NULL:
    for j from 1 to nops(s[2]) do
     tp := NULL:
     for k from 1 to nops(s[2][j]) do
      if type(s[2][j][k],list) then
       ce := s[2][j][k];
       if s[1]=_ATcross and nops(ce)>1 and member(ce[2],clrs) then
        if type(ce[1],string) then
         ce[1] := StringTools[SubstituteAll](ce[1],"#","\\#")  
        tp := tp,ce[1]
        tp := tp,"\\rule{1in}{.1mm}";
        if s[1]=_ATcross and nops(ce)=1 and type(ce[1],string) then         
        key := key,cat(separ,ce[1]);
       tp := tp,s[2][j][k]
     r := r,[tp]
   elif s[1]=_AX then   
    key:= key,cat(separ,lxprint(s[2]))       
  elif type(lst[i],`=`) and member(lhs(lst[i]),{brks,Alabels,
     inline}) then
  elif type(lst[i],string) then  
  elif type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=MCPIECEWISE then
   mat := op(1,lst[i]):
  elif type(lst[i],array) then
   mat := convert(lst[i],listlist):
  elif type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=Maketable then
  elif type(lst[i],list) then
   if i=1 then
  elif type(lst[i],`=`) and lhs(lst[i])=pretext then
   if i=1 or (i=2 and std<>"") then
    if type(rhs(lst[i]),string) then
    elif type(rhs(lst[i]),list) then
     for j from 1 to nops(rhs(lst[i])) do
      if type(rhs(lst[i])[j],string) then
      elif type(rhs(lst[i])[j],list) then
    ERROR("pretext must be first (after standards)")
  elif type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=Brak then
  elif type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=Vspace then
  elif type(lst[i],function) and i > 1 and op(0,lst[i])=Lineit then
  else if i=1 then
   if type(lst[i],function) and op(0,lst[i])=Lineit then  
 if member(SPACES_,{seq(i,i=1..10)}) then
 if key=NULL then key:=" " fi:
###end whslatex

rootwork := proc(rootname,path)
 local infile,outfile,line,MASTER,defaults,docstyle,preamble,pkgs,
 defaults := Newroot=yes,Numpass=2,Docstyle=DOCSTYLE,
 opts := subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 newroot := opts[1]:
 numpass := opts[2]:
 docstyle := opts[3]:
 pkgs := opts[4]:
 preamble := opts[5]:
 abbrevs := opts[6]:
 styles := opts[7]:
 dvips := opts[8]:
 yap := opts[9]:
 help := opts[10]:
 title := opts[11]:
 author := opts[12]:
 mfiles := opts[13]:
 files := NULL: for f in mfiles do if type(f,string) then files := files,f fi od:
 files:= [files]:
 frontpiece := opts[14]:
 fonts := opts[15]:
 lengths := opts[16]:
 purpose := opts[17]:
 mkindex := opts[18]:
 contents := opts[19]:
 heads := opts[20]:
 extra := opts[21]:
 names := opts[22]:
 fontsize := opts[23]:

 if fonts<>"" then
  if fonts=sanserif then

 preamble := cat(fonts,LENGTHS,MACROS):

 if purpose=amspaper then
  pkgs := PKGSAMS:
  styles := PSTYLEAMS:
  preamble := cat(fonts,preamble,AMSMACROS):

 if fontsize<>"" then

 preamble:= cat(preamble,extra);

 if mkindex=yes then
  pkgs :={makeidx} union pkgs
 pkgs:= convert(pkgs,string);

 styles := [op({op(styles)} union {op(extrastyles)})];

 if help = yes then
  mprint(cat(convert(VERSION,string)," rootwork(\"rootname\",\"path\",Options)
     where rootname is the name you want for the rootfile
     and path is the path to the directory with the latex files.
     Brief instructions:
     Export your worksheets to latex and process them with latexit.
     Make a rootfile with rootwork, and add the files as includes to make a
     large document.
    Newroot=yes  set to no if you don't want to redo the rootfile.
    Files=[]  set to a nonempty list of files you want to include in the rootfile.
    Numpass=2  set to the number of times to latex the root file.
    Titlepage=\"\"  set to whatever you want just after begin{document}
    usually a title page, otherwise set the Title Author and Frontpiece below
    if you want a generic titlepage  
    Title=\"\"  set to a non empty string if you want a title page.
      Author\"\"  set to the name of the author for the title page.
    Frontpiece=\"\"  set to the name of a graphic file (eps or jpg).
    Dvips =yes  gives a postscript file
    Fonts=regular  set to sansserif for MS sans serif
    Lengths=""  set to pageheight, pagewidth, etc
    Amspaper=no set to yes if the documentstyle is amsart
    Mkindex=yes  creates an idx file of words in Files marked with
      Character style index
    Contents=yes gives a table of contents
    Pagestyle=headings set to none if you don't want that."));


 MASTER:= cat(rootname,".tex");

 if newroot = yes then
  catch "file already open":
  end try;
  writeline(MASTER,cat("\\documentclass",docstyle)) ;
  if mkindex = yes then
   if numpass < 2 then

  if rawtitlepage<>"" then writeline(MASTER,rawtitlepage);
  title:="" fi:
  if  title <> "" then
   writeline(MASTER,cat("{\\Huge\\bf ",title,"}\\\\"));

   if author<>"" then
    writeline(MASTER,cat("{\\sl ",author,"}\\\\"));

   if frontpiece<>"" then
    if type(frontpiece,string) then
    elif type(frontpiece,list) and nops(frontpiece)=3 then
    elif type(frontpiece,list) and nops(frontpiece)=4 then
     ERROR("Problem with frontpiece")

  if contents=yes then

  mprint("rootfile created");
 fi;   # end newroot=yes

 if nops(files)>0 then
  stylelist:= getstyles(rootname,files,path);
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 line := readline(MASTER);
 while StringTools[Search]("begin{document}",line)=0 do

 line := readline(MASTER);
 bline:= NULL:
 while StringTools[Search]("end{document}",line)=0 do

 for i from 1 to nops(mfiles) do
  if type(mfiles[i],list) then bline:=bline,op(mfiles[i])
  elif convert(StringTools[Search](cat("{",mfiles[i],"}"),[bline]),`+`)=0 then
   if i <= nops(names) and names[i]<>"" then
    bline := bline,cat("\\section{",names[i],"}")
   bline := bline,cat("\\include{",mfiles[i],"}")
 if bline<>NULL then

 if mkindex=yes and newroot=yes then
  writeline(outfile,"\\addtocontents{toc}{\\hspace{-.3in} \\textbf{Index}
    \\dotfill \\thepage}");
 #system(cat("del ",MASTER));
 #system(cat("ren ",outfile," ",MASTER));
 mprint("added the files",files);

 if numpass>0 then
  if system(cat("latex ",rootname))=0 then
   mprint(cat(rootname,".dvi created"))
   mcpint("Problem with latex")
  if mkindex=yes then
   system(cat("makeindex ",rootname,".idx"));
   if FileTools[Exists](cat(rootname,"ind.tex")) then     
  for i from 1 to numpass-1 do
   if system(cat("latex ",rootname))=0 then
    mprint("pass ",i+1," to resolve references completed.")
    mprint("Problem with latex")

 if dvips <> no then
  if dvips=yes then
   bill := system(cat("dvips ",rootname))
   bill := system(cat("dvips ",dvips," ",rootname));  
  if bill=0 then
   mprint("postscript file created.")
   mprint("Problem with dvips")
###end rootwork

###  begin htmltools
glosub := proc(infile,path)
 local file,files,line,outfile,f,defaults,s,opts,help,suffix,substitutions,
 opts:= subs([     op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Substitutions,Suffix,Force,Between,All,
 safter:= after;
 a := no;
 b := yes;
 if help = yes then mprint(
"Use glosub(\"worksheet\",\"c:/tmp/folder\",Suffix=\".html\",
    to make the global substitution of sam for bill and rule{.2in} for rule{1in}
    in all the files in c:/tmp/folder which start with worksheet and end with
    the suffix .html
    Note 1: Exercise care with the use of this word, lest ye make destructive
    Note 2: By choosing the option Show=yes (see below), you can look at lines
    in files before making substitutions.  
   Substitutions=[[\"StringTools[Char](13)\",\"\"]]  replace each occurence of
   Char(13) (cntrl M) with the empty string. Change to a list of lists of substitutions.
   Suffix=\"\"  set to \".html\", to make changes in all files ending with .html and
   beginning with worksheet. Note: to process a single file set worksheet to the
   full name including suffix.
   Force=no change to yes to force the substitution (otherwise glosub bails if it encounters an <html> at the top.
   Between=[1,1000000000] change this to [5,20] to substitute in the lines 15 to 20
   After=\"\"   change this to \"begin{document}\" to begin substitution after the
   first line containing the string begin{document}
   Before=\"alalalalalala_\"  change to a string after which you dont want substitutions made  
   All=yes  change to no if the substitution occurs only with the first occurrence of the pattern in the line.
   Regular=\"\" use this to make general substitutions with regular expressions.
     For example to remove all the color assignments in the html export of a worksheet
     set Regular=[[\"color=\\\"([#0-9A-Xa-x]+)\\\"\" = \"color=\\\"\\\"]]
   Contains=\"\"  set to a regular expression to select files containing a substring
   matching that regular expression.
   Show=no   set to yes if you just want to show lines in files
   Maxlines=10  if Show=yes shows the first 10 lines satisfying Between and After
   Maxfiles=10  if Show=yes shows lines in the first 10 files starting with worksheet
   and ending with Suffix");
RETURN(NULL) end if;
 f := proc(nm,path)
  local st,ld,out,g,n;
  n:= length(nm);
  g := proc(s)
    if contains<>"" then if StringTools[RegMatch](contains,s) then
     RETURN(true) else RETURN(false) fi fi;
    if suffix="" and s<>nm then RETURN(false) fi;
   if s=nm and suffix="" then RETURN(true) fi;
   if length(s) < length(suffix) then RETURN(false) fi;
   if substring(s,-length(suffix)..-1)=suffix and substring(s,1..n)=nm then

 files := f(infile,path);
  if files=[] then mprint("No files starting with ",infile," and ending with ",suffix);
  for file in files do
  if show=yes and fcnt > maxfls then RETURN(NULL) fi;
  after := safter;
  a := no;
  b := yes;
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  outfile := cat("tmp_",file);
   if FileTools[Exists](outfile) then
   FileTools[Remove](outfile) fi;
  catch "file already open":
  end try;
  if show=yes then
  mprint(StringTools[PadLeft](convert(fcnt,string),6),".  ",file," ----- ") fi;
  line := readline(file);
  if after="" then a:=yes fi;
  if suffix=".html" then
  if line="<html>" and force=no then
   mprint(file," not processed. <html> at top.");
  elif line="<html>" then
  ln := 0;
  while line<>0 do
   ln := ln+1;
   if StringTools[Search](after,line)>0 then a := yes; fi;
   if StringTools[Search](before,line)>0 then b := no; fi;
   if ln >= between[1] and ln <= between[2] and a =yes and b=yes then
   if show=yes and cnt < maxlns then mprint(StringTools[PadLeft](convert(ln,string),3),". ",line); cnt:= cnt+1;
   if type(regular,list) then
   for s in regular do
      if line <> "" then line:=StringTools[RegSubs](s[1],line) fi od:
   for s in substitutions do
        if all=yes then
        line:= StringTools[SubstituteAll](line,s[1],s[2])
        line:= StringTools[Substitute](line,s[1],s[2]) fi
   fi; #end  show
   if line<>"" then
 if show<>yes then
 mprint("substitutions made") fi;
###end glosub

htmlit := proc(infile,path)
 local infil,outfile,omit,line,bkmrks,l,r,b,opts,a,c,defaults,glsb,help,title;
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Title,Glosub]);

 if help=yes then
  mprint("htmlit(\"worksheet\",\"path\")  removes dl indentation from
     worksheet1.html, the preformatting tags <pre > and </pre > in textoutput,
     and removes any html in an *OMIT/*TIMO block.  It also removes links to
     sections in such a block from worksheetTOP.html
   Help=yes will display this message.
   Title=\"\" Replace with the title of the worksheet in its TOC.
   Glosub=yes  change to no if you don't want glosub.");

 infil:= cat(infile,"1.html");
 bkmrks := NULL:


 if glsb=yes then

 outfile := cat("tmp_",infil);

 catch "file already open":
 end try;
 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 omit := no;
 line := readline(infil);
 line := readline(infil);
 while line<>0 do
  if StringTools[Search]("</html>",line)>0 then

   outfile := cat("tmp_",infile,"TOC.html");
   catch "file already open":
   end try;
   catch "file already open":
   end try;
   while line<>0 do
    if StringTools[RegMatch](
       target=\"Content\">([a-zA-Z0-9_.\\)\\(\\ ]+)</a",line,'a','c')
       and opts[2]<>"" then
    if StringTools[Search]("MapleAutoBookmark",line)>0 then
     for b in [bkmrks] do
      if StringTools[Search](b,line)>0 then
       l:= 1+1;
     if l > 0 then
    if l=1 and line<>"" then
   mprint(cat(infil," filtered"));

  if StringTools[Search]("_OMIT",line)>0 then
   omit := yes;
   line:= readline(infil);
  if StringTools[Search]("_TIMO",line)>0 then
   omit := no;
   line := readline(infil);

  if omit=no  then
   if StringTools[Search]("MapleAutoBookmark",line)>0 then
    bkmrks := bkmrks,r;  
   if line<>"" then

###end htmlit

mkhtmlindex := proc(root,files,path)
 local file,line,outfile,f,index,index_mark,num,k,bkmk,
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help]);

 if help=yes then
     where rootname is the name you have chosen for the rootfile
     [file1,...] is the list of html files in the document.  This word is used by

 outfile := cat(root,"_index.html");
 num:= 1000;
 index_mark := "<b><font color=\"#008000\">":

 f := proc(a,b)
  if member(StringTools[LexOrder](op(a)[2],op(b)[2]),{-1,0}) then

 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 writeline(outfile,cat("<!-- Created ",StringTools[FormatTime](%c)," -->"));
 writeline(outfile,"<body bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\">");
 writeline(outfile,"<basefont size=\"3\">");

 for file in files do
  file := cat(file,"1.html");
  tfile:= cat("tmp_",file);
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  line:= readline(file);
  while line<> 0 do
   if   StringTools[SubString](line,1..length(index_mark))=index_mark then
    sline := StringTools[Delete](line,1..length(index_mark));
    num := num+1;
    if k>0 then
      cat("<li><font size=\"-2\"><a href=\"",file,"#MapleAutoBookmark",
        num,"\" target=\"Content\">",bkmk,"</a></font>");
    writeline(tfile,cat("<a name=\"MapleAutoBookmark",num,"\" />"));

 billy := sort([indices(index)],f);
 for b in billy do

 mprint(outfile," created");
###end mkhtmlindex

htmlrootwork := proc(root,path)
 local file,line,outfile,opts,defaults,help,index,files;
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Index,Files]);

 if help=yes then
     where rootname is the name you have chosen for the rootfile, path is
     the path to the folder containing the html files, and
     [file1,...] is the list of html files in the document.  These should be
     processed in advance with htmlit.
   Help=no  change to yes to get this message.
   Index=no  change to yes to create an index.");

 if files=[] then
  ERROR("Add the option Files=[file1,file2,...] to the input line.")


 if index=yes then
  files:= [op(files),"index"]

 outfile := cat(root,"TOC.html");

 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 writeline(outfile,cat("<!-- Created ",StringTools[FormatTime](%c)," -->"));
 writeline(outfile,"<body bgcolor=\"FFFFFF\">");
 writeline(outfile,"<basefont size=\"3\">");

 for file in files do
  if file = "index" then
   file := cat(root,"_index.html")
   file := cat(file,"TOC.html")
  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  line := readline(file);
  while StringTools[Search]("<table",line)=0 do
   line := readline(file)
  line := readline(file);
  while StringTools[Search]("</table",line)=0 do
   #if StringTools[Search]("MapleAutoBookmark1\"",line)=0 then

 catch "file already open":
 end try;

 writeline(outfile,cat("<!-- Created ",StringTools[FormatTime](%c)," -->"));
 writeline(outfile,"<basefont size=\"3\">");
 writeline(outfile,"<frameset cols=\"20%,*\">");
 writeline(outfile,cat("<frame src=",cat(root,"TOC.html"),"     
 writeline(outfile,cat("<frame src=",cat(files[1],"1.html")," name=\"Content\" />"));
 writeline(outfile,"Sorry, this document requires that your browser support frames.");
 writeline(outfile,cat("<a href=",cat(root,".html"),
  " target=\"Content\">This   link</a>"));
 writeline(outfile,"will take you to a non-frames presentation of the document.");
 mprint("root file created. ",outfile);

>    ###end htmlrootwork

>    ### begin mwstools
#check a utility used in mwswrite, mwsit, unmwsit, and mwsrootwork

>    ###CHECK_
CHECK_ := proc(line)
 -(nops([StringTools[SearchAll]("}",line)])-nops([StringTools[SearchAll]("\\}",line)])) end;
###end CHECK_

mwswrite := proc()
 local infile,outfile,pgph,line,p,phs,i,opts,defaults,
       wrt,tags,help,path,infil, lst,nobkmks,a,b,c,checkbracs,outfile2;
 defaults:=Help=no, Write=no,Path="",Tags=["USTY","SECT","CSTY","MARK"],
       File="", List="",Remove_Bookmarks=no,Check_Brackets=no,Outfile="";
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 path := opts[3];

 if wrt=yes then
  if infile="" then
   ERROR("Need a file name to write to.")
   if StringTools[SubString](infil,-4..-1)<>".mws" then
    infile:= infil
   outfile := cat("tmp_",infile)

 if lst<>"" then
  pgph:= cat(op(lst))
 elif infil<>"" then
  if path <> "" then
  if StringTools[SubString](infil,-4..-1)<>".mws" then
   infile:= infil;
   outfile := cat("tmp_",infile);

  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  pgph:= readline(infile);
  while line<>0 do
   if length(line)>70 then
    if StringTools[SubString](line,71..72)="\\+" then
     line := StringTools[SubString](line,1..70)
   pgph := cat(pgph,line);
   line := readline(infile);
  ERROR("Need a file name or a list of strings")

 if nobkmks=yes then  
  pgph:= mwswrite(List=[pgph],Tags=["PARA"]);
  phs := NULL;
  for line in pgph do
   if StringTools[RegMatch](cat("{",PARA_," [0-9]+ (\"\" 0 \"[#-~ ]*\")"),line,'a','b') then
    c := StringTools[Substitute](a,b,"\"\" 0 \"\"");
   phs := cat(phs,line);

  pgph := phs;

 phs := NULL: line:=NULL;

 for i from 2 to nops(pgph) do
  p := pgph[i];
  if member(StringTools[SubString](p,1..4),tags) then
   if checkbracs=yes then
    mprint(CHECK_(line),"  ",StringTools[SubString](line,2..5))
   phs := phs,line;
   line:= cat("{",p);
   line := cat(line,"{",p)
 if checkbracs=yes then
  mprint(CHECK_(line),"  ",StringTools[SubString](line,2..5))
 phs := [phs,line];

 if wrt = yes then
  catch "file already open":
  end try;
  for p in phs do

  if outfile2="" then
   if outfile<>outfile2 then  





>    ####mwsit
mwsit := proc(infile,path)
 local pgph,outfile,infil,l,s,n,m,t,r,a,b,c,i,bk,sline,line,tline,
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 outfile:= opts[3]:

 if evaln(MARK_)=MARK_ then LAdefaults() fi;
 if help=yes then
  mprint("mwsit(\"worksheet\",\"path\") Reconstructs the bookmarks of
      the worksheet located in path. Sections and text marked with \"index\"
      character style are bookmarked.
      Use unmwsit(\"worksheet\",\"path\") to remove all bookmarks from
      the worksheet.
  Options (with defaults):   
   Help=no  Help=yes will display this message.
   Outfile=\"\"  Outfile = \"bill\" writes the worksheet to bill.mws in path.
   BookMarkStyles=[\"index\",\"bookmark\",\"word\"] is the list of characterstyles
    that bookmarks are in.
   BookMarkLength=37:  the first 37 characters of a bookmark are copied." );

 infil:= cat(infile,".mws");

 #if infil=outfile then ERROR("This is the default.") fi;
 pgph := NULL:


 pgph:= mwswrite(File=infile,Tags={"PARA","CSTY"});
 phs:= NULL;
 line := NULL:
 bookmarks:= NULL:
 getbookmarks:= false;
 for s in pgph do
  if StringTools[RegMatch]("CSTYLE \"([a-z]*)\" -1 ([0-9]+) ",s,'a','b','c') then
   if member(b,bookmarkstyles) then
    bookmarks := bookmarks,c   
  if StringTools[SubString](s,2..5)="PARA" then
   n := NULL;
   for j from 1 to nops([bookmarks]) do
    txt := cat("TEXT ",convert([bookmarks][j],string));
    nt:= [StringTools[SearchAll](txt,s)];
    if nops(nt)>0 then
     n := n,op(nt)
   if n<>NULL then
    n := [op(sort({n})),length(s)];
    for j from 1 to nops([bookmarks]) do
     txt := cat("TEXT ",convert([bookmarks][j],string));
     for i from 1 to nops(n)-1 do
      bill:= StringTools[RegMatch](cat(txt," [0-9]+ \"([#-~ ]*)\""),
      if bill then
       if bk<>NULL then
        bk := bk,t
        bk := t;
    if StringTools[RegMatch](
      "(PARA [-]*[0-9]+ \"[> ]*\" [0-9]+ )\"([#-~ ]*)\"",s,'a','b','c') then
     if c <> "" then
      c := StringTools[Split](c,"|");
      if bk <> NULL then
       bk := op(c),bk
       bk := op(c)

    bk := sort([op(map(StringTools[Trim],{bk}))],lexorder);
    bk := map(StringTools[SubString],bk,1..bklen); #limit the length of a bookmark
    bk := StringTools[Join](bk," | ");

    s := StringTools[Substitute](s,a,cat(b,"\"",bk,"\""));
  phs := phs,s;

 phs:= mwswrite(List=[phs],Tags=["CSTY","SECT","MARK"]);

 for line in phs do
  if StringTools[RegMatch](
     cat("(SECT [0-9]+ {",PARA_," [0-9]+ \"\" 0 )\"[#-~ ]*\" {",
       TEXT_," ([-0-9 ]+) \"([#-~ ]*)\""),
       line,'a','b','c','d') then
   line := StringTools[Substitute](line,a,
     cat(b,"\"",StringTools[Trim](d),"\" {TEXT ",c," \"",d,"\""));

 if outfile="" then
  mprint(cat(infil," bookmarked."));
  mprint(cat(outfile," bookmarked."));
####end mwsit

#removes bookmarks from infil

>    ###unmwsit
unmwsit := proc(infil,path)
local defaults,opts,help;
opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
if help=yes then mprint(
"unmwsit(\"worksheet\",path) removes the bookmarks from worksheet");
mprint(cat("bookmarks removed from ",infil));
###end unmwsit

#list section in a worksheet.
show_sections := proc(file,path)
 local junk,j,oc,a,b,c,d,e,defaults,opts,help;
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help]);
 if help=yes then
     "show_sections(\"worksheet\",path) lists the sections in path/worksheet.
     closed sections are marked with a +");
 oc["0"]:= "  ":
 oc["1"]:="+ ":

 for j in junk do
  if StringTools[RegMatch](
     cat("(SECT ([0-9]+) {",PARA_,
     " [0-9]+ )\"\" 0 \"[#-~ ]*\" {",TEXT_," ([-0-9 ]+)      \"([#-~ ]*)\""),
     j,'a','b','c','d','e') then
   mprint(oc[c],"  ",e)

###end show_sections

#check justification by section
wellformed?:= proc(file,path)
 local junk,j,a,b,defaults,opts,help,tags;
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],[Help,Tags]);
 tags := opts[2]:
 if help=yes then
     "wellformed?(\"worksheet\",path) checks the balance b of right and
     brackets on each line of the worksheet, and keeps a running sum s.
     b is the sum of 1 and -1 where 1 = {, and -1 = }.
    If s = 0 at the end, the worksheet is justified, and you haven't
    screwed up the worksheet. Note: Do not run mwsit on a worksheet
    containing the latextools module.
    By default the lines
    start with VERS, SECT, and MARK.
   Help=yes gives this message");

 a := 0;
 for j in junk do
  mprint(StringTools[SubString](j,2..5),"  ",a,"  ",b)
 if b = 0 then

###end wellformed?

>    ###mwsrootwork
mwsrootwork := proc(root,path)
 local file,line,outfile,f,index,index_mark,num,k,bkmk,tline,offset,toc,phs,
 defaults:=Help=no, Files=[],Names= [],Comments=[],Separator=" .... ",
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],
 comments:= opts[4];
 zipp:= opts[8]:

 oc["0"]:=" ":  
 offset :=  (n,b) ->  cat(" ",n," \"",oc[b],seq(" ",i=1..n-1),"\"");

 if help=yes then
      where rootname is the name you have chosen for the root worksheet and
      [\"file1\",...] is the list (at least one) of worksheets in the document.
      A worksheet rootname.mws is created.  The section bookmarks from Files are used
      to form a table of contents; the index bookmarks are used to form an index.
      Sections which are closed are marked with a +.  Note:  If you just want to
      see a listing of sections of a file, use show_sections(\"file\",\"path\");
   Names=[]  set to a list of names to use (Chapter 1 etc) in the root worksheet
   Comments=[]  set to a list of short (20 or so characters) descriptions of chapters
   Separator=\" .... \"  Change this if you don't like it.
   Index_type=10000  set to the number of index entries per line.
   Newroot=yes  set to no if you want to keep the current root above the Table of Contents.
   Toclevel=10   set to  3 to show the first three levels in table of contents.
   Zip=no  set to yes to zip the files into a zipfile named root.
        set to only if that is all you want to do.");  

 if nops(files)=0 then
  ERROR("Need a list of your files. See Help=yes.")

 if zipp = only then
  system(cat("zip ",root," ",root,".mws ",op(map(cat,files,".mws "))));
  mprint("A zipfile ",root,".zip,
     containing ",root,".mws",", ",op(map(cat,files,".mws, ")),
     "has been created in ",path,".") ;

 if nops(names)<nops(files) then
  mprint("Filling Names with Files");
  names:= [op(names),seq(files[i],i=nops(names)+1..nops(files))];  

 if nops(comments)<nops(files) then
  mprint("Filling Comments with Files");
  comments:= [op(comments),seq(files[i],i=nops(comments)+1..nops(files))]:  fi;

  outfile := cat(root,".mws");

  if newroot=no then
   catch "file already open":
   end try;

   pgph:= readline(outfile);
   line:= readline(outfile);
   if length(line)>72 then
    while line<>0 do
     pgph:= cat(pgph,line);
    while line<>0 do
     if StringTools[SubString](line,71..72)="\\+" then
      line := StringTools[SubString](line,1..70)
     pgph := cat(pgph,line);
     line := readline(outfile);

   bill:=StringTools[Search](cat("{",SECT_," 0 {",PARA_,
       " 256 \"\" 0 \"\" {",TEXT_," -1 18 \" Table of Contents\" }}"),pgph):
   if bill>0 then
    ERROR("No table of contents.")
  fi; #end newroot
  num:= 1000;
  index_mark := cat("{",PARA_," 0 \"\" [0-9]+ \"([#-~ ]+)\""):
  index_top:=cat("{",SECT_," 0 {",PARA_," 256 \"\" 0 \"\" {",TEXT_," -1 6 \" Index\" }}");
  index:= NULL:
  toc:= cat("{",SECT_," 0 {",PARA_," 256 \"\" 0 \"\" {",
    TEXT_," -1 18 \" Table of Contents\" }}");

  f := proc(a,b)
   local c,d;
   c:= StringTools[LowerCase](op(a)[1]);  
   d:= StringTools[LowerCase](op(b)[1]);
   if member(StringTools[LexOrder](c,d),{-1,0}) then

  catch "file already open":
  end try;

  if newroot=no then
   for i in [header] do
   writeline(outfile,"{VERSION 6 0 \"IBM INTEL NT \"6.0\" }");
   writeline(outfile,"{USTYLETAB {CSTYLE \"Hyperlink\" -1 17 \"\" 0 1 0 128 128 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ");
   writeline(outfile,"0 0 1 }{CSTYLE \"\" -1 256 \"\" 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 }{PSTYLE \"");
   writeline(outfile,"Normal\" -1 0 1 {CSTYLE \"\" -1 -1 \"\" 0 1 114 32 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ");
   writeline(outfile,"1 }0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 }{PSTYLE \"Heading 1\" 0 3 1 {CSTYLE");
   writeline(outfile,"\"\" -1 -1 \"\" 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 }1 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ");
   writeline(outfile,"-1 0 }{PSTYLE \"\" 3 256 1 {CSTYLE \"\" -1 -1 \"\" 0 1 44 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 ");
   writeline(outfile,"0 0 0 0 1 }3 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 }}");
   writeline(outfile,cat("{",SECT_," 0"));

  for j from 1 to nops(files)  do
   file := cat(files[j],".mws");
   catch "file already open":
   end try;

   bill:=cat("{EXCHG {",PARA_," 0 \"\" 0 \"\" {HYPERLNK 17 \"",
     names[j],"\" 1 \"",file,"\"   \"\" }{TEXT -1 ",length(comments[j])+length(separator),
     " \"",separator,comments[j],"\" }}}");
   toc := toc,bill;
   pgph:= NULL:
   line:= readline(file);
   while line<>0 do
    if length(line)=72 and StringTools[SubString](line,71..72)="\\+" then
     line := StringTools[SubString](line,1..70)
    pgph := cat(pgph,line);
    line := readline(file);


   pgph := StringTools[SubstituteAll](pgph,"{",cat(StringTools[Char](3),"{"));
   pgph:= StringTools[Split](pgph,StringTools[Char](3));

   phs := NULL:
   tline:= NULL:
   for line in pgph do
    if StringTools[RegMatch](index_mark,line,'a','b') then
     bill := map(StringTools[Trim],StringTools[Split](b,"|"));
     for i in bill do
      index := index,[i,b,file]

    if StringTools[SubString](line,2..5)="SECT"  then
     phs := phs,sline;
     tline := line;
     tline := tline,line
   phs:= phs,sline;
   phs := [phs];
   phs := mwswrite(List=phs,Tags=["SECT","CSTY","MARK"]);
   k := 1;
   for line in phs do
    if StringTools[RegMatch](
        cat("{",SECT_," ([01]) {",PARA_," ([-0-9]+) \"\" 0 \"([#-~ ]+)\""),
        line,'a','b','c','d') then
     if k <= level then
     toc := toc,
     cat("{",EXCHG_," {",PARA_," 0 \"\" 0 \"\" {",TEXT_," -1 ",
        offset(4*k,b),"}{HYPERLNK 17 \"",d,"\" 1 \"",file,"\"   \"",d,"\" }}}");
    k := k+CHECK_(line);  

 toc:= [toc]:
 for i  from 1 to nops(toc)-1 do
 writeline(outfile,cat(toc[-1],"}")); #close the toc section

 if nops([index])>0 then
  billy := sort([index],f);
  bquo := iquo(nops(billy),index_type,'brem');
  for i from 1 to bquo do
   bill:= cat("{EXCHG {",PARA_," 0 \"\" 0 \"\" ",
      seq(cat("{HYPERLNK 17 \"",billy[(i-1)*index_type+j][1],"\" 1 \"",
      billy[(i-1)*index_type+j][3],"\" \"",billy[(i-1)*index_type+j][2],"\" }{",
      TEXT_," -1 0 \"   \" }"),j=1..index_type),"}}");
   if i = bquo and brem=0 then
    bill:= cat(bill,"}}")
  if brem >0 then
   bill:= cat("{EXCHG {",PARA_," 0 \"\" 0 \"\" ",
       seq(cat("{HYPERLNK 17 \"",billy[(bquo)*index_type+j][1],"\" 1 \"",
       billy[(bquo)*index_type+j][3],"\" \"",billy[(bquo)*index_type+j][2],"\" }{",
       TEXT_," -1 0 \"   \" }"),j=1..brem),"}}}}"); writeline(outfile,bill);

 writeline(outfile,cat("{",MARK_," \"0 0 0\" 0 }{VIEWOPTS 1 1 0 1 1 1803 1 1 1 1 }{PAGENUMBERS 0 1 2 33 1 1 }"));
 mprint("The root worksheet ",outfile," is created.  
    Open it to check the Table of Contents and Index.");
 if zipp = yes then
  system(cat("zip ",root," ",outfile," ",op(map(cat,files,".mws "))));
  mprint("A zipfile ",root,".zip is in ",path,", containing ",outfile,
      " ",op(map(cat,files,".mws ")))

###end mwsrootwork

mwszip := proc(root,path,files)
###end mwszip

makexam := proc(name,path)
 local bill,j,v,getperm,defaults,opts,help,vrsn1,n,title,date,points,
 Title="Ma xxx yyy  Exam z",
 Instructions="Work each problem carefully in the space provided, giving justification
   for your answer.  If you need additional space, use the back of the preceeding page.
   Clearly indicate your answers to the questions in the problem.  \\textbf{You must
   show your work to receive any  credit for your answers.}  The use of calculators is
 Dvips=" -r* ",
 Sanserif =no,
 opts:= subs([ op(select(type,[args],`=`)),defaults],   
 if help=yes then
    makexam(\"worksheet\",\"path\",options)  where
    options are
    Version=\"\" #set to [[A], [1,2,3], [4,7,9]],
    where A is the version name, [1,2,3] is some permutation, and
    [4,7,9] is the list of problem nos (in increasing order) used in worksheet
    or set to a number n if you just want the first n problems in your worksheet.
    Title=\"Ma xxx yyy  Exam z\",
    Points=\"\", # set to a list of points per problem otherwise 10 points per
    Instructions=\"Work each problem carefully in the space provided, giving justification
    for your answer.  If you need additional space, use the back of the preceeding page.      
    Clearly indicate your answers to the questions in the problem.  \\textbf{You must
    show your work to receive any  credit for your answers.}  The use of calculators is
  ExtraPreamble=\"\",  Add stuff (such as newcommands) to the preamble. Also change pagestyle and markright etc.
  ExtraAbbrevs=[]  Put in your list of substitution pairs: [from::string,to::string]  
  Dvips=\" -r* \",
  Spacing=\"\", set to a list, for example [2,1,np] leaves 2 inches after problem 1, 1
    inch after problem 2, and np gives a newpage after problem 3.
  Cover=yes, #set to no for no cover page or set to any latex string for the top of the quiz or exam.
  Sanserif =no  set to yes for san serif font
  Identifier=[]  Defaults to Version unless set to a string."); RETURN(NULL) fi;

  if member(vrsn1,{seq(i,i=1..500)}) then
   n := vrsn1;
  elif nops(vrsn1)<>3 or not type(vrsn1[1],list) or not type(vrsn1[2],list) or
  not type(vrsn1[3],list) then ERROR("Version=  needs three list arguments, see makexam(Help=\"yes\")")
  else n:=nops({op(vrsn1[2])}):
  if min(op(vrsn1[2]))<>1 or max(op(vrsn1[2]))<>n then ERROR("The second argument of Version= must be a permutation of [1,..,n]") fi;
  if n > nops({op(vrsn1[3])}) or vrsn1[3]<>sort(vrsn1[3]) then ERROR("The third argument of Version=  must be an increasing sequence the same length as the second argument") fi;
  if not type(identifier,string) then identifier:=convert(vrsn1[1][1],string) fi;
  if points="" then
   points := [seq(10,i=1..n)]
  if extrapre="" then   extrapre:=cat("\\raggedright\n\\topmargin=0.0in\n\\textheight=8.75in\\pagestyle{myheadings}\n\\markright{",cat(title,"",identifier),"}")
  if  spacing="" or type(spacing,list) and nops(spacing)<n then
if spacing="vf" then
  spac := NULL:
  for i from 1 to nops(spacing) do
   if spacing[i]=np then
   elif spacing[i]=vf then
   elif spacing[i]=vn then
   elif not type(spacing[i],string) then     
   else spac:=spac,spacing[i]
  sansf := opts[14];
  if sansf<>no then  
  if cov=no then
  nam := opts[15]:
  getperm := proc(l)
   local p,i,j;
   p:= NULL:
   for i from 1 to nops(l) do
    for j from 1 to nops(l) do
     if l[j]=i then
      p := p,j;

  if cov = yes then
   bill := cov

>     extractlatex(name,path,
   Name=cat(nam,"v",StringTools[SubstituteAll](convert(vrsn1[1][1],string)," ","")));

>     ;

>     latexit(cat(nam,"v",
StringTools[SubstituteAll](convert(vrsn1[1][1],string)," ",""),"_la"),path,

###end makexam

end module;

MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...
MCtools := module () local ver, MYMAGIC_, chkp, chkf; export MCdefaults, addlink, addimg, addsectionhint, ah_, addvlink, archiveit, ARRW, av_, Axes, brak, CARR, colors, DL, DV, fill, generator, GP, GP2...

[`&=`, `&==`, AKhint, ARRW, Autoline, Axes, CARR, DL, DV, GP, GP2, GP3, Header, Line, MCdefaults, MM, PA, PARAMS, PC, PCWSE, PP, PT, RANDANS, abc_, ac_, acew_, addimg, addlink, addpic, addsectionhint, ...
[`&=`, `&==`, AKhint, ARRW, Autoline, Axes, CARR, DL, DV, GP, GP2, GP3, Header, Line, MCdefaults, MM, PA, PARAMS, PC, PCWSE, PP, PT, RANDANS, abc_, ac_, acew_, addimg, addlink, addpic, addsectionhint, ...
[`&=`, `&==`, AKhint, ARRW, Autoline, Axes, CARR, DL, DV, GP, GP2, GP3, Header, Line, MCdefaults, MM, PA, PARAMS, PC, PCWSE, PP, PT, RANDANS, abc_, ac_, acew_, addimg, addlink, addpic, addsectionhint, ...
[`&=`, `&==`, AKhint, ARRW, Autoline, Axes, CARR, DL, DV, GP, GP2, GP3, Header, Line, MCdefaults, MM, PA, PARAMS, PC, PCWSE, PP, PT, RANDANS, abc_, ac_, acew_, addimg, addlink, addpic, addsectionhint, ...

"EXECUTE latextoolshelp(); FOR Startup Help."