Taylor's Theorem

Taylor polynomials

Suppose the nth derivative of [Maple Math] is defined at [Maple Math] . Then the nth Taylor polynomial for f at [Maple Math] is defined as follows:

> p[n](x) = sum((D@@i)(f)(a)/i!*(x-a)^i,i=0..n);

[Maple Math]

The Taylor remainder function is defined as [Maple Math]

There is a word, taylor , in the Maple vocabulary already which compute Taylor polynomials. Suppose we want the 11 th Taylor polynomial of the sin function at x = 0.

> p11 := taylor(sin(x),x=0,12);

[Maple Math]

p11 is not actually a polynomial because of the term at the end which is used to signal which polynomial is represented (in case some of the coefficients are 0). We can convert to a polynomial.

> p11 := convert(p11,polynom);

[Maple Math]

The Taylor polynomials are usually good approximations to the function near a. Let's plot the first few polynomials for the sin function at x =0.

> sinplot := plot(sin,-Pi..2*Pi,thickness=2):

> tays:= plots[display](sinplot):
for i from 1 by 2 to 11 do
tpl := convert(taylor(sin(x), x=0,i),polynom):
tays := tays,plots[display]([sinplot,plot(tpl,x=-Pi..2*Pi,y=-2..2,
color=black,title=convert(tpl,string))]) od:

> plots[display]([tays],view=[-Pi..2*Pi,-2..2]);

[Maple Plot]

Just how close the polynomials are to the function is determined using Taylor's theorem below.

Taylor remainder theorem

Theorem: (Taylor's remainder theorem) If the (n+1)st derivative of f is defined and bounded in absolute value by a number M in the interval from a to x, then [Maple Math]

This theorem is essential when you are using Taylor polynomials to approximate functions, because it gives a way of deciding which polynomial to use. Here's an example.

Problem Find the 2nd Taylor polynomial p[2] of [Maple Math] at [Maple Math] . Plot both the polynomial and f on the interval [.5,1.5]. Determine the maximum error in using p[2] to approximate ln(x) in this interval.


> f := x -> ln(x)*sin(exp(x))+1;

[Maple Math]

> fplot := plot(f,.5..1.5,thickness = 2):

> p[2] := x -> sum((D@@i)(f)(1.)/i!*(x-1.)^i,i=0..2);

[Maple Math]

> p[2](x);

[Maple Math]

> t2 := unapply( convert(taylor(f(x),x=1,3),polynom),x);

[Maple Math]

> tplot := plot(t2,1..1.5,color=black):

> plots[display]([fplot,tplot]);

[Maple Plot]

In order to use Taylor's remainder theorem, we need to find a bound M on the 3rd derivative of the function f. In this case, we could just plot the third derivative and eyeball an appropriate value for M.

> plot((D@@3)(f),.5..1.5) ;

[Maple Plot]

We could use M = 75.

> M := 75;

[Maple Math]

So the remainder [Maple Math] is bounded by

> M/3!*(1.5-1)^3;

[Maple Math]


We can see from the plot of f and the polynomial that the actual error is never more than about .1 on the interval [.5,1.5].

Another example :

Which Taylor polynomial would you use to approximate the sin function on the interval from -Pi to Pi to within 1/10^6?


Well, 1 is a bound on any derivative of the sin on any interval. So we need to solve the inequality

> ineq := 1/n!*Pi^n <= 1/10^6;

[Maple Math]

for n. Solve will not be much help here because of the factorial, but we can find the smallest n by running through a loop.

> n := 1: while evalf(1/n!*Pi^n) > 1/10^6 do n := n+1 od: print (`take n to be `,n);

[Maple Math]

> (seq(evalf( 1/n!*Pi^n) ,n=15..20));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> restart;

> t17 := convert(taylor(sin(x),x=0,18),polynom);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> plot(t17,x=-Pi..Pi);

[Maple Plot]

Looks pretty much like the sin function.


Exercise: Show that [Maple Math] is approximated to within 7 decimals by [Maple Math] for all x in [Maple Math] .

Exercise: Use taylor and convert(..,polynom) to compute and plot, on the interval specified, the first few taylor polynomials of the following functions. Observe the convergence of the polynomials to the function and make comments.

[Maple Math] at x=1, on the interval [-1,3].

[Maple Math] at x =0 on the interval [-2,2]

[Maple Math] at x = 0 on the interval [-2..2]

Exercise: Write a procedure to compute sin(x) for any x by using p[5]. restricted to the interval [0,Pi/4].

Outline of solution : If x is negative, replace x with [Maple Math] and use the oddness [Maple Math] property. If x is greater than or equal to 2*Pi, then replace x with x-2*Pi and use the periodicity [Maple Math] . Repeat this step until [0, 2*Pi ). If Pi/4 < x < Pi/2 , then use the trig indentity [Maple Math]

and approximate [Maple Math] by [Maple Math] . If [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] . If [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] .



Exercise: Find the smallest n such that the nth Taylor polynomial p[n](x) for [Maple Math] at [Maple Math] approximates exp(x) to within [Maple Math] for x in [0,1]. (You will want to set Digits equal to 15 in order to do this one.


or so to do this problem.)



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