Ma 502 - Seminar in selected topics - Fall 1999
Information Sheet
Instructor: Carl Eberhart                 Email:
Office: 759 Patterson Office Tower   Phone: 257-1258
Office Hours:   11-12 and 2:30-4 TR.   You will find me around a lot more than that, though.
Text:  There is no textbook for this course.  (virtual) Handouts will be provided on a regular basis.
Software:  We will be using Maple in this course.  It is installed in all the campus labs, but I  recommend  that you purchase the student version of Maple for your home computer.
Course Goals:   To learn some new mathematics.   I have picked out some things (polynomials, complex numbers, etc), and the class will pick out some things to study.   The Draft 1998 NCTM standards emphasize the use of technology as a tool for  learning and we will do the same.   You will get a lot of practice at using Maple to compute, manipulate, draw, exposit, and program mathematics.
Brief Syllabus:  (Topics are Tentative and incomplete)
 Week 1  Introduction to Maple
 Week 2-5 Polynomials and their applications
 Week 6  Exam 1 (20%)/ Project 1  ( 10%)
 Week 7-10  The geometry of complex numbers and its applications
 Week 11 Exam 2 (20%)/ Project 2  ( 10%)
 Week 12-14   Visual Problem Solving and modeling.
 Week 15  Final Exam (20%)
Homework: The handouts will have  exercises, questions, problems on them,  Work on  these at home and be prepared with solutions and questions for class time.
     Homework:           20%
     Exams:                 60%
     Project:                20%

 Class Days:  Aug.  26, 31   Sept.  2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30   Oct.  5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28  Nov. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 30   Dec.  2, 7, 9.