Using Netscape to submit homework.

If you have a pop account you can send homework via Netscape as follows:
(Note: It's easier than it sounds.)

  • Click the options menu at the top of Netscape and choose the Mail and News Preferences,
    then in the tab called server put your pop account name in the box called User Name. Click
    the ok box. Then in the tab called identity put your email address. Then click the ok box.
    (Note: This step needs to be carried out each time you run Netscape at a public lab such as
    the one at Margaret King Library, which is where I am testing this.)
  • Put your disk containing your homework worksheet into the drive.
  • Next, click the Window menu at the top of Netscape,then choose Netscape Mail,
    then in the File menu at the top of the Mail Window, choose New Mail Message. A window
    pops up.
  • In the box called Mail to: type the email where you are sending the worksheet. (So to send it
    to me, type Then click the attachment icon at the top of the message
    window. Another window opens: click the attach file button. Another window opens: type
    a:name.mws (name is your worksheet name) in the selection box. Then click ok. That window
    closes. Click ok on the next button. That window closes. You are back to the message window.
    Type a couple of sentences explaining what you are sending and then click on the send button. That will send the worksheet along to me.
  • You can also inspect your mail messages and save them to disk from Netscape.