701 Patterson Office Tower
Department of Mathematics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027

(859) 257-3167
(859) 257-4078
[Myself in Venice, Japan]

I am an associate professor at the University of Kentucky and my primary research area is commutative and computational algebra, with related interests in homological algebra and algebraic geometry.     I graduated from Rutgers University under the supervision of Wolmer V. Vasconcelos. During the period 1996-98 I was a visiting assistant professor at Purdue University, where I worked with Craig Huneke and Bill Heinzer. During the period 1998-00 I was a visiting research instructor at Michigan State University, where I worked with Bernd Ulrich. I am at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, since January 2001. After my arrival in Lexington, I spent the 2002 Fall semester as a general member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley. During the year 2004-05, I was the Rev. Kenna visiting assistant professor at the University of Notre Dame, where I worked with Claudia Polini. I was on sabbatical leave and a visiting associate professor at Purdue University during the year 2007-08. I am now back to the University of Kentucky.

[2017 Outstanding Teaching Award]
2017 Outstanding Teaching Award (College of A&S)

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Last update 08/20/10