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Fan Angles

A line tex2html_wrap_inline11154 subdivides an angle if it passes through the vertex of the angle and intersects the interior of the angle.

Let P be an arbitrary point in the hyperbolic plane. The pencil of lines through P, denoted tex2html_wrap_inline16086 is the set of all lines coincident with P. 

Theorem 13.1: If tex2html_wrap_inline13682 then there exists an angle with vertex at P whose interior contains tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and whose bisector is perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline11154.


Proof: In the pencil tex2html_wrap_inline16086 let p be the perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and let tex2html_wrap_inline16112 be perpendicular to p at P. Thus, we know that tex2html_wrap_inline16118. By the Universal Hyperbolic Theorem there is another line tex2html_wrap_inline16120 which does not intersect tex2html_wrap_inline11154. Since n is distinct from m, n is not perpendicular to p. Thus, one pair of the vertical angles formed by p and n is a pair of acute angles. Thus, there exists a ray tex2html_wrap_inline16136 so that
where Q is the foot of P in tex2html_wrap_inline11154.

Now, by Congruence Axiom 4 there is a ray tex2html_wrap_inline16144 on the opposite side of p from A so that tex2html_wrap_inline16150. The line tex2html_wrap_inline16152 does not intersect tex2html_wrap_inline11154. If it did, then let R be the point of intersection. Choose R' on the same side of p as A so that tex2html_wrap_inline16164. Then by SAS tex2html_wrap_inline16166. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline16168. Thus, by Congruence Axiom 4 tex2html_wrap_inline16170. This implies that tex2html_wrap_inline16172, which is a contradiction. Therefore, tex2html_wrap_inline16174.

Clearly, tex2html_wrap_inline13456 bisects tex2html_wrap_inline16178. We only need to show that tex2html_wrap_inline11154 is contained in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16178, or that every point on tex2html_wrap_inline11154 lies in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16178.

Let tex2html_wrap_inline16188 be on the same side of p as A, and let Y be the unique point on tex2html_wrap_inline11154 on the opposite side of p as X so that tex2html_wrap_inline16202. Now, we know that the ray tex2html_wrap_inline13456 lies in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16206 and, in fact, using an abuse of notation, tex2html_wrap_inline16208.

Claim: tex2html_wrap_inline16210 lies in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16212. Likewise, tex2html_wrap_inline16214 lies in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16216.

To prove this claim, first note that since X is on the same side of tex2html_wrap_inline16220 as A, every point of tex2html_wrap_inline16210 lies on the same side of p as A. Thus, we are left only to show that if tex2html_wrap_inline16230 then R is on the same side of tex2html_wrap_inline16234 as Q. This must be the case, for if not we would have that tex2html_wrap_inline16172, a contradiction. Thus, the above claim is true.

We then have that
which from above must lie in the interior of tex2html_wrap_inline16206.

Corollary: Every line in tex2html_wrap_inline16086 that intersects tex2html_wrap_inline11154 subdivides the angle tex2html_wrap_inline16206.

We have almost proven the following result.

Theorem 13.2: If tex2html_wrap_inline13682 then there is a unique angle with the following properties:

  1. the angle contains tex2html_wrap_inline11154 in its interior;
  2. the bisector of this angle is perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline11154;
  3. every line passing through P that subdivides the angle intersects tex2html_wrap_inline11154.


Proof: To prove that this angle exists, we need to construct the sides of the angle. We already know that there are angles with vertex at P that contain the line tex2html_wrap_inline11154. We want to prove much more in this theorem. In some sense we are proving that there is a smallest such angle.

Let S be a point on the line m which is the perpendicular at P to the perpendicular through P to tex2html_wrap_inline11154. Consider the line tex2html_wrap_inline15652. Let tex2html_wrap_inline12652 be the set of all points T on SQ, such that tex2html_wrap_inline16296 intersects tex2html_wrap_inline11154, together with all points on the ray opposite to tex2html_wrap_inline16300. Let tex2html_wrap_inline16302. By the Crossbar Theorem if tex2html_wrap_inline16304 and tex2html_wrap_inline16306, then the entire subsegment tex2html_wrap_inline16308. Hence, tex2html_wrap_inline16310 is a Dedekind cut. By Dedekind's Axiom there is a unique point X on tex2html_wrap_inline15652 such that for tex2html_wrap_inline16316, tex2html_wrap_inline16318 if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline16320 and tex2html_wrap_inline16322, tex2html_wrap_inline14018 and tex2html_wrap_inline14020.

By the definition of tex2html_wrap_inline12652 and tex2html_wrap_inline12654 rays below tex2html_wrap_inline15776 all intersect tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and rays above tex2html_wrap_inline15776 do not. Now, we wish to prove that
Assume on the contrary that tex2html_wrap_inline16338. Choose a point V on tex2html_wrap_inline11154 so that tex2html_wrap_inline16344. Since V and U are on the same side of tex2html_wrap_inline15652 (Exercise 9, Chapter 3), V and P are on opposite sides, so that VP meets SQ in a point Y. By Proposition 7.7 we have that tex2html_wrap_inline16362. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline16364. This is impossible, for if tex2html_wrap_inline16364, then tex2html_wrap_inline16368. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline15776 does not meet tex2html_wrap_inline11154.

Doing the same construction on the opposite side of tex2html_wrap_inline15614 at P gives us a similar ray tex2html_wrap_inline16378 with similar properties. We need to show that tex2html_wrap_inline16380. Assume not, then we may assume that tex2html_wrap_inline16382. By Congruence Axiom 4 there is a ray tex2html_wrap_inline16384 between tex2html_wrap_inline16378 and tex2html_wrap_inline13456 such that tex2html_wrap_inline16390. By the properties of tex2html_wrap_inline16378, tex2html_wrap_inline16384 must intersect tex2html_wrap_inline11154. Let R be the point on tex2html_wrap_inline11154 on the opposite of tex2html_wrap_inline15614 from R' so that tex2html_wrap_inline16164. Then by SAS tex2html_wrap_inline16408. This implies that tex2html_wrap_inline16410. By Congruence Axiom 4 we have to have that tex2html_wrap_inline16412 or tex2html_wrap_inline16414, a contradiction. Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline16380.

Checking the properties, clearly tex2html_wrap_inline13456 bisects the angle, the angle contains tex2html_wrap_inline11154 and by the definition of the ray tex2html_wrap_inline15776 any line that subdivides the angle intersects tex2html_wrap_inline11154.

For tex2html_wrap_inline13682 this angle at P is called the fan angle   of P and tex2html_wrap_inline11154, and will be denoted by tex2html_wrap_inline16434.

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