MA 114: Calculus II
Sections 04 – 07
Spring 2010

 All information specific to Sections 04–07 of MA 114 – Calculus II will be posted on

Lecture Notes, Sample Tests, and Grades are available on the class Blackboard site available through myUK.

All other information for MA 114 can be found on the common web page for MA 114 which you will want to bookmark:



Dr. David Royster



Room 759 Patterson Office Tower


(859) 257-1258

Office hours:  

MWF 12-1:30 pm or by appointment. You should also feel free to contact me by email.


Time and Place of Lectures:

Classes meet MWF 11:00 - 11:50 am in Classroom Bldg 122.

Time and Place of Recitations:

Our class consists of four sections for recitations.

Section 04 meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 - 12:15 PM in FB 213. The teaching assistant is Kayla Blyman (
Section 05 meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00 - 3:15 PM in FB 213. The teaching assistant is Sema Gunturkun (
Section 06 meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 - 9:15 AM in CB 205. The teaching assistant is Kayla Blyman (
Section 07 (MathExcel) meets Tuesdays and Thursday 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Math House.  The teaching assistant is Ray Kremer(

Computation of Grade:

Your grade is computed out of 500 total points.  The points are allocated as follows:

Exam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

Final Exam









Your HA = Homework/Attendance grade will be computed as follows:




HA = SUM/2






Information on the Course:

Information on MA 194:

In addition to the 4 hours of credit for MA 114, the department offers one additional hour of credit for MA 194 on a pass/fail basis. You will pass MA 194 if you have at most 2 unexcused absences during MA 114 recitations and you pass MA 114. If you fail MA 114 or have 3 or more unexcused absences you will fail MA 194. Your section number for MA 194 has to equal your section number for MA 114. That means, if you drop or change sections of MA 114, please make sure to also drop or change sections of MA 194!

Class Policies: There are several policies to which you must pay heed.

i)      Attendance is extremely important in a class of this size.  If you feel that you do not need to attend this class, you are in the wrong classroom—go find a course in which you will be challenged and in which you will learn something new.

ii)    Absences will have an impact on your grade for the course.

iii) You have been given a day-by-day course syllabus.  You NOW KNOW when we have class and what the homework is.  I expect you to be here on all days that we have class.

iv)  There is no Optional Homework.  I and the TA’s expect you to do all of the problems listed on Class Calendar.

v)    There is no such thing as late homework.  The computer shuts off submissions at midnight – its time, not yours!

vi)  Academic dishonesty will be punished severely.  Be cognizant of Article II of the Student Code of Conduct.

vii)Be considerate of your fellow students.  Be on time to class and remain until dismissed.  Do not leave in the middle of class.  It will affect your attendance in MA 194 and the instructor’s word is final.

Calculator Policy:   You may use calculators on the homework and exams.  You may not use any machine (carbon-based life form or silicon-based) that has symbolic manipulation capabilities of any sort on any exam.  This precludes the use of TI-89, TI-Nspire CAS, HP 48, TI 92, Voyage 200, Casio Classpad or laptop computer.  Also, you may not use your cell phone, iPhone, or Blackberry on any exam – even if you forget your regular calculator.  If it runs Windows, UNIX, Linux, Ubuntu, MacOS, PalmOS, BeOS, or any derivatives or associates thereof, you cannot use it on the exams.