Problem Solving for Secondary Mathematics
MA 310–002
Spring Semester 2010

(7,2) Knot

Classroom: 345 Whitehall Classroom Building

Time: MWF 2:00–2:50 pm

Professor: Dr. David Royster

Office: Patterson Office Tower 759

Office Hours: MWF 1:00-2:00 or by appointment

Office Phone: 859–257–1258
email: and

Class Homepage:        


Text: Mathematics for High School Teachers: An Advanced Perspective by Zalman Usiskin, Anthony Peressini, Elena Marchisotto, Dick Stanley, ISBN: 0-13-044941-5.

Number of Class Meetings in the Semester:        44 classes

Prerequisites:   Consent of the Department

Tests:    We will have two exams, homework, a project and a final. The schedule indicates that the time for the Final Exam is Wednesday, May 5 from 3:30 – 5:30 PM.  We are required to meet during this time by University policy.

Grades: Your course grade will be determined by the homework, the classwork, the exams, the project, and the final.

Purpose: We are going to look at the mathematics covered in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and Pre-calculus.  We will look at how we go about solving problems, from different perspectives, using different representations.  We do not have to cover any specific amount of material, but we will try to cover as much as we can so that we can look at and discuss the content of the courses and the mathematics that high school students need to have to graduate and to operate in a newer technological world.















Class Policies:   There are several policies to which you must pay heed.

i)    Attendance is extremely important in a class of this level.  If you feel that you do not need to attend this class, you are in the wrong classroom—go find a course in which you will be challenged and in which you will learn something new.

ii) You are allowed one unexcused absence and one excused absence in this course.  Any absences beyond this will have an impact on your grade for the course.

iii)You have been given a day-by-day course syllabus.  You NOW KNOW when we have class and when we do not have class.  I expect you to be here on all days that we have class.

iv)I will not accept late homework.  If for some reason you miss a class and it is excusable, see me as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

v)  Academic dishonesty will be punished severely.  Be cognizant of Article II of the Student Code of Conduct.

vi)Be on time to class and remain until dismissed.  Do not leave in the middle of class.

Inclement Weather Policy: The University of Kentucky Severe Weather Policy can be found at  The UK Infoline at (859) 257-5684, UK TV Cable Channel 16 and 19, or the UK Web site at are the best places to find the most up-to-date situation.  In the event that we have inclement weather[1] but the University does not close or cancel classes, and I have to cancel the class, a message to that effect will be left on my voicemail (859–257–1258) and I will email every member of the class (if I have access to email).

If you feel that travel during inclement weather would be hazardous, then try to inform me as soon as safely possible.  You will be given the opportunity to make up any work missed or due on that day.  As always, each student is responsible for any work missed and will be expected to get the notes from another student or from the web.




[1] Snow, ice storm, high and dangerous winds – not heavy frost.