\documentclass[gray,bigger]{beamer} \mode { \useinnertheme[shadow=true]{rounded} \useoutertheme[subsection=false,footline=authortitle]{miniframes} \useoutertheme[subsection=false]{smoothbars} \usecolortheme{seagull} \usecolortheme{rose} \usecolortheme{seahorse} \setbeamercovered{transparent} \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \usefonttheme{structurebold} } \newcommand{\stdframe}[2] {\begin{frame}\frametitle{#1}\let\OldItem=\item\renewcommand{\item}{\ifx\VSkipItem\Undefined\def\VSkipItem{1}\vfill\else\vfill\fi\OldItem}\leftmargini=-0.5em\vspace{-1.5em}\begin{itemize}#2\end{itemize}\end{frame}} \author{Jack Schmidt} \title{Demonstration} \institute{University of Kentucky} \date{2011-11-22} \begin{document} \frame{\titlepage} \section*{} % Intro \stdframe{Hi I am the title}{ \item My first point, \item My second point, \item A hat to fit them both } \stdframe{Another silly slide}{ \item Another point \item And another \item In an endless sea } \section{Seurat} \subsection*{} \stdframe{What has become of his once grand vision}{ \item Red \item Green \item Blue } \stdframe{Endless repetition}{ \item Red \item Green \item Blue } \section{Warhol} \subsection*{} \stdframe{Endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \stdframe{More endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \subsection{Subsectioning} \stdframe{Endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \stdframe{More endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \section{Sectioning} \subsection*{} \stdframe{Endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \stdframe{More endless repetition}{ \item Red Red Red Red \item Green Green Green Green \item Blue Blue Blue Blue } \section*{} % The end \stdframe{I hope you've enjoyed the show}{ \item[] \begin{center}\sc The End\end{center} } \end{document}