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Due Friday, October 15

Exam reminder: Our second exam will be on Wednesday, October 20. The material covered will be everything since the last exam through this homework assignment. Regarding material in the book: You should learn and understand the definitions in Sections 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8.

  1. Use Geometer's Sketchpad to construct a regular hexagon starting with the center and one vertex (corner) of the hexagon. You may use only the following constructions: Line segments joining two given points, circles with given center and point on the circle, and points of intersection of two circles. Include a brief written explanation of your steps. If you are unable to get access to Geometer's Sketchpad, you may do this construction with an actual compass and straightedge!
  2. Suppose tex2html_wrap_inline30 and tex2html_wrap_inline32 are two points in tex2html_wrap_inline34 . Suppose that a is a real number such that tex2html_wrap_inline38 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline40 .
    1. Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline42 .
    2. Prove that tex2html_wrap_inline44 .
  3. Finish getting the coordinates of the icosahedron by finding those twelve points on the sides of the octahedron. Suggestion: the previous homework problem above shows how to get an arbitrary point on the line segment between two given points, using a parameter a. Do this for all twelve points using the same parameter a, and then determine for what value of a the resulting shape will consist of equilateral triangles. Make a good diagram and clearly label points and their coordinates. Do NOT use decimal approximations; use exact values (which will involve square roots). Extra Credit: Use your coordinates to display the icosahedron using Maple. The square root function in Maple is sqrt(). To display it with proper proportions, use the command polygonplot3d(icosahedron, scaling=constrained).
  4. Suppose R is an tex2html_wrap_inline54 rectangle, where a>1. Let S be the rectangle remaining when a tex2html_wrap_inline60 square is cut off of the end of R. Assume the ratio of the length of S to the width of S is the same as the ratio of the length of R to the width of R (i.e., the rectangles are proportional).
    1. Find a.
    2. What does a have to do with the icosahedron?
  5. Propose a topic for your video presentation. The presentation itself will be 3-5 minutes long per person.

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Carl Lee
Thu Oct 7 13:17:52 EDT 1999