Matrices for Isometries in the Plane

>    with(linalg):

Develop the formula and the matrix for translating a point by the vector [a,b].

>    x2:=x1+a;  y2:=y1+b;

x2 := x1+a

y2 := y1+b

>    translate:=(a,b)->matrix([[1,0,a],[0,1,b],[0,0,1]]);

translate := proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; matrix([[1, 0, a], [0, 1, b], [0, 0, 1]]) end proc

>    multiply(translate(a,b),[x,y,1]);

vector([x+a, y+b, 1])

Develop the formula and the matrix for reflecting a point [x1,y1] over the line [a,b,c].

First, find the parametric equation of the line through [x1,y1] in the direction [a,b], and determine its intersection with the line [a,b,c]:

>    m:=expand([x1,y1]+t*[a,b]);

m := [a*t+x1, b*t+y1]

>    t1:=solve(a*(x1+t*a)+b*(y1+t*b)+c=0,t);

t1 := -(a*x1+b*y1+c)/(a^2+b^2)

For convenience, assume a^2+b^2=1

>    t1:=-(a*x1+b*y1+c);

t1 := -a*x1-b*y1-c

Now double t1 to find the reflected point.

>    expand([x1,y1]+2*t1*[a,b]);

[-2*a^2*x1-2*a*b*y1-2*a*c+x1, -2*b*a*x1-2*b^2*y1-2*b*c+y1]

>    reflect:=(a,b,c)->matrix([[1-2*a^2,-2*a*b,-2*a*c], [-2*a*b,1-2*b^2,-2*b*c],[0,0,1]]);

reflect := proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; matrix([[1-2*a^2, -2*a*b, -2*a*c], [-2*a*b, 1-2*b^2, -2*b*c], [0, 0, 1]]) end proc

Develop the formula and the matrix for rotating a point about the origin by an angle x with sin(x)=s and cos(x)=c.

>    rotateaboutorigin:=(c,s)->matrix([[c,-s,0],[s,c,0],[0,0,1]]);

rotateaboutorigin := proc (c, s) options operator, arrow; matrix([[c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) end proc

Develop the formula and the matrix for rotating a point about an arbitrary point [a,b] by an angle x with sin(x)=x and cos(x)=c.

>    rotate:=(a,b,c,s)->multiply(translate(a,b),rotateaboutorigin(c,s),translate(-a,-b));

rotate := proc (a, b, c, s) options operator, arrow; multiply(translate(a,b),rotateaboutorigin(c,s),translate(-a,-b)) end proc

>    rotate(a,b,c,s);

matrix([[c, -s, -a*c+s*b+a], [s, c, -s*a-b*c+b], [0, 0, 1]])

Check that the center of rotation is fixed.

>    multiply(rotate(a,b,c,s),[a,b,1]);

vector([a, b, 1])

Develop the formula and the matrix for a glide reflection across the line [a,b,c] (with a^2+b^2=1) by the amount k.

>    glide:=(a,b,c,k)->multiply(translate(-b*k,a*k),reflect(a,b,c));

glide := proc (a, b, c, k) options operator, arrow; multiply(translate(-b*k,a*k),reflect(a,b,c)) end proc

>    glide(a,b,c,k);

matrix([[1-2*a^2, -2*a*b, -2*a*c-b*k], [-2*a*b, 1-2*b^2, -2*b*c+a*k], [0, 0, 1]])

Any isometry can be thought of as a rotation or reflection that fixes the origin, followed by a translation.  Hence the upper 2x2 portion of any isometry matrix must consist of two perpendicular unit length vectors (an orthonormal 2x2 matrix).  Given any 3x3 matrix with an orthonormal upper-left 2x2 matrix and a last row consisting of [0,0,1], determine the type of isometry by testing the 2x2 determinant.  If it is 1, you have a translation or rotation.  If it is -1 you have a reflection or glide reflection.  

In the former case, you can determine c and s by inspection, and then must show you can always solve for a and b by checking the determinant of the coefficients of a and b in the last column when the angle is not zero:

>    det(matrix([[-c+1,s],[-s,-c+1]]));


This equals 2-2c which is only zero when c=1, corresponding to a rotation by an angle of zero.

If you have a reflection or glide reflection, you can solve for a and b (or their negatives) from the upper-left 2x2 matrix, and then must show you can always solve for c and k by checking the determinant of the coefficients of c and k in the last column:

>    det(matrix([[-2*a,-b],[-2*b,a]]));


This equals -2, which is not zero, so there is no problem.

Therefore, every such 3x3 matrix is a translation, rotation, reflection, or glide reflection.

