Publications of David B. Leep

  1. Angles in graphs, (with Frank Harary) Two year College Mathematics Readings, ed. W. Page, Mathematical Association of America, (1981) 62-74.

  2. Piecewise equivalence of quadratic forms, (with Daniel B. Shapiro) Communications in Algebra 11 no.2, (1983) 183-217.

  3. Systems of homogeneous equations, (with W.M. Schmidt) Inventiones Mathematicae 71 no.3, (1983) 539-549.

  4. Systems of quadratic forms, J. Reine Angew. Math. 350 (1984) 109-116.

  5. Sums of squares in division algebras, (with Daniel B. Shapiro, Adrian R. Wadsworth) Mathematische Zeitschrift 190 no.2, (1985) 151-162.

  6. Sums of squares of linear forms, (with R. Baeza, M. O'Ryan, J.P. Prieto) Mathematische Zeitschrift 193 no. 2, (1986) 297-306.

  7. Isomorphisms and automorphisms of Witt rings, (with Murray Marshall) Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 31 no.2, (1988) 250-256.

  8. Multiplicative subgroups of index three in a field, (with Daniel B. Shapiro) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 105 no.4, (1989) 802-807.

  9. The transfer ideal of quadratic forms and a Hasse norm theorem mod squares, (with Adrian R. Wadsworth) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 315 no.1, (1989) 415-432.

  10. The level of division algebras over local and global fields, (with J.-P. Tignol, N. Vast) Journal of Number Theory 33 no.1, (1989) 53-70

  11. An elementary proof of a theorem on quadratic forms over the rational numbers, Enseign. Math.(2) 35 no.3-4, (1989) 191-202.

  12. Pfister's conjecture on quadratic C0-fields, J. Reine Angew. Math. 404 (1990) 209-220.

  13. Levels of division algebras, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 32 no.3, (1990) 365-370.

  14. Diagonal forms over fields with procyclic Galois group, (with Charles C. Yeomans) Communications in Algebra 20 no.7, (1992) 2029-2041.

  15. The Hasse norm theorem mod squares, (with A.R. Wadsworth) Journal Number Theory 42 no.3, (1992) 337-348.

  16. Combinatorial structure on the automorphism group of S6, (with T.Y. Lam) Expositiones Mathematicae 11 no.4, (1993) 289-308.

  17. Biquaternial algebras and quartic extensions, (with T.Y. Lam, J.-P. Tignol) Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci.Pub.Math. 77 (1993) 63-102.

  18. Growth of the u-invariant under algebraic extensions, (with A.S. Merkurjev) Contemporary Mathematics 155 (1994) 327-332 American Mathematical Society.

  19. The number of points on a singular curve over a finite field, (with Charles C. Yeomans) Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 63 no.5, (1994) 420-426.

  20. Quintic forms over p-adic fields, (with Charles C. Yeomans) Journal of Number Theory 57 no.2, (1996) 231-241.

  21. Nonsingular zeros of quintic forms over finite fields, (with Charles C. Yeomans) Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 26 no.3, (1996) 1043-1055.

  22. Zeros of a pair of quadratric forms defined over a finite field, (with L.M. Schueller) Finite Fields and Their Applications 5 no.2, (1999) 157-176.

  23. Marriage, magic and solitaire, (with Gerry Myerson) American Mathematical Monthly 106 no.5, (1999) 419-429.

  24. Classification of pairs of symmetric and alternating bilinear forms, (with L.M. Schueller) Expositiones Mathematicae 17 no.5, (1999) 385-414.

  25. Isoperimetric Quadrilaterals: Mathematical Reasoning with Technology, (with Gina Foletta) Mathematics Teacher 93 (2000) 144-147.

  26. Pencils of quadratic forms and hyperelliptic function fields, Journal of Algebra 227 no.2, (2000) 532-548.

  27. Polynomials in R[x,y] that are sums of squares in R(x,y), (with Colin Starr) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 129 no.11, (2001) 3133-3140.

  28. Divisible subgroups of Brauer groups and trace forms of central simple algebras, (with Gregory Berhuy) Documenta Mathematica 6 (2001) 489-500.

  29. Multiquadratic extensions, rigid fields and Pythagorean fields, (with Tara L. Smith) Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 34 no. 2, (2002) 140-148.

  30. Frattini closed groups and adequate extensions of global fields, (with Tara L. Smith, Ronald Solomon) Israel Journal of Mathematics 130 no. 1, (2002) 1-10.

  31. Q-adequacy of Galois 2-extensions, (with Tara L. Smith, Helen G. Grundman) Israel Journal of Mathematics 130 (2002) 11-19.

  32. A characterization of nonsingular pairs of quadratic forms, (with L.M. Schueller) Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 no.4, (2002) 391-412.

  33. Galois groups over nonrigid fields, (with Wenfeng Gao, Jan Minac, Tara L. Smith) Fields Institute Communications 33 (2003) 61-77 American Mathematical Society.

  34. Galois groups of order 2n that contain a cyclic subgroup of order n, (with Y.-S. Hwang, Adrian R. Wadsworth) Pacific Journal of Mathematics 212 no.2, (2003) 297-319.

  35. Witt kernels of triquadic extensions, (with Tara L. Smith) Contemporary Mathematics 344 (2004) 249-256 American Mathematical Society.

  36. Estimates of the Pythagoras Number of Rm(x1,....,xn) through lattice points and polytopes, (with Colin Starr) Discrete Mathematics 308 no. 23, (2008) 5771-5781.

  37. Pythagoras numbers and quadratic field extensions, (with Karim Johannes Becher) Contemporary Mathematics 493 (2009) 21-28 American Mathematical Society.

  38. A historical view of the Pythagoras numbers of fields, Contemporary Mathematics 493 (2009) 271-288 American Mathematical Society.

  39. A generalization of a theorem of Birch, (with Colin Starr) Communications in Algebra 37 no.8, (2009) 2640-2648.

  40. Non singular zeros of polynomials defined over p - adic fields, (with Lekbir Chakri) Communications in Algebra 39 no.1, (2011) 1-4.

  41. The length and other field invariants, (with Karim Johannes Becher) Mathematische Zeitschrift 269 no.1-2, (2011) 236-252.

  42. The Elman-Lam-Kruskemper theorem, (with Karim Johannes Becher) ISRN Algebra 2011 (2011) Article ID 106823 (8 pages).