Room Assignments for Exams

For Exams 1, 2, and 3, you may take an alternate exam if and only if
  1. you have another class during the scheduled exam -OR-
  2. you have a university excused absence, (see in PartII Section V of Student Rights and Responsibilities).
For the Final Exam, you may take an alternate exam if and only if
  1. you have a university excused absence, (see in Part II Section V of Student Rights and Responsibilities) -OR-
  2. you have a conflict with another exam -OR-
  3. you qualify to take an alternate exam by in Part II Section V of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
If you need to take an Alternate Exam, you will need to schedule a time for the alternate exam with your instructor. You will also need to complete the Alternate Exam Request Form and return it to your instructor at least two weeks before the scheduled exam.

Please find below the room assignment corresponding to each individual section of MA109.

Instructor Section Room for Exams 1, 2, and 3 Room for Final Exam