Proctor Instructions

Thank you for considering to proctor for MA 123 Online. We aim to make this experience as straightforward as possible while maintaining exam integrity. Acceptable proctoring locations could include a public library, a local school or university, or a local place of worship. Other locations are possible and must be discussed with the instructor.
Your proctor could be selected from the following categories. Other possibilities can be discussed with your instructor.

  1. Military testing, training or education officer
  2. Military commander two ranks above student
  3. Community or Area Learning Center staff
  4. Training/testing agency staff
  5. College/school/institute education staff
  6. Human Resources staff
  7. Workplace supervisor two levels above student
  8. Library staff
  9. Ordained Clergy
  10. Law Enforcement training or education office
Please note: The examination proctor may not be related to the student or live at the same residence.

To the Examination Proctor:
The student whom you will name on the proctor approval form has requested you assist him/her in completing an online course from the University of Kentucky by serving as an examination proctor. We recognize the commitment required of you to serve in this capacity and appreciate your willingness to help this student work toward an important educational objective.
The following list of instructions is extremely important to maintaining the integrity of this online course. It is important that they are followed as written. If questions arise during the time you are serving as an examination proctor, please feel free to email Kaelin Cook-Powell at to seek clarification.


  1. The examination is to be completed as nearly as possible under conditions normally found in a classroom testing environment. Interruptions to the student should be avoided. The student is not allowed to have access to any books, manuals, notes, Wolfram Alpha etc., during any examination unless noted by the university instructor directly to the examination proctor. Since this is a mathematics course, the student will be allowed a calculator on all exams. Any exception would accompany the examination copy sent to the proctor.
  2. The university instructor will notify the proctor about the maximum time limit for completing the examination. Normally, MA 123 exams are two-hour exams.
  3. The exam may be completed during any continuous two-hour period on the scheduled exam date, unless alternate arrangements have been made with the instructor. It is between the proctor and student(s) to arrange a convenient time.
  4. The student is not to be left unsupervised at any time while completing an examination.
  5. Students are not allowed to keep or make copies of any part of an examination.
  6. Remind the student(s) of the Student Code of Conduct (below).

If you find these arrangements agreeable, please send an email to including Student's Full name and email address; Proctor's Full name and position; Proctor's address, telephone, and email address; and any additional comments or concerns.

Student Conduct Code:
As a student enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences you are responsible for respecting the student conduct code established for the College and the University of Kentucky. The student conduct code forbids plagiarism, cheating, stealing, and dishonesty with respect to any and all coursework. You are required to do your own work and allow all other students the privilege and right to do the same.
If you need further clarification on any issue, especially plagiarism, or need to report a violation, contact the College of Arts & Sciences, Office of the Dean.
Please take a moment to review section VI of student conduct code before beginning your course (