Color Notation

The applet uses a hexadecimal RGB color definition scheme similar to the one used in HTML coding. The only difference is that there should not be a "#" character in front of the color.

The first two digits (00-FF) are the red component of the color, followed by the green and blue components with two digits each. The color "2200FF" should be interpreted as something like "a little red mixed with lots of blue". Shown below is an example of an applet's color parameter.  

<param name="BGColor" value="fff2d0">

Black        000000
Dark gray    404040
Medium gray  808080
Light gray   C0C0C0
White        FFFFFF

Red          FF0000
Green        00FF00
Blue         0000FF

Yellow       FFFF00
Cyan         00FFFF
Magenta      FF00FF

Black        000000
Dark blue    000080
Blue         0000FF
Light blue   8080FF
White        FFFFFF

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