ET Image Menu - Example

Next example

<applet code="ET_ImageMenu.class" width="116" height="78">

<!--Only one image is used for the buttons...-->
<param name="ButtonImage" value="BarMenu.gif">
<param name="ButtonImageOver" value="BarMenu.gif">
<param name="ButtonImageClick" value="BarMenu.gif">

<!--...but it is offset to make the user interaction visible.-->
<param name="ButtonImageOverOffset" value="6,0">
<param name="ButtonImageClickOffset" value="6,1">

<!--The button areas.-->
<param name="B-1-Area" value="0,1,116,24">
<param name="B-2-Area" value="0,27,116,24">
<param name="B-3-Area" value="0,53,116,24">

<!--The button URLs.-->
<param name="B-1-URL" value="">
<param name="B-1-URLFrame" value="_top">
<param name="B-2-URL" value="">
<param name="B-3-URL" value="">


The source shown above is not exactly the same as for the example, as it assumes that the class files are in the same directory as the html file. The source above also assumes an unregistered applet as it does not have the NumericalKey parameter (this removes the intro text in the applet).

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