The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community seeking to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology through publications, research, and community. The University of Kentucky chapter of SIAM specifically promotes applied mathematics and attempts to provide opportunities for interaction and collaboration of students from the many disciplines that use mathematics at the University of Kentucky.

In the links below, you can find the specific details of the Rules of Procedure of the University of Kentucky chapter of SIAM.
  • Jing Qin, Faculty Advisor
  • Katherine Henneberger, President
  • Kyle Hammer, Vice President
  • Robert Righi, Secretary
  • Alexandra Pichette-Emmons, Treasurer


This Rules of Procedure (hereinafter called "Rules") apply to the SIAM Student Chapter called " University of Kentucky Chapter of SIAM". The Student Chapter to which these Rules apply is formed by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and shall operate within the Bylaws of the parent organization. The SIAM bylaws specify how Student Chapters are formed; see the SIAM bylaws for details. The Chapter shall not affiliate with any other organization without first obtaining the written approval of SIAM. Provisions for SIAM Student (University) Chapters are contained in the SIAM Bylaws and are included in these Rules. No provisions of these rules shall be construed so as to contradict the Bylaws of SIAM.

Article I: PURPOSE

The objectives of SIAM, as established in the Certificate of Incorporation, are:

  • o To further the application of mathematics to industry and science.
  • o To promote basic research in mathematics leading to new methods and techniques useful to industry and science.
  • o To provide media for the exchange of information and ideas between mathematicians and other technical and scientific personnel.
Purposes of the SIAM Student Chapter shall be consistent with the objectives of SIAM. The purpose of the chapter will be to promote applied mathematics, and provide opportunities for interaction and collaboration for students from disciplines that use mathematics.


The UK SIAM Student Chapter will take part in the following activities:
  1. Social events for graduate and undergraduate students in the mathematical sciences
  2. Invite speakers at least once a year to give a seminar/public talk about their research in applied mathematics.
  3. Help organize regional conferences involving applied mathematics, and provide opportunities for graduate students to travel to the annual SIAM conference.


The UK SIAM student chapter shall serve graduate and undergraduate students of the University of Kentucky, and possibly other colleges and universities in central Kentucky.


Section 1. Any student engaged or interested in mathematics and its applications shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter. SIAM encourages chapters to be interdisciplinary, including student members from multiple departments. All are welcome but we will actively recruit from the following departments: Mathematics, Statistics, Biology, Physics, and the College of Engineering.

Section 2. There will be no dues but Graduate Student Members are expected to be regular student members of SIAM.

Section 3. Chapter members shall have the privileges of SIAM membership only if they are regular or student members of SIAM. Chapter members will be kept up to date on all activities of the UK SIAM student chapter.

Section 4. All members of the chapter who are students enrolled in the sponsoring institution(s) are eligible for free student memberships in SIAM. Chapters shall encourage their members to join SIAM either online, by submitting printed membership applications, or by submitting a list of its student members to SIAM so that complimentary student membership in SIAM can be processed. Free student memberships may be renewed every year that the student remains a student member of the chapter.

Section 5. Termination of student membership will take place upon graduation or withdrawal from the university.


Section 1. The Sponsor is the Department of Mathematics of the University of Kentucky.

Section 2. The Sponsor of the Chapter shall appoint a Faculty Advisor for the Chapter. The Advisor must be a member in good standing with SIAM. In the event said Advisor relinquishes his/her position, the Sponsor shall appoint a new Advisor. The responsibilities, rights and duties of the Faculty Advisor shall be those normally assigned to the Faculty Advisor of student organizations of the Sponsor, but in addition, the Faculty Advisor is expected to take leading role in the development of the Chapter activities consistent with the objectives of SIAM.


Section 1. The Chapter shall have a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary/Treasurer. Officers shall be chosen from Graduate Student Members of the Chapter and must be Student Members in good standing with SIAM as well as their respective graduate program.

Section 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Chapter (and the Chapter Executive Committee (see Article VII below)). In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President. In the absence of the latter, the Secretary shall assume said duties.

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the affairs of the Chapter, handle correspondence, and submit an annual report of Chapter activities to the Secretary of SIAM, which report shall be suitable for publication in SIAM News or its equivalent.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive and take custody of Chapter funds, and shall submit an annual Treasurer's Report and other financial reports, as requested, to the Treasurer of SIAM. The annual Treasurer's Report shall be prepared as of the end of the academic year and shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of SIAM by no later than 30 days following the end of the academic year.

Section 5. Officers will serve for at least one academic year. Officers can be re-elected.

Section 6. Officers will be elected annually during the spring semester to serve on the next academic year. Elections will be held during the Department of Mathematics’ annual award ceremony.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, faculty advisor and the director of graduate studies from the sponsoring department.

Section 2. Unless there are several vacancies they shall not be filled until the next election. If there is a vacancy, the faculty advisor will appoint one of the Graduate Student Members.


Section 1. Any other committees will be formed as needed. For example, when organizing a particular event, members may volunteer to be on an organizational committee.


Section 1. There shall be at least two meetings per year. Meeting topics must be submitted to the faculty adviser or the President of the Chapter within two weeks of the meeting.

Section 2. The Chapter shall conduct a business meeting once per year during the month of May or June. Other business meetings may be called by the President or the Treasurer on two weeks notice.


Section 1. The executive committee reserves the right to raise funds for the Chapter.

Section 2. The Chapter shall deposit all unused funds to which it has legal title in excess of $200 in an insured savings account, unless current operating commitments are in excess of that amount or unless the Chapter Treasurer obtains a written authorization from the SIAM Treasurer.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall maintain books of account that show income and expense items for all activities and balances for all accounts of the Chapter.

Section 4. The Chapter may request a grant or loan from the Treasurer of SIAM under the provision of Article XII, Chapter 8 of the Bylaws of SIAM. Such requests shall be made by submission of “Request for Funding” form to SIAM and include a current financial statement for the Chapter and a proposed budget for the requested funds.

Section 5. Other than seeking funds from the sponsoring institutions of the chapter, no officers or member of the Chapter may apply for a grant to support the Chapter activities or enter into any contract to support such activities or provide services, without approval of the President and the Treasurer of SIAM or the Executive Director acting on behalf of the Treasurer.


Section 1. These Rules may be altered or amended with the approval of the SIAM Board of Trustees. Submission to the board of proposal alterations or amendments shall be made only after approval by majority vote of members of the Chapter present (or represented by proxy) at a scheduled meeting. Any changes will be made available two weeks before they are submitted to the SIAM board of trustees.


Section 1. A Chapter may terminate itself by the unanimous vote of the members of the Chapter present (or represented by proxy) at a scheduled meeting, provided that notice of the proposed termination and the meeting at which it is to be considered has been given to all Chapter members at least 30 days in advance.

Section 2. A Chapter may be terminated by the board if there has been no Chapter activity for one year.

Section 3. In the event a Chapter terminates, the funds to which it has legal title shall revert to the account of SIAM.