MA123 Exam information

Each exam is worth 100 points. You must bring a photo ID to each exam and you may use a calculator on the exams. We allow the same calculators as the ACT allows; no Computer Algebra System (CAS), no network (data or wifi), no camera. Absolutely no cell phone use during an exam is allowed. The final exam, Exam 4, will be comprehensive.

Exams from previous semesters are posted here.

Click here for the room schedule for exams 1-3 and the final exam.

Exam dates, times, and material covered

MA123 has common hour exams. including its final exam.

After an exam is given, you should go back over the exam and redo problems you got wrong. Due to the cumulative nature of this course, it is worth your time to learn from your mistakes promptly.

Alternate exams

Students who have university excused absences or who have university-scheduled class conflicts with uniform examinations may take the Alternate Exam. You must fill out the Alternate Exam Request Form and submit it to your instructor at least two weeks before the scheduled exam. Click here for instructions on filling out the alternate exam form.