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Sequence Limits

  1. In the following, let tex2html_wrap_inline239 (or tex2html_wrap_inline241 ) be a sequence of real numbers and L is a real number. Rewrite each statement symbolically using quantifiers.
    1. Definition: The sequence s is said to converge to L provided that if tex2html_wrap_inline249 then there is a number N such that n>N implies that tex2html_wrap_inline255 . In this case, s is called a convergent sequence, L is its limit, and we write tex2html_wrap_inline261 .
    2. Definition: The sequence s is said to converge if it converges to some number L.
  2. For each of the following sequences, prove whether or not it converges.
    1. tex2html_wrap_inline267 .
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline269 .
    3. tex2html_wrap_inline271 .
    4. tex2html_wrap_inline273 .
    5. tex2html_wrap_inline275 .
    6. tex2html_wrap_inline277 .
    7. tex2html_wrap_inline279 .
    8. tex2html_wrap_inline281 .
    9. tex2html_wrap_inline283 where [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.
    10. tex2html_wrap_inline289 , where [x] is as in the previous problem.
    11. tex2html_wrap_inline293 .
    12. tex2html_wrap_inline295 if n is odd and tex2html_wrap_inline299 if n is even.
    13. tex2html_wrap_inline295 if n is odd and tex2html_wrap_inline307 if n is odd.
    14. tex2html_wrap_inline295 if n is odd and tex2html_wrap_inline315 if n is even.
  3. Prove.
    1. If s is a convergent sequence, then s is bounded.
    2. If s is a convergent sequence, then its limit is unique.
    3. If s and t are sequences such that tex2html_wrap_inline329 and for every n, tex2html_wrap_inline333 , then tex2html_wrap_inline261 .
    4. If tex2html_wrap_inline261 and for every n, tex2html_wrap_inline341 is in the interval [a,b], then L is also in [a,b].
    5. If s is a sequence and L is a number, then tex2html_wrap_inline261 if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline355 .
    6. If s is a bounded sequence and t is a null sequence (a sequence converging to 0), then st is a null sequence.
    7. If t is a convergent sequence whose limit is not zero, and for n in tex2html_wrap_inline369 , tex2html_wrap_inline371 , then 1/t is a bounded sequence.
    8. Suppose each of s and t is a convergent sequence and c is a number; then s+t, s-t, and cs are convergent. Also, if tex2html_wrap_inline261 and tex2html_wrap_inline389 , then tex2html_wrap_inline391 and tex2html_wrap_inline393 .
    9. Suppose each of s and t is a convergent sequence, say tex2html_wrap_inline261 and tex2html_wrap_inline389 ; then st is convergent and tex2html_wrap_inline405 . If, in addition, tex2html_wrap_inline407 is never 0 and tex2html_wrap_inline411 , then s/t is convergent and tex2html_wrap_inline405 .

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Carl Lee
Wed Dec 2 12:11:38 EST 1998