Vasily I. Zadorozhnyy

Teaching & Research Assistant | Graduate Student

Hmm ... what can I tell you about myself?

My name is Vasily Zadorozhnyy and I am a fifth-year PhD student at the University of Kentucky. My area of research is machine learning, deep learning and AI, which I perform under the supervision of Qiang Ye, Ph.D. I got my Bachelor's Degree from the Grand Valley State University in 2017, majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Mathematical Statistics. In 2019, I got the Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Kentucky.

Clearly, I am Russian (my name gives that away kinda, right?). This is why I am fluent in russian, lol.

I am not 100% sure what I can or cannot put here about myself, but if you want to learn more about my background just stop by my office one day or send me an email.

Curriculum Vitae

Updated 02/02/2022